Commit 9f6e49e0 by xiaotong

updates of section 7

parent ccc9dbb8
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\begin{scope}[minimum height = 20pt]
\node [anchor=east] (x1) at (-0.5em, 0) {$x_l$};
\node [anchor=west,draw=green,fill=green!20,inner xsep=5pt] (F1) at ([xshift=2em]x1.east){$\mathcal{F}$};
\node [anchor=west,draw=green,fill=green!20,inner xsep=5pt] (F1) at ([xshift=2em]x1.east){$\textrm{F}$};
\node [anchor=west,circle,draw,minimum size=1em] (n1) at ([xshift=2em]F1.east) {};
\node [anchor=west,draw=green,fill=green!20,inner xsep=5pt] (ln1) at ([xshift=2em]n1.east){\textrm{LN}};
\node [anchor=west] (x2) at ([xshift=2em]ln1.east) {$x_{l+l}$};
\node [anchor=north] (x3) at ([yshift=-5em]x1.south) {$x_l$};
\node [anchor=west,draw=green,fill=green!20,inner xsep=5pt] (F2) at ([xshift=2em]x3.east){$\mathcal{F}$};
\node [anchor=west,draw=green,fill=green!20,inner xsep=5pt] (F2) at ([xshift=2em]x3.east){$\textrm{F}$};
\node [anchor=west,draw=green,fill=green!20,inner xsep=5pt] (ln2) at ([xshift=2em]F2.east){\textrm{LN}};
\node [anchor=west,circle,draw,,minimum size=1em] (n2) at ([xshift=2em]ln2.east){};
\node [anchor=west] (x4) at ([xshift=2em]n2.east) {$x_{l+l}$};
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\node [anchor=north,rectangle, inner sep=0mm,minimum height=1.2em,minimum width=2em,rounded corners=5pt,thick] (n1) at (0, 0) {编码端};
\node [anchor=west,rectangle, inner sep=0mm,minimum height=1.2em,minimum width=0em,rounded corners=5pt,thick] (n2) at ([xshift=3.5em,yshift=-0.5em]n1.east) {$z_0$};
\node [anchor=west,rectangle, inner sep=0mm,minimum height=1.2em,minimum width=0em,rounded corners=5pt,thick] (n2) at ([xshift=3.5em,yshift=-0.5em]n1.east) {$x_1$};
\node [anchor=west,rectangle,draw, inner sep=0mm,minimum height=1.2em,minimum width=3em,fill=orange!20,rounded corners=5pt,thick] (n3) at ([xshift=3.5em,yshift=0em]n2.east) {$z_1$};
\node [anchor=west,rectangle,draw, inner sep=0mm,minimum height=1.2em,minimum width=3em,fill=orange!20,rounded corners=5pt,thick] (n3) at ([xshift=3.5em,yshift=0em]n2.east) {$x_2$};
\node [anchor=west,rectangle,draw, inner sep=0mm,minimum height=1.2em,minimum width=3em,fill=orange!20,rounded corners=5pt,thick] (n4) at ([xshift=3.5em,yshift=0em]n3.east) {$z_2$};
\node [anchor=west,rectangle,draw, inner sep=0mm,minimum height=1.2em,minimum width=3em,fill=orange!20,rounded corners=5pt,thick] (n4) at ([xshift=3.5em,yshift=0em]n3.east) {$x_3$};
\node [anchor=west,rectangle, inner sep=0mm,minimum height=1.2em,minimum width=1em,rounded corners=5pt,thick] (n6) at ([xshift=1.5em,yshift=0em]n4.east) {$\ldots$};
\node [anchor=west,rectangle,draw, inner sep=0mm,minimum height=1.2em,minimum width=3em,fill=orange!20,rounded corners=5pt,thick] (n5) at ([xshift=3.5em,yshift=0em]n6.east) {$z_{l}$};
\node [anchor=west,rectangle,draw, inner sep=0mm,minimum height=1.2em,minimum width=3em,fill=orange!20,rounded corners=5pt,thick] (n5) at ([xshift=3.5em,yshift=0em]n6.east) {$x_{l+1}$};
\node [anchor=west,rectangle,draw, inner sep=0mm,minimum height=1.2em,minimum width=3em,fill=orange!20,rounded corners=5pt,thick] (n7) at ([xshift=1.5em,yshift=0em]n5.east) {$z_{l+1}$};
\node [anchor=west,rectangle,draw, inner sep=0mm,minimum height=1.2em,minimum width=3em,fill=orange!20,rounded corners=5pt,thick] (n7) at ([xshift=1.5em,yshift=0em]n5.east) {$x_{l+2}$};
\node [anchor=north,rectangle,draw, inner sep=0mm,minimum height=1.2em,minimum width=15em,fill=teal!17,rounded corners=5pt,thick] (n8) at ([xshift=0em,yshift=-3em]n4.south) {层正则化};
\node [anchor=north,rectangle,draw, inner sep=0mm,minimum height=1.2em,minimum width=15em,fill=purple!17,rounded corners=5pt,thick] (n9) at ([xshift=0em,yshift=-1em]n8.south) {$L_0\ \quad L_1\ \quad L_2\quad \ldots \quad\ L_l$};
\node [anchor=north,rectangle,draw, inner sep=0mm,minimum height=1.2em,minimum width=15em,fill=purple!17,rounded corners=5pt,thick] (n9) at ([xshift=0em,yshift=-1em]n8.south) {$z_0\ \quad z_1\ \quad z_2\quad \ldots \quad\ z_l$};
\node [anchor=north,rectangle,draw, inner sep=0mm,minimum height=1.2em,minimum width=15em,fill=teal!17,rounded corners=5pt,thick] (n10) at ([xshift=0em,yshift=-2em]n9.south) {权重累加};
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\chapterimage{chapter_head_2.pdf} % Chapter heading image
\section{我姓姜,我很英俊}\index{Paragraphs of Text}
\lipsum[1-7] % Dummy text
This statement requires citation \cite{article_key}; this one is more specific \cite[162]{book_key}.
Lists are useful to present information in a concise and/or ordered way\footnote{Footnote example...}.
\subsection{我问你,你敢再说一遍不?}\index{Lists!Numbered List}
\item The first item
\item The second item
\item The third item
\subsection{咋的?}\index{Lists!Bullet Points}
\item The first item
\item The second item
\item The third item
\subsection{我靠,你还问我,我问你呢}\index{Lists!Descriptions and Definitions}
\item[Name] Description
\item[Word] Definition
\item[Comment] Elaboration
\ No newline at end of file
\chapterimage{chapter_head_2.pdf} % Chapter heading image
\chapter{In-text Elements}
This is an example of theorems.
\subsection{Several equations}\index{Theorems!Several Equations}
This is a theorem consisting of several equations.
\begin{theorem}[Name of the theorem]
In $E=\mathbb{R}^n$ all norms are equivalent. It has the properties:
& \big| ||\mathbf{x}|| - ||\mathbf{y}|| \big|\leq || \mathbf{x}- \mathbf{y}||\\
& ||\sum_{i=1}^n\mathbf{x}_i||\leq \sum_{i=1}^n||\mathbf{x}_i||\quad\text{where $n$ is a finite integer}
\subsection{Single Line}\index{Theorems!Single Line}
This is a theorem consisting of just one line.
A set $\mathcal{D}(G)$ in dense in $L^2(G)$, $|\cdot|_0$.
This is an example of a definition. A definition could be mathematical or it could define a concept.
\begin{definition}[Definition name]
Given a vector space $E$, a norm on $E$ is an application, denoted $||\cdot||$, $E$ in $\mathbb{R}^+=[0,+\infty[$ such that:
& ||\mathbf{x}||=0\ \Rightarrow\ \mathbf{x}=\mathbf{0}\\
& ||\lambda \mathbf{x}||=|\lambda|\cdot ||\mathbf{x}||\\
& ||\mathbf{x}+\mathbf{y}||\leq ||\mathbf{x}||+||\mathbf{y}||
Given an open subset $G$ of $\mathbb{R}^n$, the set of functions $\varphi$ are:
\item Bounded support $G$;
\item Infinitely differentiable;
a vector space is denoted by $\mathcal{D}(G)$.
This is an example of a remark.
The concepts presented here are now in conventional employment in mathematics. Vector spaces are taken over the field $\mathbb{K}=\mathbb{R}$, however, established properties are easily extended to $\mathbb{K}=\mathbb{C}$.
This is an example of a corollary.
\begin{corollary}[Corollary name]
The concepts presented here are now in conventional employment in mathematics. Vector spaces are taken over the field $\mathbb{K}=\mathbb{R}$, however, established properties are easily extended to $\mathbb{K}=\mathbb{C}$.
This is an example of propositions.
\subsection{Several equations}\index{Propositions!Several Equations}
\begin{proposition}[Proposition name]
It has the properties:
& \big| ||\mathbf{x}|| - ||\mathbf{y}|| \big|\leq || \mathbf{x}- \mathbf{y}||\\
& ||\sum_{i=1}^n\mathbf{x}_i||\leq \sum_{i=1}^n||\mathbf{x}_i||\quad\text{where $n$ is a finite integer}
\subsection{Single Line}\index{Propositions!Single Line}
Let $f,g\in L^2(G)$; if $\forall \varphi\in\mathcal{D}(G)$, $(f,\varphi)_0=(g,\varphi)_0$ then $f = g$.
This is an example of examples.
\subsection{Equation and Text}\index{Examples!Equation and Text}
Let $G=\{x\in\mathbb{R}^2:|x|<3\}$ and denoted by: $x^0=(1,1)$; consider the function:
f(x)=\left\{\begin{aligned} & \mathrm{e}^{|x|} & & \text{si $|x-x^0|\leq 1/2$}\\
& 0 & & \text{si $|x-x^0|> 1/2$}\end{aligned}\right.
The function $f$ has bounded support, we can take $A=\{x\in\mathbb{R}^2:|x-x^0|\leq 1/2+\epsilon\}$ for all $\epsilon\in\intoo{0}{5/2-\sqrt{2}}$.
\subsection{Paragraph of Text}\index{Examples!Paragraph of Text}
\begin{example}[Example name]
This is an example of an exercise.
This is a good place to ask a question to test learning progress or further cement ideas into students' minds.
What is the average airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Define a word to improve a students' vocabulary.
Definition of word.
\part{Part Two}
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\cleardoublepage % Make sure the index starts on an odd (right side) page
\setlength{\columnsep}{0.75cm} % Space between the 2 columns of the index
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\textcolor{ocre}{Index}} % Add an Index heading to the table of contents
\printindex % Output the index
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\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
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{\Large A Profound Subtitle}\\[20pt] % Subtitle
{\huge Dr. John Smith}}}; % Author name
\noindent Copyright \copyright\ 2019 John Smith\\ % Copyright notice
\noindent \textsc{Published by Publisher}\\ % Publisher
\noindent \textsc{}\\ % URL
\noindent Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License (the ``License''). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at \url{}. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an \textsc{``as is'' basis, without warranties or conditions of any kind}, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.\\ % License information, replace this with your own license (if any)
\noindent \textit{First printing, March 2019} % Printing/edition date
%\usechapterimagefalse % If you don't want to include a chapter image, use this to toggle images off - it can be enabled later with \usechapterimagetrue
\chapterimage{chapter_head_1.pdf} % Table of contents heading image
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\indexentry{Back Translation|hyperpage}{57}
\indexentry{Iterative Back Translation|hyperpage}{58}
\indexentry{Forward Translation|hyperpage}{58}
\indexentry{Forward Translation|hyperpage}{59}
\indexentry{Distributed Representation|hyperpage}{59}
\indexentry{Multitask Learning|hyperpage}{61}
\indexentry{Knowledge Distillation|hyperpage}{62}
\indexentry{Model Compression|hyperpage}{62}
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\indexentry{Student Model|hyperpage}{63}
\indexentry{Word-level Knowledge Distillation|hyperpage}{63}
\indexentry{Sequence-level Knowledge Distillation|hyperpage}{64}
\indexentry{Hint-based Knowledge Transfer|hyperpage}{65}
\indexentry{Sequence-level Knowledge Distillation|hyperpage}{63}
\indexentry{Hint-based Knowledge Transfer|hyperpage}{64}
\indexentry{Attention To Attention Transfer|hyperpage}{65}
\indexentry{Circle Consistency|hyperpage}{67}
\indexentry{On-the-fly Back-translation|hyperpage}{68}
\indexentry{Neural Architecture Search;NAS|hyperpage}{71}
\indexentry{Neural Architecture Search|hyperpage}{71}
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