Commit 4dbd1f23 by xiaotong


parent 979698b4
......@@ -145,7 +145,8 @@ predict the next state
>> inputEnc - input of the encoder
>> paddingEnc - padding of the encoder
void T2TPredictor::Predict(T2TStateBundle * next, XTensor * encoding, XTensor * inputEnc, XTensor * paddingEnc)
void T2TPredictor::Predict(T2TStateBundle * next, XTensor * encoding,
XTensor * inputEnc, XTensor * paddingEnc)
......@@ -163,6 +164,7 @@ void T2TPredictor::Predict(T2TStateBundle * next, XTensor * encoding, XTensor *
/* the first token */
XTensor first;
CheckNTErrors(inputEnc->order >= 2, "Wrong order of the tensor!");
for(int i = 0; i < inputEnc->order - 1; i++)
dims[i] = inputEnc->GetDim(i);
dims[inputEnc->order - 1] = 1;
......@@ -95,6 +95,14 @@ void T2TSearch::Search(T2TModel * model, XTensor * input, XTensor * padding, XTe
encoding = model->MakeEncoder(*input, maskEnc, false);
XTensor encodingBeam = Unsqueeze(encoding, encoding.order - 2, beamSize);
XTensor inputBeam = Unsqueeze(*input, input->order - 2, beamSize);
XTensor paddingBeam = Unsqueeze(*padding, padding->order - 2, beamSize);
encodingBeam.ReshapeMerged(encodingBeam.order - 4);
inputBeam.ReshapeMerged(inputBeam.order - 4);
paddingBeam.ReshapeMerged(paddingBeam.order - 4);
/* max output-length = 2 * source-length */
maxLength = input->GetDim(-1) * 2;
CheckNTErrors(maxLength > 0, "no max length specified!");
......@@ -103,7 +111,7 @@ void T2TSearch::Search(T2TModel * model, XTensor * input, XTensor * padding, XTe
T2TStateBundle * first = states;
/* create the first state */
predictor.Create(model, &encoding, input, beamSize, first);
predictor.Create(model, &encodingBeam, input, beamSize, first);
first->isStart = true;
......@@ -117,7 +125,7 @@ void T2TSearch::Search(T2TModel * model, XTensor * input, XTensor * padding, XTe
predictor.Read(model, cur);
/* predict the next state */
predictor.Predict(next, &encoding, input, padding);
predictor.Predict(next, &encodingBeam, &inputBeam, &paddingBeam);
/* compute the model score (given the prediction probability) */
Score(cur, next);
......@@ -642,6 +642,33 @@ void XTensor::Reshape(const int rowNum, const int colNum)
Reshape(2, dims);
reshape the tensor by merging two consecutive dimensions
>> i - dimension i
>> j - i + 1
void XTensor::ReshapeMerged(const int i, const int j)
if(i < 0)
int di = i;
int dj = j < 0 ? i + 1: j;
CheckNTErrors(di < order, "Wrong dimension index!");
for(int k = 0; k < di; k++)
dims[k] = dimSize[k];
dims[di] = dimSize[di] * dimSize[dj];
for(int k = dj + 1; k < order; k++)
dims[k - 1] = dimSize[k];
Reshape(order - 1, dims);
/* get the number of items in the data array */
int XTensor::GetSize() const
......@@ -274,6 +274,9 @@ public:
/* reshape the tensor to a matrix */
void Reshape(const int rowNum, const int colNum);
/* reshape the tensor by merging two consecutive dimensions */
void ReshapeMerged(const int i, const int j = -1);
/* get the number of items in the data array */
int GetSize() const;
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