Commit fad5d2d5 by 曹润柘

update chapter 16

parent 6c626a4f
\node [anchor=center] (node1) at (0,0) {\textbf{Machine translation}, sometiomes referred to by the abbreviation \textbf{MT} (not to be };
\node [anchor=north] (node2) at (node1.south) {confused with computer-aided translation,,machine-aided human translation inter};
\node [anchor=north] (node3) at (node2.south) {-active translation), is a subfield of computational linguistics that investigates the};
\node [anchor=north] (node4) at ([xshift=-1.8em]node3.south) {use of software to translate text or speech from one language to another.};
\node [anchor=south] (node5) at ([xshift=-12.8em,yshift=0.5em]node1.north) {\Large{WIKIPEDIA}};
\draw [-,line width=1pt]([xshift=-16.1em]node1.north) -- ([xshift=16.1em]node1.north);
\draw [-,line width=1pt]([xshift=-16.1em,yshift=-9.4em]node1.north) -- ([xshift=16.1em,yshift=-9.4em]node1.north);
\node [anchor=north] (node6) at ([xshift=-11.8em,yshift=-0.8em]node4.south) {\Large{维基百科}};
\node [anchor=north] (node7) at ([yshift=-4.6em]node3.south) {{\small\sffamily\bfnew{机器翻译}}(英语:Machine Translation,经常简写为MT,简称机译或机翻)};
\node [anchor=north] (node8) at ([xshift=-0.1em]node7.south) {属于计算语言学的范畴,其研究借由计算机程序将文字或演说从一种自然};
\node [anchor=north] (node9) at ([xshift=-9.85em]node8.south) {语言翻译成另一种自然语言。};
\node[rectangle,draw=black,inner sep=0.2em,fill=white,drop shadow] [fit =(node1)(node2)(node3)(node4)(node5)(node6)(node7)(node8)(node9)] (remark2) {};
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -5508,7 +5508,147 @@ pages ={157-166},
pages = {7057--7067},
year = {2019}
author = {Cong Duy Vu Hoang and
Philipp Koehn and
Gholamreza Haffari and
Trevor Cohn},
title = {Iterative Back-Translation for Neural Machine Translation},
pages = {18--24},
publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
year = {2018}
author = {Myle Ott and
Michael Auli and
David Grangier and
Marc'Aurelio Ranzato},
title = {Analyzing Uncertainty in Neural Machine Translation},
volume = {80},
pages = {3953--3962},
publisher = {{PMLR}},
year = {2018}
author = {Marzieh Fadaee and
Arianna Bisazza and
Christof Monz},
title = {Data Augmentation for Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation},
pages = {567--573},
publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
year = {2017}
author = {S. F. Adafre and Maarten de Rijke},
title = {Finding Similar Sentences across Multiple Languages in Wikipedia },
publisher = {European Association of Computational Linguistics},
year = {2006}
author = {Keiji Yasuda and Eiichiro Sumita},
title = {Method for building sentence-aligned corpus from wikipedia},
publisher = {AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
year = {2008}
author = {Dragos Stefan Munteanu and
Daniel Marcu},
title = {Improving Machine Translation Performance by Exploiting Non-Parallel
journal = {Computational Linguistics},
volume = {31},
number = {4},
pages = {477--504},
year = {2005}
author = {Jason R. Smith and
Chris Quirk and
Kristina Toutanova},
title = {Extracting Parallel Sentences from Comparable Corpora using Document
Level Alignment},
pages = {403--411},
publisher = {Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
year = {2010}
author = {Jiajun Zhang and
Chengqing Zong},
title = {Exploiting Source-side Monolingual Data in Neural Machine Translation},
pages = {1535--1545},
publisher = {Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
year = {2016}
author = {Mengzhou Xia and
Xiang Kong and
Antonios Anastasopoulos and
Graham Neubig},
title = {Generalized Data Augmentation for Low-Resource Translation},
pages = {5786--5796},
publisher = {Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
year = {2019}
author = {Xinyi Wang and
Hieu Pham and
Zihang Dai and
Graham Neubig},
title = {SwitchOut: an Efficient Data Augmentation Algorithm for Neural Machine
pages = {856--861},
publisher = {Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
year = {2018}
author = {Fei Gao and
Jinhua Zhu and
Lijun Wu and
Yingce Xia and
Tao Qin and
Xueqi Cheng and
Wengang Zhou and
Tie-Yan Liu},
title = {Soft Contextual Data Augmentation for Neural Machine Translation},
pages = {5539--5544},
publisher = {Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
year = {2019}
author = {Shuo Wang and
Yang Liu and
Chao Wang and
Huanbo Luan and
Maosong Sun},
title = {Improving Back-Translation with Uncertainty-based Confidence Estimation},
pages = {791--802},
publisher = {Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
year = {2019}
author = {Lijun Wu and
Yiren Wang and
Yingce Xia and
Tao Qin and
Jianhuang Lai and
Tie-Yan Liu},
title = {Exploiting Monolingual Data at Scale for Neural Machine Translation},
pages = {4205--4215},
publisher = {Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
year = {2019}
author = {Guanlin Li and
Lemao Liu and
Guoping Huang and
Conghui Zhu and
Tiejun Zhao},
title = {Understanding Data Augmentation in Neural Machine Translation: Two
Perspectives towards Generalization},
pages = {5688--5694},
publisher = {Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
year = {2019}
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