Commit 9b3209d8 by xiaotong

updates of XWorker and XWorkerJob

parent e3455593
......@@ -80,10 +80,20 @@ void XLeader::SetMode(XLEADER_MODE myMode)
add a number of job workers (given their device ids)
>> model - the neural network
>> n - number of the models
>> ids - the array of device ids
void XLeader::AddJobWorker(XModel * model, int * ids)
void XLeader::AddJobWorker(XModel * model, int n, int * ids)
/* we keep the input model */
if (n >= 1) {
/* we clone the input model */
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
......@@ -96,6 +106,25 @@ run the model (for one time)
void XLeader::Run(XConfig * config, DataDistributeBase * dataDistributor,
XModel * model, XOptimizer * optimizer)
/* feed the input to each worker and geneate the output */
for (int i = 0; i < jworkers.count; i++) {
XWorkerJob * worker = (XWorkerJob*)jworkers[i];
XModel * model = worker->GetModel();
/* get a batch of samples */
/* job in the queue: refresh the model */
/* job in the queue: run the model */
worker->AddJobNeuralNet(model, worker->GetInput(), worker->GetOutput());
/* clear it */
/* collect the (gradient) data and update the model */
} /* end of the nts (NiuTrans.Tensor) namespace */
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ public:
void SetMode(XLEADER_MODE myMode);
/* add a number of job workers (given their device ids) */
void AddJobWorker(XModel * model, int * ids);
void AddJobWorker(XModel * model, int n, int * ids);
/* run the model (for one time) */
void Run(XConfig * config, DataDistributeBase * dataDistributor,
......@@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ XModel * XModel::Clone(int devID)
run the neural network
>> args - the arguments
bool XModel::Run(XList * args)
bool XModel::RunMe(XList * args)
ShowNTErrors("NetBase::Run must be overloaded!");
return true;
/* reset the flag of parameters (the flag is used in data transfer) */
/* refresh the model */
void XModel::RefreshMe()
for (int i = 0; i < params.count; i++) {
......@@ -85,23 +85,18 @@ void XModel::RefreshMe()
/* wrapper of RefreshMe */
void XModel::Refresh(XList * args)
CheckNTErrors(args != NULL, "illegal arguments!");
CheckNTErrors(args->count == 1, "The number of arguments must be 1!");
CheckNTErrors(args != NULL || args->count == 0, "no arguments for XModel::Refresh");
XModel * model = (XModel*)args->GetItem(0);
/* run the neural network (for multi-threading */
bool XModel::RunSafe(XList * args)
/* wrapper of Run() */
bool XModel::Run(XList * args)
bool r;
r = Run(args);
CheckNTErrors(args != NULL || args->count == 0, "no arguments for XModel::Refresh");
XModel * model = (XModel*)args->GetItem(0);
return r;
return model->Run(args);
} /* end of the nts (NiuTrans.Tensor) namespace */
......@@ -67,21 +67,20 @@ public:
/* run the neural network (would be overloaded) */
bool Run(XList * args);
bool RunMe(XList * args);
/* reset the flag of parameters (the flag is used in data transfer) */
/* refresh the model */
void RefreshMe();
/* wrapper of RefreshMe */
/* wrapper of RefreshMe() */
void Refresh(XList * args);
/* run the neural network (for multi-threading) */
bool RunSafe(XList * args);
/* wrapper of Run() */
bool Run(XList * args);
......@@ -53,6 +53,30 @@ XModel * XWorkerJob::GetModel()
return model;
/* clear the worker */
void XWorkerJob::Clear()
for (int i = 0; i < inputs.count; i++)
delete (XTensor*)inputs[i];
for (int i = 0; i < outputs.count; i++)
delete (XTensor*)outputs[i];
/* get the input list */
XList * XWorkerJob::GetInput()
return &inputs;
/* get the output list */
XList * XWorkerJob::GetOutput()
return &outputs;
add a new job of model refreshment
>> myModel - the model
......@@ -65,30 +89,30 @@ bool XWorkerJob::AddJobRefresh(XModel * myModel)
XList args(1);
queue.EnqueueJob((void*)&myModel->Refresh, &args);
queue.EnqueueJob(XModel::Refresh, &args);
return true;
add a new job of neural network forward and backward computation (with the input)
>> func - the function that calls the run of the neural network
>> myModel - the model
>> inputs - inputs of the neural network
>> outputs - outputs of the neural network
<< return - succeeded or not
bool XWorkerJob::AddJobNeuralNet(void * func, XModel * myModel, XList * inputs, XList * outputs)
bool XWorkerJob::AddJobNeuralNet(XModel * myModel, XList * inputs, XList * outputs)
CheckNTErrors(func != NULL, "no input function!");
CheckNTErrors(myModel != NULL, "no input neural network!");
CheckNTErrors(inputs != NULL, "no inputs of the model!");
CheckNTErrors(outputs != NULL, "no outputs of the model!");
XList args;
queue.EnqueueJob(func, &args);
queue.EnqueueJob(XModel::Run, &args);
return true;
......@@ -43,6 +43,12 @@ protected:
/* the model */
XModel * model;
/* the input tensors of the model */
XList inputs;
/* the output tensors of the model */
XList outputs;
/* constructor */
......@@ -57,11 +63,20 @@ public:
/* get the parameter keeper */
XModel * GetModel();
/* clear the worker */
void Clear();
/* get the input list */
XList * GetInput();
/* get the output list */
XList * GetOutput();
/* add a new job of model refreshment */
bool AddJobRefresh(XModel * myModel);
/* add a new job of neural network forward and backward computation (with the input) */
bool AddJobNeuralNet(void * func, XModel * myModel, XList * inputs, XList * outputs);
bool AddJobNeuralNet(XModel * myModel, XList * inputs, XList * outputs);
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