Commit 13d7a545 by 曹润柘

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parent 7494992a
......@@ -9560,7 +9560,6 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
journal = {CoRR},
year = {2019}
author = {Jinhua Zhu and
Yingce Xia and
......@@ -9571,7 +9570,7 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
Houqiang Li and
Tie-Yan Liu},
title = {Incorporating {BERT} into Neural Machine Translation},
journal = {International Conference on Learning Representations},
journal = {CoRR},
year = {2020}
......@@ -9583,7 +9582,7 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
title = {{MASS:} Masked Sequence to Sequence Pre-training for Language Generation},
volume = {97},
pages = {5926--5936},
publisher = {International Conference on Machine Learning},
publisher = {{PMLR}},
year = {2019}
......@@ -9603,7 +9602,7 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
title = {Dual Supervised Learning},
volume = {70},
pages = {3789--3798},
publisher = {International Conference on Machine Learning},
publisher = {{PMLR}},
year = {2017}
......@@ -9657,12 +9656,12 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
title = {Analyzing Uncertainty in Neural Machine Translation},
volume = {80},
pages = {3953--3962},
publisher = {International Conference on Machine Learning},
publisher = {{PMLR}},
year = {2018}
author = {S. F. Adafre and Maarten de Rijke},
title = {Finding Similar Sentences across Multiple Languages in Wikipedia},
title = {Finding Similar Sentences across Multiple Languages in Wikipedia },
publisher = {Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation},
year = {2006}
......@@ -9733,7 +9732,7 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
title = {On Using Monolingual Corpora in Neural Machine Translation},
author = {Gulcehre Caglar and
author = { Gulcehre Caglar and
Firat Orhan and
Xu Kelvin and
Cho Kyunghyun and
......@@ -9741,7 +9740,7 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
Lin Huei Chi and
Bougares Fethi and
Schwenk Holger and
Bengio Yoshua},
Bengio Yoshua },
journal = {Computer Science},
year = {2015},
......@@ -9778,7 +9777,7 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
title={A generalized solution of the orthogonal procrustes problem},
author={Schnemann and Peter},
author={Schnemann, Peter H. },
......@@ -9862,7 +9861,7 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
Atsushi Fujita},
title = {Iterative Training of Unsupervised Neural and Statistical Machine
Translation Systems},
journal = {ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing},
journal = {{ACM} Trans. Asian Low Resour. Lang. Inf. Process.},
volume = {19},
number = {5},
pages = {68:1--68:21},
......@@ -9914,7 +9913,7 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
title={A Simple and Effective Approach to Robust Unsupervised Bilingual Dictionary Induction},
author={Yanyang Li and Yingfeng Luo and Ye Lin and Quan Du and Huizhen Wang and Shujian Huang and Tong Xiao and Jingbo Zhu},
journal={International Conference on Computational Linguistics},
publisher={International Conference on Computational Linguistics},
......@@ -9956,7 +9955,6 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
publisher = {AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
year = {2020}
author = {Yinhan Liu and
Jiatao Gu and
......@@ -9967,13 +9965,10 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
Mike Lewis and
Luke Zettlemoyer},
title = {Multilingual Denoising Pre-training for Neural Machine Translation},
journal = {Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
volume = {8},
pages = {726--742},
journal = {CoRR},
volume = {abs/2001.08210},
year = {2020}
author = {Baijun Ji and
Zhirui Zhang and
......@@ -10002,25 +9997,25 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
publisher = {Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
year = {2020}
author = {Zhen Yang and
Bojie Hu and
Ambyera Han and
Shen Huang and
Qi Ju},
title = {{CSP:} Code-Switching Pre-training for Neural Machine Translation},
pages = {2624--2636},
publisher = {Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
title = {Code-switching pre-training for neural machine translation},
journal = {CoRR},
volume = {abs/2009.08088},
year = {2020}
author = {Dusan Varis and
Ondrej Bojar},
title = {Unsupervised Pretraining for Neural Machine Translation Using Elastic
Weight Consolidation},
pages = {130--135},
publisher = {Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
year = {2019}
journal = {CoRR},
volume = {abs/2010.09403},
year = {2020}
author = {Guillaume Lample and
......@@ -10037,7 +10032,7 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
author = {Connor Shorten and
Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar},
title = {A survey on Image Data Augmentation for Deep Learning},
journal = {Journal of Big Data},
journal = {J. Big Data},
volume = {6},
pages = {60},
year = {2019}
......@@ -10168,7 +10163,6 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
title={Empirical observations on the instability of aligning word vector spaces with GANs},
author={Hartmann, Mareike and Kementchedjhieva, Yova and S{\o}gaard, Anders},
journal = {},
......@@ -10234,7 +10228,6 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
title={A Survey of Multilingual Neural Machine Translation},
author={Dabre, Raj and Chu, Chenhui and Kunchukuttan, Anoop },
journal={ACM Computing Surveys},
......@@ -10271,7 +10264,7 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
author = {Hua Wu and
Haifeng Wang},
title = {Pivot language approach for phrase-based statistical machine translation},
journal = {Machine Translation},
journal = {Mach. Transl.},
volume = {21},
number = {3},
pages = {165--181},
......@@ -10280,7 +10273,7 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
author = {Somayeh Bakhshaei and Shahram Khadivi and Noushin Riahi },
title = {Farsi-german statistical machine translation through bridge language},
journal = {International Telecommunications Symposium},
publisher = {International Telecommunications Symposium},
pages = {165--181},
year = {2010}
......@@ -10304,7 +10297,7 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
title = {Improving Pivot-Based Statistical Machine Translation by Pivoting
the Co-occurrence Count of Phrase Pairs},
pages = {1665--1675},
publisher = {Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
publisher = {{ACL}},
year = {2014}
......@@ -10357,7 +10350,7 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
title={Catalan-English statistical machine translation without parallel corpus: bridging through Spanish},
author={De Gispert, Adri{\`a} and Marino, Jose B},
publisher={International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation},
booktitle={Proc. of 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC)},
......@@ -10388,19 +10381,12 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
volume = {abs/1503.02531},
year = {2015}
author = {Jiatao Gu and
Yong Wang and
Yun Chen and
Victor O. K. Li and
Kyunghyun Cho},
title = {Meta-Learning for Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation},
pages = {3622--3631},
publisher = {Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
year = {2018}
title={Meta-learning for low-resource neural machine translation},
author={Gu, Jiatao and Wang, Yong and Chen, Yun and Cho, Kyunghyun and Li, Victor OK},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.08437},
author = {Jiatao Gu and
Hany Hassan and
......@@ -10454,7 +10440,7 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
title={Handbook Of Research On Machine Learning Applications and Trends: Algorithms, Methods and Techniques - 2 Volumes},
author={Olivas, Emilio Soria and Guerrero, Jose David Martin and Sober, Marcelino Martinez and Benedito, Jose Rafael Magdalena and Lopez, Antonio Jose Serrano },
author={ Olivas, Emilio Soria and Guerrero, Jose David Martin and Sober, Marcelino Martinez and Benedito, Jose Rafael Magdalena and Lopez, Antonio Jose Serrano },
publisher={Information Science Reference - Imprint of: IGI Publishing},
......@@ -10477,17 +10463,11 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
publisher = {},
year = {2019}
author = {Emmanouil Antonios Platanios and
Mrinmaya Sachan and
Graham Neubig and
Tom M. Mitchell},
title = {Contextual Parameter Generation for Universal Neural Machine Translation},
pages = {425--435},
publisher = {Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
year = {2018}
title={Contextual parameter generation for universal neural machine translation},
author={Platanios, Emmanouil Antonios and Sachan, Mrinmaya and Neubig, Graham and Mitchell, Tom},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.08493},
title={Cross-Lingual Pre-Training Based Transfer for Zero-Shot Neural Machine Translation},
......@@ -10537,7 +10517,7 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
title={A survey of multilingual neural machine translation},
author={Dabre, Raj and Chu, Chenhui and Kunchukuttan, Anoop},
journal={ACM Computing Surveys},
journal={ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR)},
......@@ -10687,20 +10667,12 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
publisher = {Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
year = {2019}
author = {Orhan Firat and
Baskaran Sankaran and
Yaser Al{-}Onaizan and
Fatos T. Yarman{-}Vural and
Kyunghyun Cho},
title = {Zero-Resource Translation with Multi-Lingual Neural Machine Translation},
pages = {268--277},
publisher = {Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
year = {2016}
title={Zero-resource translation with multi-lingual neural machine translation},
author={Firat, Orhan and Sankaran, Baskaran and Al-Onaizan, Yaser and Vural, Fatos T Yarman and Cho, Kyunghyun},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.04164},
author = {Lierni Sestorain and
Massimiliano Ciaramita and
......@@ -10787,7 +10759,7 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
Yoshua Bengio and
Pierre-Antoine Manzagol},
title = {Extracting and composing robust features with denoising autoencoders},
series = {International Conference on Learning Representations},
series = {{ACM} International Conference Proceeding Series},
volume = {307},
pages = {1096--1103},
publisher = {International Conference on Machine Learning}
......@@ -10871,7 +10843,7 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
Ivan Vulic and
Anders S{\o}gaard},
title = {A Survey of Cross-lingual Word Embedding Models},
journal = {Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research},
journal = {J. Artif. Intell. Res.},
volume = {65},
pages = {569--631},
year = {2019}
......@@ -10913,21 +10885,12 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
publisher = {Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
year = {2017}
author = {Nathan Ng and
Kyra Yee and
Alexei Baevski and
Myle Ott and
Michael Auli and
Sergey Edunov},
title = {Facebook FAIR's {WMT19} News Translation Task Submission},
pages = {314--319},
publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
year = {2019}
title={Facebook FAIR's WMT19 News Translation Task Submission},
author={Ng, Nathan and Yee, Kyra and Baevski, Alexei and Ott, Myle and Auli, Michael and Edunov, Sergey},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.06616},
author = {Qiang Wang and
Bei Li and
......@@ -10974,9 +10937,7 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
publisher = {Conference and Workshop on Neural Information Processing Systems},
year = {2015}
author = {Matthew E. Peters and
Mark Neumann and
Mohit Iyyer and
......@@ -10984,12 +10945,11 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
Christopher Clark and
Kenton Lee and
Luke Zettlemoyer},
title = {Deep Contextualized Word Representations},
pages = {2227--2237},
publisher = {Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
title = {Deep contextualized word representations},
journal = {CoRR},
volume = {abs/1802.05365},
year = {2018}
author = {Ronan Collobert and
Jason Weston},
......@@ -11077,18 +11037,12 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
publisher = {Springer},
year = {1998}
author = {Xiaodong Liu and
Pengcheng He and
Weizhu Chen and
Jianfeng Gao},
title = {Multi-Task Deep Neural Networks for Natural Language Understanding},
pages = {4487--4496},
publisher = {Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
year = {2019}
title={Multi-task deep neural networks for natural language understanding},
author={Liu, Xiaodong and He, Pengcheng and Chen, Weizhu and Gao, Jianfeng},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.11504},
author = {Minh-Thang Luong and
Quoc V. Le and
......@@ -11231,7 +11185,7 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
title={A general framework to weight heterogeneous parallel data for model adaptation in statistical machine translation},
author={Shah, Kashif and Barrault, Lo{\i}c and Schwenk, Holger and Le Mans, France},
journal={Machine Translation Summit},
journal={MT Summit, Octobre},
......@@ -11371,7 +11325,7 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
title = {Intelligent selection of language model training data},
author = {Moore, Robert C and Lewis, Will},
journal = {Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
publisher = {Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
year = {2010}
......@@ -11419,7 +11373,7 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
title={Integrated parallel data extraction from comparable corpora for statistical machine translation},
author={Chu, Chenhui},
journal={Kyoto University}
publisher={Kyoto University}
author = {H. J. Scudder III},
......@@ -11578,19 +11532,12 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
publisher = {Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
year = {2019}
author = {Antonio Valerio Miceli Barone and
Barry Haddow and
Ulrich Germann and
Rico Sennrich},
title = {Regularization techniques for fine-tuning in neural machine translation},
pages = {1489--1494},
publisher = {Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
year = {2017}
title={Regularization techniques for fine-tuning in neural machine translation},
author={Barone, Antonio Valerio Miceli and Haddow, Barry and Germann, Ulrich and Sennrich, Rico},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.09920},
author = {Danielle Saunders and
Bill Byrne},
......@@ -11647,7 +11594,7 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
author = {Hans Peter Luhn},
title = {The Automatic Creation of Literature Abstracts},
journal = {IBM Journal of research and development},
journal = {{IBM} J. Res. Dev.},
volume = {2},
number = {2},
pages = {159--165},
......@@ -11807,7 +11754,7 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
Le Wang and
Osamu Yoshie},
title = {Dual supervised learning for non-native speech recognition},
journal = {EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing},
journal = {{EURASIP} J. Audio Speech Music. Process.},
volume = {2019},
pages = {3},
year = {2019}
......@@ -11849,7 +11796,6 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
publisher = {Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
year = {2020}
author = {Zhilin Yang and
Zihang Dai and
......@@ -11858,7 +11804,6 @@ author = {Zhuang Liu and
Ruslan Salakhutdinov and
Quoc V. Le},
title = {XLNet: Generalized Autoregressive Pretraining for Language Understanding},
publisher = {Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},
pages = {5754--5764},
year = {2019}
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