Commit 4aeb846b by xiaotong

updates of section 7

parent e8c5a116
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
\node [anchor=west,pnode,minimum width=3em] (p6) at ([xshift=0.3em]s6.east) {\tiny{}};
\node [rectangle,inner sep=0.5em,rounded corners=2pt,very thick,dotted,draw=ugreen!80] [fit = (s1) (s6) (p1) (p6)] (box0) {};
\node[rectangle,inner sep=0.5em,rounded corners=1pt,draw,fill=blue!15] (model) at ([xshift=4em]box0.east){{Model}};
\node[rectangle,inner sep=0.5em,rounded corners=1pt,draw,fill=blue!15] (model) at ([xshift=4em]box0.east){{模型}};
% big batch
\node [anchor=west,snode] (sbi1) at ([xshift=3em,yshift=6em]model.east) {\tiny{}};
......@@ -63,25 +63,25 @@
\draw [->,very thick] (box2.east) -- (box3.west);
\node [] (t10) at ([yshift=1.5em]box1.north) {t1};
\node [] (t11) at ([yshift=1.5em]box2.north) {t1};
\node [] (t2) at ([yshift=1.5em]box3.north) {t2};
\node [] (t10) at ([yshift=1.5em]box1.north) {$t_1$};
\node [] (t11) at ([yshift=1.5em]box2.north) {$t_1$};
\node [] (t2) at ([yshift=1.5em]box3.north) {$t_2$};
\draw [very thick,decorate,decoration={brace}] ([xshift=0em,yshift=0.3em]box1.north west) to node [midway,name=final] {} ([xshift=0em,yshift=0.3em]box1.north east);
\draw [very thick,decorate,decoration={brace}] ([xshift=0em,yshift=0.3em]box2.north west) to node [midway,name=final] {} ([xshift=0em,yshift=0.3em]box2.north east);
\draw [very thick,decorate,decoration={brace}] ([xshift=0em,yshift=0.3em]box3.north west) to node [midway,name=final] {} ([xshift=0em,yshift=0.3em]box3.north east);
\node [] (m1) at ([xshift=1.5em]box1.east) {m1};
\node [] (m2) at ([xshift=1.5em]box3.east) {m2};
\node [] (m1) at ([xshift=1.5em]box1.east) {$m_1$};
\node [] (m2) at ([xshift=1.5em]box3.east) {$m_2$};
\draw [very thick,decorate,decoration={brace}] ([xshift=3pt]box1.north east) to node [midway,name=final] {} ([xshift=3pt]box1.south east);
\draw [very thick,decorate,decoration={brace}] ([xshift=3pt]box3.north east) to node [midway,name=final] {} ([xshift=3pt]box3.south east);
\node [rectangle,inner sep=0.5em,rounded corners=2pt,draw,fill=red!5,font=\scriptsize] at ([yshift=-2em,xshift=10em]sbi1.east) {
m: 显存 \\
t: 时间 \\
$\textrm{m}_1>\textrm{m}_2$ \\
$m$: 显存 \\
$t$: 时间 \\
$m_1>m_2$ \\
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
\draw [->] (out3) |- (plabel9.east);
\node [anchor=north,font=\scriptsize] () at ([yshift=-0.2em]STANDARD.south) {(a) Standard};
\node [anchor=north,font=\scriptsize] () at (SELECTION.south) {(b) Word selection};
\node [anchor=north,font=\scriptsize] () at ([yshift=-0.2em]STANDARD.south) {(a) 标准方法};
\node [anchor=north,font=\scriptsize] () at ([xshift=-3em]SELECTION.south) {(b) 词汇选择};
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@
\draw [->] (w5.north) -- ([yshift=1.3em]w5.north);
\draw [->] (w6.north) -- ([yshift=1.4em]w6.north);
\draw [->] (w7.south) -- ([yshift=-1.4em]w7.south);
\draw [->] (w8.south) -- ([yshift=-1.4em]w8.south);
\draw [->] (w9.south) -- ([yshift=-1.4em]w9.south);
\draw [<-] (w7.south) -- ([yshift=-1.4em]w7.south);
\draw [<-] (w8.south) -- ([yshift=-1.4em]w8.south);
\draw [<-] (w9.south) -- ([yshift=-1.4em]w9.south);
\node [model] (encoder1) at ([xshift=8em]encoder0.east) {Encoder};
\node [anchor=north west] (part1) at (0,0) {\small{$\begin{bmatrix} Have \; 0.5 \\ Has \ \ \; 0.1 \\ . \\ . \\ . \\ . \\ . \end{bmatrix}$}};
\node [anchor=north](p1) at ([yshift=-0.3em]part1.south) {$P1$};
\node [anchor=west](part2) at ([xshift=0.5em]part1.east){\small{$\begin{bmatrix} Have \; 0.2 \\ Has \ \ \; 0.3 \\ . \\ . \\ . \\ . \\ . \end{bmatrix}$}};
\node [anchor=north](p2) at ([yshift=-0.3em]part2.south) {$P2$};
\node [anchor=west](part3) at ([xshift=0.5em]part2.east){\small{$\begin{bmatrix} Have \; 0.4 \\ Has \ \ \; 0.3 \\ . \\ . \\ . \\ . \\ . \end{bmatrix}$}};
\node [anchor=north](p3) at ([yshift=-0.3em]part3.south) {$P3$};
\node [anchor=north west] (part1) at (0,0) {\small{$\begin{bmatrix} \textrm{Have} \; 0.5 \\ \textrm{Has} \ \ \; 0.1 \\ . \\ . \\ . \\ . \\ . \end{bmatrix}$}};
\node [anchor=north](p1) at ([yshift=-0.3em]part1.south) {$P_1$};
\node [anchor=west](part2) at ([xshift=0.5em]part1.east){\small{$\begin{bmatrix} \textrm{Have} \; 0.2 \\ \textrm{Has} \ \ \; 0.3 \\ . \\ . \\ . \\ . \\ . \end{bmatrix}$}};
\node [anchor=north](p2) at ([yshift=-0.3em]part2.south) {$P_2$};
\node [anchor=west](part3) at ([xshift=0.5em]part2.east){\small{$\begin{bmatrix} \textrm{Have} \; 0.4 \\ \textrm{Has} \ \ \; 0.3 \\ . \\ . \\ . \\ . \\ . \end{bmatrix}$}};
\node [anchor=north](p3) at ([yshift=-0.3em]part3.south) {$P_3$};
\node [anchor=west](part4) at ([xshift=0.5em]part3.east){\huge{$\Rightarrow$}};
\node [anchor=west](part5) at ([xshift=0.5em]part4.east){\small{$\begin{bmatrix} Have \; 0.37 \\ Has \ \ \; 0.23 \\ . \\ . \\ . \\ . \\ . \end{bmatrix}$}};
\node [anchor=west](part5) at ([xshift=0.5em]part4.east){\small{$\begin{bmatrix} \textrm{Have} \; 0.37 \\ \textrm{Has} \ \ \; 0.23 \\ . \\ . \\ . \\ . \\ . \end{bmatrix}$}};
\node [anchor=north](p5) at (part5.south) {$P=\sum_{i=1}^{3}{\frac{1}{3}P_{i}}$};
......@@ -71,32 +71,38 @@
\indexentry{Bidirectional Inference|hyperpage}{34}
\indexentry{Batch Inference|hyperpage}{37}
\indexentry{Batch Inference|hyperpage}{38}
\indexentry{Binarized Neural Networks|hyperpage}{39}
\indexentry{Autoregressive Translation|hyperpage}{40}
\indexentry{Regressive Translation|hyperpage}{40}
\indexentry{Over Translation|hyperpage}{43}
\indexentry{Under Translation|hyperpage}{43}
\indexentry{System Combination|hyperpage}{44}
\indexentry{Hypothesis Selection|hyperpage}{44}
\indexentry{Hypothesis Selection|hyperpage}{45}
\indexentry{Confusion Network|hyperpage}{47}
\indexentry{Dynamic Linear Combination of Layers,DLCL|hyperpage}{51}
......@@ -109,20 +115,20 @@
\indexentry{Iterative Back Translation|hyperpage}{58}
\indexentry{Forward Translation|hyperpage}{58}
\indexentry{Multitask Learning|hyperpage}{60}
\indexentry{Multitask Learning|hyperpage}{61}
\indexentry{Model Compression|hyperpage}{62}
\indexentry{Learning Difficulty|hyperpage}{62}
\indexentry{Teacher Model|hyperpage}{62}
\indexentry{Student Model|hyperpage}{62}
\indexentry{Teacher Model|hyperpage}{63}
\indexentry{Student Model|hyperpage}{63}
\indexentry{Word-level Knowledge Distillation|hyperpage}{63}
......@@ -135,5 +141,5 @@
\indexentry{Circle Consistency|hyperpage}{67}
\indexentry{On-the-fly Back-translation|hyperpage}{68}
\indexentry{Neural Architecture Search;NAS|hyperpage}{70}
\indexentry{Neural Architecture Search;NAS|hyperpage}{71}
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