Commit 2c4061e9 by ltb

fixed FNNLM of branch of xiao

parent 3800528b
......@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
#include "../tensor/XUtility.h"
#include "../tensor/function/FHeader.h"
#include "../tensor/core/CHeader.h"
#include "../tensor/test/Test.h"
#include "../sample/fnnlm/FNNLM.h"
#include "../sample/transformer/Transformer.h"
/* NiuTrans.Tensor - an open-source tensor library
* Copyright (C) 2018, Natural Language Processing Lab, Northestern University.
* Copyright (C) 2018, Natural Language Processing Lab, Northestern University.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
......@@ -15,15 +15,15 @@
* limitations under the License.
* This is a simple impelementation of the feed-forward network-baesd language
* model (FNNLM). See more details about FNNLM in
* "A Neural Probabilistic Language Model" by Bengio et al.
* Journal of Machine Learning Research 3 (2003) 1137C1155
* $Created by: XIAO Tong ( 2018-06-22
* This is a simple impelementation of the feed-forward network-baesd language
* model (FNNLM). See more details about FNNLM in
* "A Neural Probabilistic Language Model" by Bengio et al.
* Journal of Machine Learning Research 3 (2003) 1137C1155
* $Created by: XIAO Tong ( 2018-06-22
#include <math.h>
#include "FNNLM.h"
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include "../../tensor/XDevice.h"
#include "../../tensor/function/FHeader.h"
#include "../../network/XNet.h"
#include "../../tensor/core/math/ScaleAndShift.h"
namespace fnnlm
......@@ -39,1185 +40,1187 @@ namespace fnnlm
#define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 1024
#define MAX_LINE_LENGTH_HERE 1024 * 32
char trainFN[MAX_NAME_LENGTH] = ""; // file name of the training data
char modelFN[MAX_NAME_LENGTH] = ""; // file name of the FNN model
char testFN[MAX_NAME_LENGTH] = ""; // file name of the test data
char outputFN[MAX_NAME_LENGTH] = ""; // file name of the result data
float learningRate = 0.01F; // learning rate
int nStep = 10000000; // max learning steps (or model updates)
int nEpoch = 10; // max training epochs
float minmax = 0.08F; // range [-p,p] for parameter initialization
int sentBatch = 0; // batch size at the sentence level
int wordBatch = 1; // batch size at the word level
bool shuffled = false; // shuffled the training data file or not
bool autoDiff = false; // indicator of automatic differentiation
void LoadArgs(int argc, const char ** argv, FNNModel &model);
void Init(FNNModel &model);
void Check(FNNModel &model);
void Copy(FNNModel &tgt, FNNModel &src);
void Clear(FNNModel &model, bool isNodeGrad);
void InitModelTensor1D(XTensor &tensor, int num, FNNModel &model);
void InitModelTensor2D(XTensor &tensor, int rowNum, int colNum, FNNModel &model);
void Train(const char * train, bool isShuffled, FNNModel &model);
void Update(FNNModel &model, FNNModel &grad, float epsilon, bool isNodeGrad);
float GetProb(XTensor &output, XTensor &gold, XTensor * wordProbs = NULL);
void Dump(const char * fn, FNNModel &model);
void Read(const char * fn, FNNModel &model);
void Test(const char * test, const char * result, FNNModel &model);
int LoadNGrams(FILE * file, int n, NGram * ngrams, int sentNum, int wordNum);
void InitZeroOneTensor2D(XTensor &tensor, int rowNum, int colNum, int * rows, int * cols,
int itemNum, int devID, XMem * mem);
void MakeWordBatch(XTensor &batch, NGram * ngrams, int ngramNum, int n, int vSize, int devID, XMem * mem);
void Forward(XTensor inputs[], XTensor &output, FNNModel &model, FNNNet &net);
void Backward(XTensor inputs[], XTensor &output, XTensor &gold, LOSS_FUNCTION_NAME loss,
FNNModel &model, FNNModel &grad, FNNNet &net);
void ForwardAutoDiff(XTensor inputs[], XTensor &output, FNNModel &model);
void ForwardAutoDiff(NGram * ngrams, int batch, XTensor &output, FNNModel &model);
entry of the program
>> argc - number of the arguments
>> argv - pointers to the arguments
<< return - error code
-train S: specify training data file name
-model S: specify model file name
-test S: specify test data file name
-output S: specify result data file name
-n D: order of the language model
-eSize D: embedding size
-vSize D: vocabulary size
-hdepth D: number of stacked hidden layers
-hsize D: size of each hidden layer
-lrate F: learning rate
-nstep D: maximum number of model updates
-nepoch D: maximum number of training epochs
-batch D: batch size (how many sentences)
-wbatch D: batch size at the word level
(how many words)
-shuffle: shuffle the training data
-devid D: the id of the device used
-1: CPU, >=0: GPUs
-mempool: use memory pools for memory management
-autodiff: use automatic differentiation for training
where S=string, D=integer and F=float.
All words in the training and test data files
are encoded as thire indeces in the vocabulary.
0 29 2 11 1
might be a line of the file.
int FNNLMMain(int argc, const char ** argv)
if(argc == 0)
return 1;
FNNModel model;
/* load arguments */
LoadArgs(argc, argv, model);
/* check the setting */
/* initialize model parameters */
/* learn model parameters */
if(strcmp(trainFN, ""))
Train(trainFN, shuffled, model);
/* save the final model */
if(strcmp(modelFN, "") && strcmp(trainFN, ""))
Dump(modelFN, model);
/* load the model if neccessary */
if(strcmp(modelFN, ""))
Read(modelFN, model);
/* test the model on the new data */
if(strcmp(testFN, "") && strcmp(outputFN, ""))
Test(testFN, outputFN, model);
return 0;
load arguments
>> argc - number of the arguments
>> argv - pointers to the arguments
>> model - the fnn model
void LoadArgs(int argc, const char ** argv, FNNModel &model)
fprintf(stderr, "args:\n");
for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++){
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-train") && i + 1 < argc){
strcpy(trainFN, argv[i + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, " -train=%s\n", argv[i + 1]);
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-model") && i + 1 < argc){
strcpy(modelFN, argv[i + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, " -model=%s\n", argv[i + 1]);
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-test") && i + 1 < argc){
strcpy(testFN, argv[i + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, " -test=%s\n", argv[i + 1]);
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-output") && i + 1 < argc){
strcpy(outputFN, argv[i + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, " -output=%s\n", argv[i + 1]);
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-n") && i + 1 < argc){
model.n = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, " -n=%d\n", model.n);
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-esize") && i + 1 < argc){
model.eSize = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, " -esize=%d\n", model.eSize);
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-vsize") && i + 1 < argc){
model.vSize = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, " -vsize=%d\n", model.vSize);
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-hdepth") && i + 1 < argc){
model.hDepth = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, " -hdepth=%d\n", model.hDepth);
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-hsize") && i + 1 < argc){
model.hSize = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, " -hsize=%d\n", model.hSize);
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-lrate") && i + 1 < argc){
learningRate = (float)atof(argv[i + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, " -lrate=%f\n", learningRate);
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-nstep") && i + 1 < argc){
nStep = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, " -nstep=%d\n", nStep);
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-nepoch") && i + 1 < argc){
nEpoch = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, " -nepoch=%d\n", nEpoch);
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-minmax") && i + 1 < argc){
minmax = (float)fabs(atof(argv[i + 1]));
fprintf(stderr, " -minmax=%f\n", minmax);
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-batch") && i + 1 < argc){
sentBatch = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, " -batch=%d\n", sentBatch);
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-wbatch") && i + 1 < argc){
wordBatch = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, " -wbatch=%d\n", wordBatch);
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-shuffle")){
shuffled = true;
fprintf(stderr, " -shuffle=true\n");
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-autodiff")){
autoDiff = true;
fprintf(stderr, " -autodiff=true\n");
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-dev") && i + 1 < argc){
model.devID = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, " -dev=%d\n", model.devID);
for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++){
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-mempool"))
model.mem = new XMem(model.devID);
/* check model settings */
void Check(FNNModel &model)
CheckErrors(model.n > 0 && model.n <= MAX_N_GRAM, "The LM order is out of range (use -n)!");
CheckErrors(model.vSize > 0, "no vocabulary size found (use -vsize)!");
CheckErrors(model.eSize > 0, "no embedding size found (use -esize)!");
/* make a hard copy of the fnn model */
void Copy(FNNModel &tgt, FNNModel &src)
InitTensorV2(&tgt.embeddingW, &src.embeddingW);
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_HIDDEN_NUM; i++){
InitTensorV2(&tgt.hiddenW[i], &src.hiddenW[i]);
InitTensorV2(&tgt.hiddenB[i], &src.hiddenB[i]);
InitTensorV2(&tgt.outputW, &src.outputW);
InitTensorV2(&tgt.outputB, &src.outputB);
tgt.n = src.n;
tgt.eSize = src.eSize;
tgt.hDepth = src.hDepth;
tgt.hSize = src.hSize;
tgt.vSize = src.vSize;
tgt.devID = src.devID;
tgt.useMemPool = src.useMemPool;
if(src.mem != NULL){
tgt.mem = new XMem(src.mem->devID, src.mem->mode,
src.mem->maxBlockSize, src.mem->blockNum,
reset model parameters
>> model - the model whose parameter (gradient) is set to 0
>> isNodeGrad - indicates whether the tensor node keeps the
gradient information
void Clear(FNNModel &model, bool isNodeGrad)
if (isNodeGrad) {
if(model.embeddingW.grad != NULL)
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_HIDDEN_NUM; i++) {
if(model.hiddenW[i].grad != NULL)
if(model.hiddenB[i].grad != NULL)
if(model.outputW.grad != NULL)
if(model.outputB.grad != NULL)
else {
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_HIDDEN_NUM; i++) {
initialize a 1d tensor using the fnn model setting
>> tensor - the tensor to initialize
>> num - number of items
>> model - the fnn model
void InitModelTensor1D(XTensor &tensor, int num, FNNModel &model)
InitTensor1DV2(&tensor, num, X_FLOAT, model.devID);
initialize a 2d tensor using the fnn model setting
>> tensor - the tensor to initialize
>> rowNum - number of rows
>> colNum - number of columns
>> model - the fnn model
void InitModelTensor2D(XTensor &tensor, int rowNum, int colNum, FNNModel &model)
InitTensor2DV2(&tensor, rowNum, colNum, X_FLOAT, model.devID);
/* initialize the model */
void Init(FNNModel &model)
/* create embedding parameter matrix: vSize * eSize */
InitModelTensor2D(model.embeddingW, model.vSize, model.eSize, model);
/* create hidden layer parameter matrics */
for(int i = 0; i < model.hDepth; i++){
/* hidden layer parameter matrix: (n-1)eSize * hsize if it is the first layer
hsize * hsize otherwise */
if(i == 0)
InitModelTensor2D(model.hiddenW[i], (model.n - 1) * model.eSize, model.hSize, model);
InitModelTensor2D(model.hiddenW[i], model.hSize, model.hSize, model);
/* bias term: a row vector of hSize entries */
InitModelTensor1D(model.hiddenB[i], model.hSize, model);
/* create the output layer parameter matrix and bias term */
int iSize = model.hDepth == 0 ? (model.n - 1) * model.eSize : model.hSize;
InitModelTensor2D(model.outputW, iSize, model.vSize, model);
InitModelTensor1D(model.outputB, model.vSize, model);
/* then, we initialize model parameters using a uniform distribution in range
of [-minmax, minmax] */
model.embeddingW.SetDataRand(-minmax, minmax);
model.outputW.SetDataRand(-minmax, minmax);
for(int i = 0; i < model.hDepth; i++)
model.hiddenW[i].SetDataRand(-minmax, minmax);
/* all bias terms are set to zero */
for(int i = 0; i < model.hDepth; i++)
shuffle lines of the file
>> srcFile - the source file to shuffle
>> tgtFile - the resulting file
void Shuffle(const char * srcFile, const char * tgtFile)
char * line = new char[MAX_LINE_LENGTH_HERE];
char trainFN[MAX_NAME_LENGTH] = ""; // file name of the training data
char modelFN[MAX_NAME_LENGTH] = ""; // file name of the FNN model
char testFN[MAX_NAME_LENGTH] = ""; // file name of the test data
char outputFN[MAX_NAME_LENGTH] = ""; // file name of the result data
float learningRate = 0.01F; // learning rate
int nStep = 10000000; // max learning steps (or model updates)
int nEpoch = 10; // max training epochs
float minmax = 0.08F; // range [-p,p] for parameter initialization
int sentBatch = 0; // batch size at the sentence level
int wordBatch = 1; // batch size at the word level
bool shuffled = false; // shuffled the training data file or not
bool autoDiff = false; // indicator of automatic differentiation
void LoadArgs(int argc, const char ** argv, FNNModel &model);
void Init(FNNModel &model);
void Check(FNNModel &model);
void Copy(FNNModel &tgt, FNNModel &src);
void Clear(FNNModel &model, bool isNodeGrad);
void InitModelTensor1D(XTensor &tensor, int num, FNNModel &model);
void InitModelTensor2D(XTensor &tensor, int rowNum, int colNum, FNNModel &model);
void Train(const char * train, bool isShuffled, FNNModel &model);
void Update(FNNModel &model, FNNModel &grad, float epsilon, bool isNodeGrad);
float GetProb(XTensor &output, XTensor &gold, XTensor * wordProbs = NULL);
void Dump(const char * fn, FNNModel &model);
void Read(const char * fn, FNNModel &model);
void Test(const char * test, const char * result, FNNModel &model);
int LoadNGrams(FILE * file, int n, NGram * ngrams, int sentNum, int wordNum);
void InitZeroOneTensor2D(XTensor &tensor, int rowNum, int colNum, int * rows, int * cols,
int itemNum, int devID, XMem * mem);
void MakeWordBatch(XTensor &batch, NGram * ngrams, int ngramNum, int n, int vSize, int devID, XMem * mem);
void Forward(XTensor inputs[], XTensor &output, FNNModel &model, FNNNet &net);
void Backward(XTensor inputs[], XTensor &output, XTensor &gold, LOSS_FUNCTION_NAME loss,
FNNModel &model, FNNModel &grad, FNNNet &net);
void ForwardAutoDiff(XTensor inputs[], XTensor &output, FNNModel &model);
void ForwardAutoDiff(NGram * ngrams, int batch, XTensor &output, FNNModel &model);
entry of the program
>> argc - number of the arguments
>> argv - pointers to the arguments
<< return - error code
-train S: specify training data file name
-model S: specify model file name
-test S: specify test data file name
-output S: specify result data file name
-n D: order of the language model
-eSize D: embedding size
-vSize D: vocabulary size
-hdepth D: number of stacked hidden layers
-hsize D: size of each hidden layer
-lrate F: learning rate
-nstep D: maximum number of model updates
-nepoch D: maximum number of training epochs
-batch D: batch size (how many sentences)
-wbatch D: batch size at the word level
(how many words)
-shuffle: shuffle the training data
-devid D: the id of the device used
-1: CPU, >=0: GPUs
-mempool: use memory pools for memory management
-autodiff: use automatic differentiation for training
where S=string, D=integer and F=float.
All words in the training and test data files
are encoded as thire indeces in the vocabulary.
0 29 2 11 1
might be a line of the file.
int FNNLMMain(int argc, const char ** argv)
if (argc == 0)
return 1;
FNNModel model;
/* load arguments */
LoadArgs(argc, argv, model);
/* check the setting */
/* initialize model parameters */
/* learn model parameters */
if (strcmp(trainFN, ""))
Train(trainFN, shuffled, model);
/* save the final model */
if (strcmp(modelFN, "") && strcmp(trainFN, ""))
Dump(modelFN, model);
/* load the model if neccessary */
if (strcmp(modelFN, ""))
Read(modelFN, model);
/* test the model on the new data */
if (strcmp(testFN, "") && strcmp(outputFN, ""))
Test(testFN, outputFN, model);
return 0;
load arguments
>> argc - number of the arguments
>> argv - pointers to the arguments
>> model - the fnn model
void LoadArgs(int argc, const char ** argv, FNNModel &model)
fprintf(stderr, "args:\n");
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-train") && i + 1 < argc) {
strcpy(trainFN, argv[i + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, " -train=%s\n", argv[i + 1]);
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-model") && i + 1 < argc) {
strcpy(modelFN, argv[i + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, " -model=%s\n", argv[i + 1]);
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-test") && i + 1 < argc) {
strcpy(testFN, argv[i + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, " -test=%s\n", argv[i + 1]);
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-output") && i + 1 < argc) {
strcpy(outputFN, argv[i + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, " -output=%s\n", argv[i + 1]);
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-n") && i + 1 < argc) {
model.n = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, " -n=%d\n", model.n);
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-esize") && i + 1 < argc) {
model.eSize = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, " -esize=%d\n", model.eSize);
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-vsize") && i + 1 < argc) {
model.vSize = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, " -vsize=%d\n", model.vSize);
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-hdepth") && i + 1 < argc) {
model.hDepth = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, " -hdepth=%d\n", model.hDepth);
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-hsize") && i + 1 < argc) {
model.hSize = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, " -hsize=%d\n", model.hSize);
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-lrate") && i + 1 < argc) {
learningRate = (float)atof(argv[i + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, " -lrate=%f\n", learningRate);
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-nstep") && i + 1 < argc) {
nStep = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, " -nstep=%d\n", nStep);
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-nepoch") && i + 1 < argc) {
nEpoch = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, " -nepoch=%d\n", nEpoch);
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-minmax") && i + 1 < argc) {
minmax = (float)fabs(atof(argv[i + 1]));
fprintf(stderr, " -minmax=%f\n", minmax);
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-batch") && i + 1 < argc) {
sentBatch = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, " -batch=%d\n", sentBatch);
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-wbatch") && i + 1 < argc) {
wordBatch = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, " -wbatch=%d\n", wordBatch);
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-shuffle")) {
shuffled = true;
fprintf(stderr, " -shuffle=true\n");
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-autodiff")) {
autoDiff = true;
fprintf(stderr, " -autodiff=true\n");
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-dev") && i + 1 < argc) {
model.devID = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
fprintf(stderr, " -dev=%d\n", model.devID);
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-mempool"))
model.mem = new XMem(model.devID);
/* check model settings */
void Check(FNNModel &model)
CheckErrors(model.n > 0 && model.n <= MAX_N_GRAM, "The LM order is out of range (use -n)!");
CheckErrors(model.vSize > 0, "no vocabulary size found (use -vsize)!");
CheckErrors(model.eSize > 0, "no embedding size found (use -esize)!");
/* make a hard copy of the fnn model */
void Copy(FNNModel &tgt, FNNModel &src)
InitTensorV2(&tgt.embeddingW, &src.embeddingW);
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_HIDDEN_NUM; i++) {
InitTensorV2(&tgt.hiddenW[i], &src.hiddenW[i]);
InitTensorV2(&tgt.hiddenB[i], &src.hiddenB[i]);
InitTensorV2(&tgt.outputW, &src.outputW);
InitTensorV2(&tgt.outputB, &src.outputB);
tgt.n = src.n;
tgt.eSize = src.eSize;
tgt.hDepth = src.hDepth;
tgt.hSize = src.hSize;
tgt.vSize = src.vSize;
tgt.devID = src.devID;
tgt.useMemPool = src.useMemPool;
if (src.mem != NULL) {
tgt.mem = new XMem(src.mem->devID, src.mem->mode,
src.mem->maxBlockSize, src.mem->blockNum,
reset model parameters
>> model - the model whose parameter (gradient) is set to 0
>> isNodeGrad - indicates whether the tensor node keeps the
gradient information
void Clear(FNNModel &model, bool isNodeGrad)
if (isNodeGrad) {
if (model.embeddingW.grad != NULL)
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_HIDDEN_NUM; i++) {
if (model.hiddenW[i].grad != NULL)
if (model.hiddenB[i].grad != NULL)
if (model.outputW.grad != NULL)
if (model.outputB.grad != NULL)
else {
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_HIDDEN_NUM; i++) {
initialize a 1d tensor using the fnn model setting
>> tensor - the tensor to initialize
>> num - number of items
>> model - the fnn model
void InitModelTensor1D(XTensor &tensor, int num, FNNModel &model)
InitTensor1DV2(&tensor, num, X_FLOAT, model.devID);
initialize a 2d tensor using the fnn model setting
>> tensor - the tensor to initialize
>> rowNum - number of rows
>> colNum - number of columns
>> model - the fnn model
void InitModelTensor2D(XTensor &tensor, int rowNum, int colNum, FNNModel &model)
InitTensor2DV2(&tensor, rowNum, colNum, X_FLOAT, model.devID);
/* initialize the model */
void Init(FNNModel &model)
/* create embedding parameter matrix: vSize * eSize */
InitModelTensor2D(model.embeddingW, model.vSize, model.eSize, model);
/* create hidden layer parameter matrics */
for (int i = 0; i < model.hDepth; i++) {
/* hidden layer parameter matrix: (n-1)eSize * hsize if it is the first layer
hsize * hsize otherwise */
if (i == 0)
InitModelTensor2D(model.hiddenW[i], (model.n - 1) * model.eSize, model.hSize, model);
InitModelTensor2D(model.hiddenW[i], model.hSize, model.hSize, model);
/* bias term: a row vector of hSize entries */
InitModelTensor1D(model.hiddenB[i], model.hSize, model);
/* create the output layer parameter matrix and bias term */
int iSize = model.hDepth == 0 ? (model.n - 1) * model.eSize : model.hSize;
InitModelTensor2D(model.outputW, iSize, model.vSize, model);
InitModelTensor1D(model.outputB, model.vSize, model);
/* then, we initialize model parameters using a uniform distribution in range
of [-minmax, minmax] */
model.embeddingW.SetDataRand(-minmax, minmax);
model.outputW.SetDataRand(-minmax, minmax);
for (int i = 0; i < model.hDepth; i++)
model.hiddenW[i].SetDataRand(-minmax, minmax);
/* all bias terms are set to zero */
for (int i = 0; i < model.hDepth; i++)
shuffle lines of the file
>> srcFile - the source file to shuffle
>> tgtFile - the resulting file
void Shuffle(const char * srcFile, const char * tgtFile)
char * line = new char[MAX_LINE_LENGTH_HERE];
#ifndef WIN32
sprintf(line, "shuf %s > %s", srcFile, tgtFile);
sprintf(line, "shuf %s > %s", srcFile, tgtFile);
ShowErrors("Cannot shuffle the file on WINDOWS systems!");
ShowErrors("Cannot shuffle the file on WINDOWS systems!");
delete[] line;
train the model with the standard SGD method
>> train - training data file
>> isShuffled - shuffle the data file or not
>> model - the fnn model
void Train(const char * train, bool isShuffled, FNNModel &model)
char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
/* shuffle the data */
sprintf(name, "%s-tmp", train);
Shuffle(train, name);
strcpy(name, train);
int epoch = 0;
int step = 0;
int wordCount = 0;
int wordCountTotal = 0;
int ngramNum = 1;
float loss = 0;
bool isEnd = false;
NGram * ngrams = new NGram[MAX_LINE_LENGTH_HERE];
/* make a model to keep gradients */
FNNModel grad;
Copy(grad, model);
/* XNet for automatic differentiation */
XNet autoDiffer;
double startT = GetClockSec();
/* iterate for a number of epochs */
for(epoch = 0; epoch < nEpoch; epoch++){
/* data file */
FILE * file = fopen(name, "rb");
CheckErrors(file, "Cannot open the training file");
wordCount = 0;
loss = 0;
ngramNum = 1;
while(ngramNum > 0){
/* load a minibatch of ngrams */
ngramNum = LoadNGrams(file, model.n, ngrams, sentBatch, wordBatch);
if (ngramNum <= 0)
/* previous n - 1 words */
XTensor inputs[MAX_N_GRAM];
/* the predicted word */
XTensor output;
/* the gold standard */
XTensor gold;
/* the loss tensor */
XTensor lossTensor;
/* make the input tensor for position i */
for(int i = 0; i < model.n - 1; i++)
MakeWordBatch(inputs[i], ngrams, ngramNum, i, model.vSize, model.devID, model.mem);
/* make the gold tensor */
MakeWordBatch(gold, ngrams, ngramNum, model.n - 1, model.vSize, model.devID, model.mem);
/* prepare an empty network for building the fnn */
FNNNet net;
/* gradident = 0 */
Clear(grad, false);
/* forward computation */
Forward(inputs, output, model, net);
/* backward computation to obtain gradients */
Backward(inputs, output, gold, CROSSENTROPY, model, grad, net);
/* update model parameters */
Update(model, grad, learningRate, false);
/* gradient = 0 */
Clear(model, true);
/* forward + backward process */
/* this is implemented by gather function */
ForwardAutoDiff(ngrams, ngramNum, output, model);
/* this is implemented by multiply function */
//ForwardAutoDiff(inputs, output, model);
lossTensor = CrossEntropy(output, gold);
/* automatic differentiation */
//autoDiffer.Backward(output, gold, CROSSENTROPY);
/* update model parameters */
Update(model, grad, learningRate, true);
/* get probabilities */
float prob = GetProb(output, gold);
prob = ReduceSumAll(lossTensor);
loss += prob;
wordCount += ngramNum;
wordCountTotal += ngramNum;
if(++step >= nStep){
isEnd = true;
if (step % 100 == 0) {
double elapsed = GetClockSec() - startT;
XPRINT5(0, stderr, "[INFO] elapsed=%.1fs, step=%d, epoch=%d, ngram=%d, ppl=%.3f\n",
elapsed, step, epoch + 1, wordCountTotal, exp(loss / wordCount));
Test(testFN, outputFN, model);
double elapsed = GetClockSec() - startT;
XPRINT5(0, stderr, "[INFO] elapsed=%.1fs, step=%d, epoch=%d, ngram=%d, ppl=%.3f\n",
elapsed, step, epoch, wordCountTotal, exp(loss / wordCount));
XPRINT3(0, stderr, "[INFO] training finished (took %.1fs, step=%d and epoch=%d)\n",
elapsed, step, epoch);
delete[] ngrams;
update the model parameters using the delta rule
>> model - the model to update
>> grad - gradients
>> epsilon - learning rate
>> isNodeGrad - indicates whether the gradient is associated with the node
void Update(FNNModel &model, FNNModel &grad, float epsilon, bool isNodeGrad)
TensorList paraList(10);
TensorList gradList(10);
for (int i = 0; i < model.hDepth; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < model.hDepth; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < model.hDepth; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < paraList.count; i++) {
XTensor * para = (XTensor*)paraList.GetItem(i);
XTensor * paraGrad = (XTensor*)gradList.GetItem(i);
//fprintf(stderr, "%d\n", i);
//paraGrad->Dump(stderr, "grad:", 10);
/* the delta rule */
_Sum(para, paraGrad, para, -epsilon);
get prediction probabilites of the gold words
>> output - output probabilities
>> gold - gold standard
>> wordPobs - probability of each word
<< return - probability of the batch
float GetProb(XTensor &output, XTensor &gold, XTensor * wordProbs)
XTensor probs;
InitTensorV2(&probs, &output);
/* probs[i,j] = output[i,j] * gold[i,j] */
_Multiply(&output, &gold, &probs);
/* probability of each word */
XTensor wprobs;
InitTensor1DV2(&wprobs, output.GetDim(0), output.dataType, output.devID);
_ReduceSum(&probs, &wprobs, 1);
if(wordProbs != NULL)
_CopyValues(&wprobs, wordProbs);
/* reshape the tensor to fit it into the reduce procedure
TODO: XTensor supports scalars */
int dims[2];
dims[0] = 1;
dims[1] = probs.unitNum;
probs.Reshape(2, dims);
/* probability for the batch */
XTensor result;
InitTensor1DV2(&result, 1, X_FLOAT, output.devID);
_ReduceSum(&probs, &result, 1);
return result.Get1D(0);
int pin = 0;
int wordBufCount = 0;
load a minibatch of ngrams
>> file - data file
>> n - order of the language model
>> ngrams - the loaded ngrams
>> sentNum - maximum sentences kept in the minibatch
>> wordNum - maximum words kept in the minibatch
int LoadNGrams(FILE * file, int n, NGram * ngrams, int sentNum, int wordNum)
int num = 0;
int lineNum = 0;
while(pin > 0 || fgets(lineBuf, MAX_LINE_LENGTH_HERE - 1, file)){
if(pin <= 0){
int len = (int)strlen(lineBuf);
while(lineBuf[len - 1] == '\r' || lineBuf[len - 1] == '\n'){
lineBuf[len - 1] = 0;
len = (int)strlen(lineBuf);
if(len == 0)
/* how many characters are in a word */
int wSize = 0;
/* how many words are in the sentence */
int wNum = 0;
int i = 0;
for(i = pin; i < len; i++){
/* load word (id) seperated by space or tab */
if((lineBuf[i] == ' ' || lineBuf[i] == '\t') && wSize > 0){
lineBuf[i] = 0;
wordBuf[wNum++] = atoi(lineBuf + i - wSize);
wSize = 0;
if(wSize > 0)
wordBuf[wNum++] = atoi(lineBuf + i - wSize);
wordBufCount = wNum;
lineNum = 1;
int i = -MAX_INT;
/* create ngrams */
for(i = MAX(pin, n - 1); i < wordBufCount - 1; i++){
memcpy(ngrams[num++].words, wordBuf + i - n + 1, sizeof(int) * n);
if(num >= wordNum)
/* set a finished flag if we reach the end of the sentence*/
if(i >= wordBufCount - 1){
pin = 0;
wordBufCount = 0;
/* record where to start next time if we break in the middle */
pin = i + 1;
if((sentNum > 0 && lineNum >= sentNum) || num >= wordNum)
return num;
make a 2d tensor in zero-one representation
The indexed cell is set to 1, and 0 otherwise.
>> tensor - the tensor to initialize
>> rowNum - number of rows
>> colNum - number of columns
>> rows - row index
>> cols - column index
>> itemNum - number of non-zero items
>> devID - device id
>> mem - memory pool
void InitZeroOneTensor2D(XTensor &tensor, int rowNum, int colNum, int * rows, int * cols,
int itemNum, int devID, XMem * mem)
InitTensor2DV2(&tensor, rowNum, colNum, X_FLOAT, devID);
/* set none-zero cells */
for(int i = 0; i < itemNum; i++)
tensor.Set2D(1.0F, rows[i], cols[i]);
make a tensor that encodes a batch of words
>> batch - the tensor encoding a batch of words
>> ngrams - the ngram batch
>> ngramNum - batch size
>> n - indicate which word is encode for each ngram
>> vSize - vocabulary size
>> devID - device id
>> mem - memory pool
void MakeWordBatch(XTensor &batch, NGram * ngrams, int ngramNum, int n, int vSize, int devID, XMem * mem)
int * rows = new int[ngramNum];
int * cols = new int[ngramNum];
for(int i = 0; i < ngramNum; i++){
rows[i] = i;
cols[i] = ngrams[i].words[n];
InitZeroOneTensor2D(batch, ngramNum, vSize, rows, cols, ngramNum, devID, mem);
delete[] rows;
delete[] cols;
forward procedure
>> inputs - input word representations
>> output - output probability
>> model - the fnn model
>> net - the network that keeps the internal tensors generated in the process
void Forward(XTensor inputs[], XTensor &output, FNNModel &model, FNNNet &net)
int batchSize = -1;
int n = model.n;
int depth = model.hDepth;
TensorList eList(n - 1);
/* previoius n - 1 words */
for(int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++){
XTensor &input = inputs[i];
XTensor &w = model.embeddingW;
XTensor &embedding = net.embeddings[i];
if(batchSize == -1)
batchSize = input.dimSize[0];
CheckErrors(batchSize == input.dimSize[0], "Wrong input word representations!");
/* embedding output tensor of position i */
InitModelTensor2D(embedding, batchSize, model.eSize, model);
/* generate word embedding of position i:
embedding = input * w */
_MatrixMul(&input, X_NOTRANS, &w, X_NOTRANS, &embedding);
/* concatenate word embeddings
embeddingcat = cat(embedding_0...embedding_{n-1}) */
InitModelTensor2D(net.embeddingCat, batchSize, (n - 1) * model.eSize, model);
_Concatenate(&eList, &net.embeddingCat, 1);
/* go over each hidden layer */
for(int i = 0; i < depth; i++){
XTensor &h_pre = i == 0 ? net.embeddingCat : net.hiddens[i - 1];
XTensor &w = model.hiddenW[i];
XTensor &b = model.hiddenB[i];
XTensor &h = net.hiddens[i];
XTensor &s = net.hiddenStates[i];
InitModelTensor2D(h, batchSize, model.hSize, model);
InitModelTensor2D(s, batchSize, model.hSize, model);
/* generate hidden states of layer i:
s = h_pre * w */
_MatrixMul(&h_pre, X_NOTRANS, &w, X_NOTRANS, &s);
/* make a 2d tensor for the bias term */
XTensor b2D;
InitTensorV2(&b2D, &s);
_Unsqueeze(&b, &b2D, 0, batchSize);
/* introduce bias term:
s = s + b
NOTE: the trick here is to extend b to a 2d tensor
to fit into the 2d representation in tensor summation */
_Sum(&s, &b2D, &s);
/* pass the state through the hard tanh function:
h = tanh(s) */
_HardTanH(&s, &h);
/* generate the output Pr(w_{n-1}|w_0...w_{n-2}):
y = softmax(h_last * w)
Note that this is the implementation as that in Bengio et al.' paper.
TODO: we add bias term here */
XTensor &h_last = depth > 0 ? net.hiddens[depth - 1] : net.embeddingCat;
XTensor &w = model.outputW;
XTensor &b = model.outputB;
XTensor &s = net.stateLast;
XTensor &y = output;
InitModelTensor2D(s, batchSize, model.vSize, model);
InitModelTensor2D(y, batchSize, model.vSize, model);
/* s = h_last * w */
_MatrixMul(&h_last, X_NOTRANS, &w, X_NOTRANS, &s);
XTensor b2D;
InitTensorV2(&b2D, &s);
_Unsqueeze(&b, &b2D, 0, batchSize);
_Sum(&s, &b2D, &s);
/* y = softmax(s) */
_LogSoftmax(&s, &y, 1);
backward procedure
>> inputs - input word representations
>> output - output probability
>> gold - gold standard
>> loss - loss function name
>> model - the fnn model
>> grad - the model that keeps the gradient information
>> net - the network that keeps the internal tensors generated in the process
void Backward(XTensor inputs[], XTensor &output, XTensor &gold, LOSS_FUNCTION_NAME loss,
FNNModel &model, FNNModel &grad, FNNNet &net)
int batchSize = output.GetDim(0);
int n = model.n;
int depth = model.hDepth;
/* back-propagation for the output layer */
XTensor &y = output;
XTensor &s = net.stateLast;
XTensor &x = depth > 0 ? net.hiddens[depth - 1] : net.embeddingCat;
XTensor &w = model.outputW;
XTensor &dedw = grad.outputW;
XTensor &dedb = grad.outputB;
XTensor deds(&y);
XTensor dedx(&x);
/* for y = softmax(s), we get dE/ds
where E is the error function (define by loss) */
_LogSoftmaxBackward(&gold, &y, &s, NULL, &deds, NULL, 1, loss);
/* for s = x * w, we get
dE/w_{i,j} = dE/ds_j * ds/dw_{i,j}
= dE/ds_j * x_{i}
(where i and j are the row and column indices, and
x is the top most hidden layer)
so we know
dE/dw = x^T * dE/ds */
_MatrixMul(&x, X_TRANS, &deds, X_NOTRANS, &dedw);
/* gradient of the bias: dE/db = dE/ds * 1 = dE/ds
specifically dE/db_{j} = \sum_{i} dE/ds_{i,j} */
_ReduceSum(&deds, &dedb, 0);
/* then, we compute
dE/dx_{j} = \sum_j' (dE/ds_{j'} * ds_{j'}/dx_j)
= \sum_j' (dE/ds_{j'} * w_{j, j'})
dE/dx = dE/ds * w^T */
_MatrixMul(&deds, X_NOTRANS, &w, X_TRANS, &dedx);
XTensor &gradPassed = dedx;
XTensor dedsHidden;
XTensor dedxBottom;
if (depth > 0)
InitTensorV2(&dedsHidden, &dedx);
InitTensorV2(&dedxBottom, &net.embeddingCat);
/* back-propagation from top to bottom in the stack of hidden layers
for each layer, h = f(s)
s = x * w + b */
for (int i = depth - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
XTensor &h = net.hiddens[i];
XTensor &s = net.hiddenStates[i];
XTensor &x = i == 0 ? net.embeddingCat : net.hiddenStates[i - 1];
XTensor &w = model.hiddenW[i];
XTensor &dedh = gradPassed; // gradient passed though the previous layer
XTensor &dedx = i == 0 ? dedxBottom : dedh;
XTensor &deds = dedsHidden;
XTensor &dedw = grad.hiddenW[i];
XTensor &dedb = grad.hiddenB[i];
/* backpropagation through the activation fucntion:
dE/ds = dE/dh * dh/ds */
_HardTanHBackward(NULL, &h, &s, &dedh, &deds, NOLOSS);
/* gradient of the weight: dE/dw = x^T * dE/ds */
_MatrixMul(&x, X_TRANS, &deds, X_NOTRANS, &dedw);
/* gradient of the bias: dE/db = dE/ds * 1 = dE/ds
specifically dE/db_{j} = \sum_{i} dE/ds_{i,j} */
_ReduceSum(&deds, &dedb, 0);
/* gradient of the input: dE/dx = dE/ds * w^T */
_MatrixMul(&deds, X_NOTRANS, &w, X_TRANS, &dedx);
if (i > 0)
_CopyValues(&dedx, &gradPassed);
TensorList eList(n - 1);
/* back-propagation for the embedding layer */
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
XTensor * dedy = NewTensor2DV2(batchSize, model.eSize, X_FLOAT, model.devID);
/* gradient of the concatenation of the embedding layers */
XTensor &dedyCat = depth > 0 ? dedxBottom : dedx;
/* split the concatenation of gradients of the embeddings */
_Split(&dedyCat, &eList, 1, n - 1);
/* go over for each word */
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
XTensor * dedy = (XTensor*)eList.GetItem(i);
XTensor &x = inputs[i];
XTensor &dedw = grad.embeddingW;
/* gradient of the embedding weight: dE/dw += x^T * dE/dy
NOTE that we accumulate dE/dw here because the matrix w
is shared by several layers (or words) */
_MatrixMul(&x, X_TRANS, dedy, X_NOTRANS, &dedw, 1.0F, 1.0F);
delete dedy;
forward process (with tensor connections) (this is implemented by gather function)
>> ngrams - the loaded ngrams
>> batch - the tensor encoding a batch of words
>> output - output probability
>> model - the fnn model
void ForwardAutoDiff(NGram * ngrams, int batch, XTensor &output, FNNModel &model)
int n = model.n;
int depth = model.hDepth;
XTensor words;
XTensor embeddingBig;
XTensor hidden;
XTensor b;
int size = batch * (n-1);
int * index = new int[size];
for(int i = 0; i < batch; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < n-1; j++){
int a = i * (n - 1) + j;
index[a] = ngrams[i].words[j];
InitTensor1DV2(&words, size, X_INT, model.devID);
words.SetData(index, size);
embeddingBig = Gather(model.embeddingW, words);
delete[] line;
delete[] index;
int dimSize[2];
dimSize[0] = embeddingBig.GetDim(0) / (n - 1);
dimSize[1] = embeddingBig.GetDim(1) * (n - 1);
hidden = Reshape(embeddingBig, embeddingBig.order, dimSize);
train the model with the standard SGD method
>> train - training data file
>> isShuffled - shuffle the data file or not
>> model - the fnn model
void Train(const char * train, bool isShuffled, FNNModel &model)
char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
/* hidden layers */
for(int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
hidden = HardTanH(MMul(hidden, model.hiddenW[i]) + model.hiddenB[i]);
/* shuffle the data */
if (isShuffled) {
sprintf(name, "%s-tmp", train);
Shuffle(train, name);
strcpy(name, train);
/* output layer */
//output = LogSoftmax(MMul(hidden, model.outputW) + model.outputB, 1);
output = Softmax(MMul(hidden, model.outputW) + model.outputB, 1);
int epoch = 0;
int step = 0;
int wordCount = 0;
int wordCountTotal = 0;
int ngramNum = 1;
float loss = 0;
bool isEnd = false;
NGram * ngrams = new NGram[MAX_LINE_LENGTH_HERE];
/* make a model to keep gradients */
FNNModel grad;
Copy(grad, model);
/* XNet for automatic differentiation */
XNet autoDiffer;
double startT = GetClockSec();
/* iterate for a number of epochs */
for (epoch = 0; epoch < nEpoch; epoch++) {
/* data file */
FILE * file = fopen(name, "rb");
CheckErrors(file, "Cannot open the training file");
wordCount = 0;
loss = 0;
ngramNum = 1;
forward process (with tensor connections) (this is implemented by multiply function)
>> inputs - input word representations
>> output - output probability
>> model - the fnn model
void ForwardAutoDiff(XTensor inputs[], XTensor &output, FNNModel &model)
int n = model.n;
int depth = model.hDepth;
XTensor words;
XTensor embeddingBig;
XTensor hidden;
XTensor b;
TensorList inputList(n - 1);
for(int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
inputList.Add(inputs + i);
/* represent n - 1 words in one tensor */
words = Merge(inputList, 0);
/* word embedding */
embeddingBig = MMul(words, model.embeddingW);
/* input of the first hidden layer */
hidden = Split(embeddingBig, 0, n - 1);
hidden = Merge(hidden, 2, 0);
/* hidden layers */
for(int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
hidden = MMul(hidden, model.hiddenW[i]) + model.hiddenB[i];
while (ngramNum > 0) {
/* load a minibatch of ngrams */
ngramNum = LoadNGrams(file, model.n, ngrams, sentBatch, wordBatch);
/* output layer */
output = LogSoftmax(MMul(hidden, model.outputW) + model.outputB, 1);
if (ngramNum <= 0)
dump the model to the disk space
>> fn - where to keep the model
>> model - the fnn model
void Dump(const char * fn, FNNModel &model)
FILE * file = fopen(fn, "wb");
CheckErrors(file, "Cannot open the model file");
model.embeddingW.Dump(file, "embedding w:");
for (int i = 0; i < model.hDepth; i++) {
char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
sprintf(name, "hidden %d w:", i);
model.hiddenW[i].Dump(file, name);
sprintf(name, "hidden %d b:", i);
model.hiddenB[i].Dump(file, name);
model.outputW.Dump(file, "output w:");
model.outputB.Dump(file, "output b:");
XPRINT(0, stderr, "[INFO] model saved\n");
read the model from the disk space
>> fn - where to keep the model
>> model - the fnn model
void Read(const char * fn, FNNModel &model)
FILE * file = fopen(fn, "rb");
CheckErrors(file, "Cannot open the model file");
model.embeddingW.Read(file, "embedding w:");
for (int i = 0; i < model.hDepth; i++) {
char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
sprintf(name, "hidden %d w:", i);
model.hiddenW[i].Read(file, name);
sprintf(name, "hidden %d b:", i);
model.hiddenB[i].Read(file, name);
model.outputW.Read(file, "output w:");
model.outputB.Read(file, "output b:");
XPRINT(0, stderr, "[INFO] model loaded\n");
test the model
>> test - test data file
>> result - where to keep the result
>> model - the fnn model
void Test(const char * test, const char * result, FNNModel &model)
int wordCount = 0;
int sentCount = 0;
float loss = 0;
NGram * ngrams = new NGram[MAX_LINE_LENGTH_HERE];
double startT = GetClockSec();
/* data files */
FILE * file = fopen(test, "rb");
CheckErrors(file, "Cannot read the test file");
FILE * ofile = fopen(result, "wb");
CheckErrors(ofile, "Cannot open the output file");
int ngramNum = 1;
while (ngramNum > 0) {
/* load a minibatch of ngrams */
ngramNum = LoadNGrams(file, model.n, ngrams, 1, MAX_INT);
if (ngramNum <= 0)
/* previous n - 1 words */
XTensor inputs[MAX_N_GRAM];
/* the predicted word */
XTensor output;
/* the gold standard */
XTensor gold;
/* make the input tensor for position i */
for (int i = 0; i < model.n - 1; i++)
MakeWordBatch(inputs[i], ngrams, ngramNum, i, model.vSize, model.devID, model.mem);
/* make the gold tensor */
MakeWordBatch(gold, ngrams, ngramNum, model.n - 1, model.vSize, model.devID, model.mem);
if (!autoDiff) {
/* prepare an empty network for building the fnn */
FNNNet net;
/* forward computation */
Forward(inputs, output, model, net);
else {
/* this is implemented by gather function */
ForwardAutoDiff(ngrams, ngramNum, output, model);
/* this is implemented by multiply function */
//ForwardAutoDiff(inputs, output, model);
/* prediction probabilities */
XTensor probs;
InitTensor1DV2(&probs, ngramNum);
/* get probabilities */
float prob = GetProb(output, gold, &probs);
/* dump the test result */
for (int i = 0; i < model.n - 1; i++)
fprintf(ofile, "%d ", ngrams[0].words[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < ngramNum; i++)
fprintf(ofile, "%d ", ngrams[i].words[model.n - 1]);
fprintf(ofile, "||| ");
for (int i = 0; i < model.n - 1; i++)
fprintf(ofile, "<s> ");
for (int i = 0; i < ngramNum; i++)
fprintf(ofile, "%f ", probs.Get1D(i));
fprintf(ofile, "||| %f\n", prob);
loss += -prob;
wordCount += ngramNum;
sentCount += 1;
double elapsed = GetClockSec() - startT;
XPRINT1(0, stderr, "[INFO] ppl=%.2f\n", exp(loss/wordCount));
XPRINT3(0, stderr, "[INFO] test finished (took %.1fs, sentence=%d and ngram=%d)\n",
elapsed, sentCount, wordCount);
delete[] ngrams;
/* previous n - 1 words */
XTensor inputs[MAX_N_GRAM];
/* the predicted word */
XTensor output;
/* the gold standard */
XTensor gold;
/* the loss tensor */
XTensor lossTensor;
/* make the input tensor for position i */
for (int i = 0; i < model.n - 1; i++)
MakeWordBatch(inputs[i], ngrams, ngramNum, i, model.vSize, model.devID, model.mem);
/* make the gold tensor */
MakeWordBatch(gold, ngrams, ngramNum, model.n - 1, model.vSize, model.devID, model.mem);
if (!autoDiff) {
/* prepare an empty network for building the fnn */
FNNNet net;
/* gradident = 0 */
Clear(grad, false);
/* forward computation */
Forward(inputs, output, model, net);
/* backward computation to obtain gradients */
Backward(inputs, output, gold, CROSSENTROPY, model, grad, net);
/* update model parameters */
Update(model, grad, learningRate, false);
else {
/* gradient = 0 */
Clear(model, true);
/* forward + backward process */
/* this is implemented by gather function */
ForwardAutoDiff(ngrams, ngramNum, output, model);
/* this is implemented by multiply function */
//ForwardAutoDiff(inputs, output, model);
lossTensor = CrossEntropy(output, gold);
output.Dump(stderr, "output:",10);
gold.Dump(stderr, "gold:", 10);
lossTensor.Dump(stderr, "lossTensor:",10);
/* automatic differentiation */
//autoDiffer.Backward(output, gold, CROSSENTROPY);
/* update model parameters */
Update(model, grad, learningRate, true);
/* get probabilities */
float prob = GetProb(output, gold);
if (autoDiff) {
prob = -ReduceSumAll(lossTensor);
//printf("prob:%f", prob);
loss += -prob;
wordCount += ngramNum;
wordCountTotal += ngramNum;
if (++step >= nStep) {
isEnd = true;
if (step % 100 == 0) {
double elapsed = GetClockSec() - startT;
XPRINT5(0, stderr, "[INFO] elapsed=%.1fs, step=%d, epoch=%d, ngram=%d, ppl=%.3f\n",
elapsed, step, epoch + 1, wordCountTotal, exp(loss / wordCount));
if (isEnd)
Test(testFN, outputFN, model);
double elapsed = GetClockSec() - startT;
XPRINT5(0, stderr, "[INFO] elapsed=%.1fs, step=%d, epoch=%d, ngram=%d, ppl=%.3f\n",
elapsed, step, epoch, wordCountTotal, exp(loss / wordCount));
XPRINT3(0, stderr, "[INFO] training finished (took %.1fs, step=%d and epoch=%d)\n",
elapsed, step, epoch);
delete[] ngrams;
update the model parameters using the delta rule
>> model - the model to update
>> grad - gradients
>> epsilon - learning rate
>> isNodeGrad - indicates whether the gradient is associated with the node
void Update(FNNModel &model, FNNModel &grad, float epsilon, bool isNodeGrad)
TensorList paraList(10);
TensorList gradList(10);
for (int i = 0; i < model.hDepth; i++) {
if (!isNodeGrad) {
for (int i = 0; i < model.hDepth; i++) {
else {
for (int i = 0; i < model.hDepth; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < paraList.count; i++) {
XTensor * para = (XTensor*)paraList.GetItem(i);
XTensor * paraGrad = (XTensor*)gradList.GetItem(i);
//fprintf(stderr, "%d\n", i);
//paraGrad->Dump(stderr, "grad:", 10);
/* the delta rule */
_Sum(para, paraGrad, para, -epsilon);
get prediction probabilites of the gold words
>> output - output probabilities
>> gold - gold standard
>> wordPobs - probability of each word
<< return - probability of the batch
float GetProb(XTensor &output, XTensor &gold, XTensor * wordProbs)
XTensor probs;
InitTensorV2(&probs, &output);
/* probs[i,j] = output[i,j] * gold[i,j] */
_Multiply(&output, &gold, &probs);
/* probability of each word */
XTensor wprobs;
InitTensor1DV2(&wprobs, output.GetDim(0), output.dataType, output.devID);
_ReduceSum(&probs, &wprobs, 1);
if (wordProbs != NULL)
_CopyValues(&wprobs, wordProbs);
/* reshape the tensor to fit it into the reduce procedure
TODO: XTensor supports scalars */
int dims[2];
dims[0] = 1;
dims[1] = probs.unitNum;
probs.Reshape(2, dims);
/* probability for the batch */
XTensor result;
InitTensor1DV2(&result, 1, X_FLOAT, output.devID);
_ReduceSum(&probs, &result, 1);
return result.Get1D(0);
int pin = 0;
int wordBufCount = 0;
load a minibatch of ngrams
>> file - data file
>> n - order of the language model
>> ngrams - the loaded ngrams
>> sentNum - maximum sentences kept in the minibatch
>> wordNum - maximum words kept in the minibatch
int LoadNGrams(FILE * file, int n, NGram * ngrams, int sentNum, int wordNum)
int num = 0;
int lineNum = 0;
while (pin > 0 || fgets(lineBuf, MAX_LINE_LENGTH_HERE - 1, file)) {
if (pin <= 0) {
int len = (int)strlen(lineBuf);
while (lineBuf[len - 1] == '\r' || lineBuf[len - 1] == '\n') {
lineBuf[len - 1] = 0;
len = (int)strlen(lineBuf);
if (len == 0)
/* how many characters are in a word */
int wSize = 0;
/* how many words are in the sentence */
int wNum = 0;
int i = 0;
for (i = pin; i < len; i++) {
/* load word (id) seperated by space or tab */
if ((lineBuf[i] == ' ' || lineBuf[i] == '\t') && wSize > 0) {
lineBuf[i] = 0;
wordBuf[wNum++] = atoi(lineBuf + i - wSize);
wSize = 0;
if (wSize > 0)
wordBuf[wNum++] = atoi(lineBuf + i - wSize);
wordBufCount = wNum;
lineNum = 1;
int i = -MAX_INT;
/* create ngrams */
for (i = MAX(pin, n - 1); i < wordBufCount - 1; i++) {
memcpy(ngrams[num++].words, wordBuf + i - n + 1, sizeof(int) * n);
if (num >= wordNum)
/* set a finished flag if we reach the end of the sentence*/
if (i >= wordBufCount - 1) {
pin = 0;
wordBufCount = 0;
/* record where to start next time if we break in the middle */
else {
pin = i + 1;
if ((sentNum > 0 && lineNum >= sentNum) || num >= wordNum)
return num;
make a 2d tensor in zero-one representation
The indexed cell is set to 1, and 0 otherwise.
>> tensor - the tensor to initialize
>> rowNum - number of rows
>> colNum - number of columns
>> rows - row index
>> cols - column index
>> itemNum - number of non-zero items
>> devID - device id
>> mem - memory pool
void InitZeroOneTensor2D(XTensor &tensor, int rowNum, int colNum, int * rows, int * cols,
int itemNum, int devID, XMem * mem)
InitTensor2DV2(&tensor, rowNum, colNum, X_FLOAT, devID);
/* set none-zero cells */
for (int i = 0; i < itemNum; i++)
tensor.Set2D(1.0F, rows[i], cols[i]);
make a tensor that encodes a batch of words
>> batch - the tensor encoding a batch of words
>> ngrams - the ngram batch
>> ngramNum - batch size
>> n - indicate which word is encode for each ngram
>> vSize - vocabulary size
>> devID - device id
>> mem - memory pool
void MakeWordBatch(XTensor &batch, NGram * ngrams, int ngramNum, int n, int vSize, int devID, XMem * mem)
int * rows = new int[ngramNum];
int * cols = new int[ngramNum];
for (int i = 0; i < ngramNum; i++) {
rows[i] = i;
cols[i] = ngrams[i].words[n];
InitZeroOneTensor2D(batch, ngramNum, vSize, rows, cols, ngramNum, devID, mem);
delete[] rows;
delete[] cols;
forward procedure
>> inputs - input word representations
>> output - output probability
>> model - the fnn model
>> net - the network that keeps the internal tensors generated in the process
void Forward(XTensor inputs[], XTensor &output, FNNModel &model, FNNNet &net)
int batchSize = -1;
int n = model.n;
int depth = model.hDepth;
TensorList eList(n - 1);
/* previoius n - 1 words */
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
XTensor &input = inputs[i];
XTensor &w = model.embeddingW;
XTensor &embedding = net.embeddings[i];
if (batchSize == -1)
batchSize = input.dimSize[0];
else {
CheckErrors(batchSize == input.dimSize[0], "Wrong input word representations!");
/* embedding output tensor of position i */
InitModelTensor2D(embedding, batchSize, model.eSize, model);
/* generate word embedding of position i:
embedding = input * w */
_MatrixMul(&input, X_NOTRANS, &w, X_NOTRANS, &embedding);
/* concatenate word embeddings
embeddingcat = cat(embedding_0...embedding_{n-1}) */
InitModelTensor2D(net.embeddingCat, batchSize, (n - 1) * model.eSize, model);
_Concatenate(&eList, &net.embeddingCat, 1);
/* go over each hidden layer */
for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
XTensor &h_pre = i == 0 ? net.embeddingCat : net.hiddens[i - 1];
XTensor &w = model.hiddenW[i];
XTensor &b = model.hiddenB[i];
XTensor &h = net.hiddens[i];
XTensor &s = net.hiddenStates[i];
InitModelTensor2D(h, batchSize, model.hSize, model);
InitModelTensor2D(s, batchSize, model.hSize, model);
/* generate hidden states of layer i:
s = h_pre * w */
_MatrixMul(&h_pre, X_NOTRANS, &w, X_NOTRANS, &s);
/* make a 2d tensor for the bias term */
XTensor b2D;
InitTensorV2(&b2D, &s);
_Unsqueeze(&b, &b2D, 0, batchSize);
/* introduce bias term:
s = s + b
NOTE: the trick here is to extend b to a 2d tensor
to fit into the 2d representation in tensor summation */
_Sum(&s, &b2D, &s);
/* pass the state through the hard tanh function:
h = tanh(s) */
_HardTanH(&s, &h);
/* generate the output Pr(w_{n-1}|w_0...w_{n-2}):
y = softmax(h_last * w)
Note that this is the implementation as that in Bengio et al.' paper.
TODO: we add bias term here */
XTensor &h_last = depth > 0 ? net.hiddens[depth - 1] : net.embeddingCat;
XTensor &w = model.outputW;
XTensor &b = model.outputB;
XTensor &s = net.stateLast;
XTensor &y = output;
InitModelTensor2D(s, batchSize, model.vSize, model);
InitModelTensor2D(y, batchSize, model.vSize, model);
/* s = h_last * w */
_MatrixMul(&h_last, X_NOTRANS, &w, X_NOTRANS, &s);
XTensor b2D;
InitTensorV2(&b2D, &s);
_Unsqueeze(&b, &b2D, 0, batchSize);
_Sum(&s, &b2D, &s);
/* y = softmax(s) */
_LogSoftmax(&s, &y, 1);
backward procedure
>> inputs - input word representations
>> output - output probability
>> gold - gold standard
>> loss - loss function name
>> model - the fnn model
>> grad - the model that keeps the gradient information
>> net - the network that keeps the internal tensors generated in the process
void Backward(XTensor inputs[], XTensor &output, XTensor &gold, LOSS_FUNCTION_NAME loss,
FNNModel &model, FNNModel &grad, FNNNet &net)
int batchSize = output.GetDim(0);
int n = model.n;
int depth = model.hDepth;
/* back-propagation for the output layer */
XTensor &y = output;
XTensor &s = net.stateLast;
XTensor &x = depth > 0 ? net.hiddens[depth - 1] : net.embeddingCat;
XTensor &w = model.outputW;
XTensor &dedw = grad.outputW;
XTensor &dedb = grad.outputB;
XTensor deds(&y);
XTensor dedx(&x);
/* for y = softmax(s), we get dE/ds
where E is the error function (define by loss) */
_LogSoftmaxBackward(&gold, &y, &s, NULL, &deds, NULL, 1, loss);
/* for s = x * w, we get
dE/w_{i,j} = dE/ds_j * ds/dw_{i,j}
= dE/ds_j * x_{i}
(where i and j are the row and column indices, and
x is the top most hidden layer)
so we know
dE/dw = x^T * dE/ds */
_MatrixMul(&x, X_TRANS, &deds, X_NOTRANS, &dedw);
/* gradient of the bias: dE/db = dE/ds * 1 = dE/ds
specifically dE/db_{j} = \sum_{i} dE/ds_{i,j} */
_ReduceSum(&deds, &dedb, 0);
/* then, we compute
dE/dx_{j} = \sum_j' (dE/ds_{j'} * ds_{j'}/dx_j)
= \sum_j' (dE/ds_{j'} * w_{j, j'})
dE/dx = dE/ds * w^T */
_MatrixMul(&deds, X_NOTRANS, &w, X_TRANS, &dedx);
XTensor &gradPassed = dedx;
XTensor dedsHidden;
XTensor dedxBottom;
if (depth > 0)
InitTensorV2(&dedsHidden, &dedx);
InitTensorV2(&dedxBottom, &net.embeddingCat);
/* back-propagation from top to bottom in the stack of hidden layers
for each layer, h = f(s)
s = x * w + b */
for (int i = depth - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
XTensor &h = net.hiddens[i];
XTensor &s = net.hiddenStates[i];
XTensor &x = i == 0 ? net.embeddingCat : net.hiddenStates[i - 1];
XTensor &w = model.hiddenW[i];
XTensor &dedh = gradPassed; // gradient passed though the previous layer
XTensor &dedx = i == 0 ? dedxBottom : dedh;
XTensor &deds = dedsHidden;
XTensor &dedw = grad.hiddenW[i];
XTensor &dedb = grad.hiddenB[i];
/* backpropagation through the activation fucntion:
dE/ds = dE/dh * dh/ds */
_HardTanHBackward(NULL, &h, &s, &dedh, &deds, NOLOSS);
/* gradient of the weight: dE/dw = x^T * dE/ds */
_MatrixMul(&x, X_TRANS, &deds, X_NOTRANS, &dedw);
/* gradient of the bias: dE/db = dE/ds * 1 = dE/ds
specifically dE/db_{j} = \sum_{i} dE/ds_{i,j} */
_ReduceSum(&deds, &dedb, 0);
/* gradient of the input: dE/dx = dE/ds * w^T */
_MatrixMul(&deds, X_NOTRANS, &w, X_TRANS, &dedx);
if (i > 0)
_CopyValues(&dedx, &gradPassed);
TensorList eList(n - 1);
/* back-propagation for the embedding layer */
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
XTensor * dedy = NewTensor2DV2(batchSize, model.eSize, X_FLOAT, model.devID);
/* gradient of the concatenation of the embedding layers */
XTensor &dedyCat = depth > 0 ? dedxBottom : dedx;
/* split the concatenation of gradients of the embeddings */
_Split(&dedyCat, &eList, 1, n - 1);
/* go over for each word */
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
XTensor * dedy = (XTensor*)eList.GetItem(i);
XTensor &x = inputs[i];
XTensor &dedw = grad.embeddingW;
/* gradient of the embedding weight: dE/dw += x^T * dE/dy
NOTE that we accumulate dE/dw here because the matrix w
is shared by several layers (or words) */
_MatrixMul(&x, X_TRANS, dedy, X_NOTRANS, &dedw, 1.0F, 1.0F);
delete dedy;
forward process (with tensor connections) (this is implemented by gather function)
>> ngrams - the loaded ngrams
>> batch - the tensor encoding a batch of words
>> output - output probability
>> model - the fnn model
void ForwardAutoDiff(NGram * ngrams, int batch, XTensor &output, FNNModel &model)
int n = model.n;
int depth = model.hDepth;
XTensor words;
XTensor embeddingBig;
XTensor hidden;
XTensor b;
int size = batch * (n - 1);
int * index = new int[size];
for (int i = 0; i < batch; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < n - 1; j++) {
int a = i * (n - 1) + j;
index[a] = ngrams[i].words[j];
InitTensor1DV2(&words, size, X_INT, model.devID);
words.SetData(index, size);
words.Dump(stderr, "word:", 10);
embeddingBig = Gather(model.embeddingW, words);
delete[] index;
int dimSize[2];
dimSize[0] = embeddingBig.GetDim(0) / (n - 1);
dimSize[1] = embeddingBig.GetDim(1) * (n - 1);
embeddingBig.Dump(stderr, "embeddingBig:", 10);
hidden = Reshape(embeddingBig, embeddingBig.order, dimSize);
hidden.Dump(stderr, "hidden-0:", 10);
/* hidden layers */
for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
hidden = HardTanH(MMul(hidden, model.hiddenW[i]) + model.hiddenB[i]);
hidden.Dump(stderr, "hidden-1:", 10);
/* output layer */
//output = LogSoftmax(MMul(hidden, model.outputW) + model.outputB, 1);
output = Softmax(MMul(hidden, model.outputW) + model.outputB, 1);
forward process (with tensor connections) (this is implemented by multiply function)
>> inputs - input word representations
>> output - output probability
>> model - the fnn model
void ForwardAutoDiff(XTensor inputs[], XTensor &output, FNNModel &model)
int n = model.n;
int depth = model.hDepth;
XTensor words;
XTensor embeddingBig;
XTensor hidden;
XTensor b;
TensorList inputList(n - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
inputList.Add(inputs + i);
/* represent n - 1 words in one tensor */
words = Merge(inputList, 0);
/* word embedding */
embeddingBig = MMul(words, model.embeddingW);
/* input of the first hidden layer */
hidden = Split(embeddingBig, 0, n - 1);
hidden = Merge(hidden, 2, 0);
/* hidden layers */
for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
hidden = MMul(hidden, model.hiddenW[i]) + model.hiddenB[i];
/* output layer */
output = LogSoftmax(MMul(hidden, model.outputW) + model.outputB, 1);
dump the model to the disk space
>> fn - where to keep the model
>> model - the fnn model
void Dump(const char * fn, FNNModel &model)
FILE * file = fopen(fn, "wb");
CheckErrors(file, "Cannot open the model file");
model.embeddingW.Dump(file, "embedding w:");
for (int i = 0; i < model.hDepth; i++) {
char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
sprintf(name, "hidden %d w:", i);
model.hiddenW[i].Dump(file, name);
sprintf(name, "hidden %d b:", i);
model.hiddenB[i].Dump(file, name);
model.outputW.Dump(file, "output w:");
model.outputB.Dump(file, "output b:");
XPRINT(0, stderr, "[INFO] model saved\n");
read the model from the disk space
>> fn - where to keep the model
>> model - the fnn model
void Read(const char * fn, FNNModel &model)
FILE * file = fopen(fn, "rb");
CheckErrors(file, "Cannot open the model file");
model.embeddingW.Read(file, "embedding w:");
for (int i = 0; i < model.hDepth; i++) {
char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
sprintf(name, "hidden %d w:", i);
model.hiddenW[i].Read(file, name);
sprintf(name, "hidden %d b:", i);
model.hiddenB[i].Read(file, name);
model.outputW.Read(file, "output w:");
model.outputB.Read(file, "output b:");
XPRINT(0, stderr, "[INFO] model loaded\n");
test the model
>> test - test data file
>> result - where to keep the result
>> model - the fnn model
void Test(const char * test, const char * result, FNNModel &model)
int wordCount = 0;
int sentCount = 0;
float loss = 0;
NGram * ngrams = new NGram[MAX_LINE_LENGTH_HERE];
double startT = GetClockSec();
/* data files */
FILE * file = fopen(test, "rb");
CheckErrors(file, "Cannot read the test file");
FILE * ofile = fopen(result, "wb");
CheckErrors(ofile, "Cannot open the output file");
int ngramNum = 1;
while (ngramNum > 0) {
/* load a minibatch of ngrams */
ngramNum = LoadNGrams(file, model.n, ngrams, 1, MAX_INT);
if (ngramNum <= 0)
/* previous n - 1 words */
XTensor inputs[MAX_N_GRAM];
/* the predicted word */
XTensor output;
/* the gold standard */
XTensor gold;
/* make the input tensor for position i */
for (int i = 0; i < model.n - 1; i++)
MakeWordBatch(inputs[i], ngrams, ngramNum, i, model.vSize, model.devID, model.mem);
/* make the gold tensor */
MakeWordBatch(gold, ngrams, ngramNum, model.n - 1, model.vSize, model.devID, model.mem);
if (!autoDiff) {
/* prepare an empty network for building the fnn */
FNNNet net;
/* forward computation */
Forward(inputs, output, model, net);
else {
/* this is implemented by gather function */
ForwardAutoDiff(ngrams, ngramNum, output, model);
output = Log(output);
/* this is implemented by multiply function */
//ForwardAutoDiff(inputs, output, model);
/* prediction probabilities */
XTensor probs;
InitTensor1DV2(&probs, ngramNum);
/* get probabilities */
float prob = GetProb(output, gold, &probs);
/* dump the test result */
for (int i = 0; i < model.n - 1; i++)
fprintf(ofile, "%d ", ngrams[0].words[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < ngramNum; i++)
fprintf(ofile, "%d ", ngrams[i].words[model.n - 1]);
fprintf(ofile, "||| ");
for (int i = 0; i < model.n - 1; i++)
fprintf(ofile, "<s> ");
for (int i = 0; i < ngramNum; i++)
fprintf(ofile, "%f ", probs.Get1D(i));
fprintf(ofile, "||| %f\n", prob);
loss += -prob;
wordCount += ngramNum;
sentCount += 1;
double elapsed = GetClockSec() - startT;
XPRINT1(0, stderr, "[INFO] ppl=%.2f\n", exp(loss / wordCount));
XPRINT3(0, stderr, "[INFO] test finished (took %.1fs, sentence=%d and ngram=%d)\n",
elapsed, sentCount, wordCount);
delete[] ngrams;
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
#include <time.h>
#include "XTensor.h"
#include "XDevice.h"
#include "./test/Test.h"
//#include "./test/Test.h"
#include "./core/CHeader.h"
#include "./loss/CrossEntropy.h"
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ void LittleTest();
void T2TTest();
void T2TTest2();
void PowerTest();
void Tests();
int main( int argc, const char ** argv )
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ int main( int argc, const char ** argv )
//return 0;
if(argc > 1 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-test"))
fprintf(stderr, "Thanks for using NiuTrans.Tensor! This is a library that eases the\n");
fprintf(stderr, "use of tensors. All you need is to ... \n\n");
......@@ -75,219 +75,223 @@ int main( int argc, const char ** argv )
return 0;
void myRead(XTensor * tensor, const char * filename, const char * label)
FILE * file = fopen(filename, "rb");
if(file == NULL)
printf("%s\n", filename);
tensor->Read(file, label);
void myDump(XTensor * tensor, const char * filename, const char * label)
FILE * file = fopen(filename, "wb");
if(file == NULL)
printf("%s\n", filename);
tensor->Dump(file, label);
void PowerTest()
XTensor input;
XTensor output;
InitTensor2D(&input, 256, 10000, X_FLOAT, 0);
InitTensor2D(&output, 256, 10000, X_FLOAT, 0);
myRead(&input, "1.txt", "");
_Power(&input, &output, 2);
output.Dump(stderr, "", 200);
void SmallTest()
XTensor a;
XTensor b;
XTensor c;
XTensor d;
InitTensor2D(&a, 2, 2);
InitTensor2D(&b, 2, 2);
a.Set2D(1.0F, 0, 0);
a.Set2D(2.0F, 1, 1);
b = Sum(a, Multiply(a, a));
/* this is prohibited !!!!!!!!!!!!! */
//XTensor c = a * b + a;
//XTensor d = a + b + c.Lin(0.5F);
c = a * b + a;
d = a + b + c.Lin(0.5F);
//XLink::ShowNetwork(stderr, &d);
a.Dump(stderr, "a:");
b.Dump(stderr, "b:");
c.Dump(stderr, "c:");
d.Dump(stderr, "d:");
void TransposeTest()
XTensor a;
XTensor b;
int I = 2;
int J = 3;
InitTensor4D(&a, 2, 3, 4, 5);
int * dims = new int[a.order];
memcpy(dims, a.dimSize, sizeof(int) * a.order);
dims[I] = a.dimSize[J];
dims[J] = a.dimSize[I];
InitTensor(&b, 4, dims);
void Tests() {
float * data = new float[a.unitNum];
for(int i = 0; i < a.unitNum; i++)
data[i] = (float)i;
a.SetData(data, a.unitNum, 0);
_Transpose(&a, &b, I, J);
b.Dump(stderr, "b:");
delete[] data;
void LittleTest()
int a = 5000;
int b = 100000;
int c = a*b;
printf("%d\n", c);
void T2TTest()
XTensor * input;
XTensor * weight;
XTensor * output;
XTensor * gold;
XTensor * dedy;
XTensor * dedx;
XTensor * dedxTmp;
XTensor * dedw;
XTensor * padding;
DTYPE loss;
int * dimSize = new int[2];
dimSize[0] = 256;
dimSize[1] = 10001;
int * dimSize2 = new int[3];
dimSize2[0] = 2;
dimSize2[1] = 31;
dimSize2[2] = 256;
int * dimSize3 = new int[3];
dimSize3[0] = 2;
dimSize3[1] = 31;
dimSize3[2] = 10001;
int * dimSize4 = new int[2];
dimSize4[0] = 2;
dimSize4[1] = 31;
input = NewTensor(3, dimSize2, X_FLOAT, 1.0F, 0);
weight = NewTensor(2, dimSize, X_FLOAT, 1.0F, 0);
dedw = NewTensor(2, dimSize, X_FLOAT, 1.0F, 0);
gold = NewTensor(3, dimSize3, X_FLOAT, 1.0F, 0);
output = NewTensor(3, dimSize3, X_FLOAT, 1.0F, 0);
dedy = NewTensor(3, dimSize3, X_FLOAT, 1.0F, 0);
dedx = NewTensor(3, dimSize3, X_FLOAT, 1.0F, 0);
dedxTmp = NewTensor(3, dimSize3, X_FLOAT, 1.0F, 0);
padding = NewTensor(2, dimSize4, X_FLOAT, 1.0F, 0);
//weight = NewTensor(2, dimSize);
//dedw = NewTensor(2, dimSize);
//input = NewTensor(3, dimSize2);
//gold = NewTensor(3, dimSize3);
//output = NewTensor(3, dimSize3);
//dedy = NewTensor(3, dimSize3);
//dedx = NewTensor(3, dimSize3);
//dedxTmp = NewTensor(3, dimSize3);
//padding = NewTensor(2, dimSize4);
myRead(input, "x.txt", "x");
myRead(weight, "w.txt", "w");
myRead(gold, "gold.txt", "gold");
myRead(padding, "padding.txt", "padding");
XTensor inter;
inter = MMul(*input, *weight);
_Softmax(&inter, output, 2);
loss = _CrossEntropyFast(output, gold, REDUCE_MEAN, NULL, padding);
printf("loss: %f\n", loss);
_CrossEntropyBackward(dedy, output, gold, NULL);
//_CrossEntropyBackward(dedy, output, gold, NULL, padding);
myDump(dedy, "dedy.txt", "dedy");
_SoftmaxBackward(NULL, output, input, dedy, dedx, NULL, -1, NOLOSS);
_Sub(output, gold, dedxTmp);
myDump(dedx, "dedx.txt", "dedx");
dedx->Dump(stderr, "dedx", 200);
dedxTmp->Dump(stderr, "dedxTmp", 200);
input->Reshape(input->unitNum/input->GetDim(-1), input->GetDim(-1));
dedx->Reshape(dedx->unitNum/dedx->GetDim(-1), dedx->GetDim(-1));
_MatrixMulBatched(input, X_TRANS, dedx, X_NOTRANS, dedw);
myDump(dedw, "dedw.txt", "dedw");
void T2TTest2()
int dimSize[3];
dimSize[0] = 161;
dimSize[1] = 47;
dimSize[2] = 10001;
XTensor * probs = NewTensor(3, dimSize, X_FLOAT, 1.0F, 0);
//XTensor * probs = NewTensor(3, dimSize, X_FLOAT, 1.0F, -1);
//myRead(probs, "probs.txt", " ");
_SetDataFixedFloat(probs, 1.0F);
probs->Reshape(1, probs->unitNum);
DTYPE sum = _ReduceSumAll(probs);
printf("%e\n", sum);
//XTensor tmp;
//tmp = IsNonZero(*probs);
//DTYPE nonZeroNum = ReduceSumAll(tmp);
//printf("%f\n", nonZeroNum);
//DTYPE gpu = ReduceSum(*probs, 1).Get2D(0, 0);
//printf("%e\n", gpu);
//void myRead(XTensor * tensor, const char * filename, const char * label)
// FILE * file = fopen(filename, "rb");
// if(file == NULL)
// printf("%s\n", filename);
// tensor->Read(file, label);
//void myDump(XTensor * tensor, const char * filename, const char * label)
// FILE * file = fopen(filename, "wb");
// if(file == NULL)
// printf("%s\n", filename);
// tensor->Dump(file, label);
//void PowerTest()
// XTensor input;
// XTensor output;
// InitTensor2D(&input, 256, 10000, X_FLOAT, 0);
// InitTensor2D(&output, 256, 10000, X_FLOAT, 0);
// myRead(&input, "1.txt", "");
// _Power(&input, &output, 2);
// output.Dump(stderr, "", 200);
//void SmallTest()
// XTensor a;
// XTensor b;
// XTensor c;
// XTensor d;
// InitTensor2D(&a, 2, 2);
// InitTensor2D(&b, 2, 2);
// a.SetZeroAll();
// b.SetZeroAll();
// a.Set2D(1.0F, 0, 0);
// a.Set2D(2.0F, 1, 1);
// b = Sum(a, Multiply(a, a));
// /* this is prohibited !!!!!!!!!!!!! */
// //XTensor c = a * b + a;
// //XTensor d = a + b + c.Lin(0.5F);
// c = a * b + a;
// d = a + b + c.Lin(0.5F);
// XLink::CheckNetwork(&d);
// //XLink::ShowNetwork(stderr, &d);
// a.Dump(stderr, "a:");
// b.Dump(stderr, "b:");
// c.Dump(stderr, "c:");
// d.Dump(stderr, "d:");
//void TransposeTest()
// XTensor a;
// XTensor b;
// int I = 2;
// int J = 3;
// InitTensor4D(&a, 2, 3, 4, 5);
// int * dims = new int[a.order];
// memcpy(dims, a.dimSize, sizeof(int) * a.order);
// dims[I] = a.dimSize[J];
// dims[J] = a.dimSize[I];
// InitTensor(&b, 4, dims);
// a.SetZeroAll();
// b.SetZeroAll();
// float * data = new float[a.unitNum];
// for(int i = 0; i < a.unitNum; i++)
// data[i] = (float)i;
// a.SetData(data, a.unitNum, 0);
// _Transpose(&a, &b, I, J);
// b.Dump(stderr, "b:");
// delete[] data;
//void LittleTest()
// int a = 5000;
// int b = 100000;
// int c = a*b;
// printf("%d\n", c);
// exit(1);
//void T2TTest()
// XTensor * input;
// XTensor * weight;
// XTensor * output;
// XTensor * gold;
// XTensor * dedy;
// XTensor * dedx;
// XTensor * dedxTmp;
// XTensor * dedw;
// XTensor * padding;
// DTYPE loss;
// int * dimSize = new int[2];
// dimSize[0] = 256;
// dimSize[1] = 10001;
// int * dimSize2 = new int[3];
// dimSize2[0] = 2;
// dimSize2[1] = 31;
// dimSize2[2] = 256;
// int * dimSize3 = new int[3];
// dimSize3[0] = 2;
// dimSize3[1] = 31;
// dimSize3[2] = 10001;
// int * dimSize4 = new int[2];
// dimSize4[0] = 2;
// dimSize4[1] = 31;
// input = NewTensor(3, dimSize2, X_FLOAT, 1.0F, 0);
// weight = NewTensor(2, dimSize, X_FLOAT, 1.0F, 0);
// dedw = NewTensor(2, dimSize, X_FLOAT, 1.0F, 0);
// gold = NewTensor(3, dimSize3, X_FLOAT, 1.0F, 0);
// output = NewTensor(3, dimSize3, X_FLOAT, 1.0F, 0);
// dedy = NewTensor(3, dimSize3, X_FLOAT, 1.0F, 0);
// dedx = NewTensor(3, dimSize3, X_FLOAT, 1.0F, 0);
// dedxTmp = NewTensor(3, dimSize3, X_FLOAT, 1.0F, 0);
// padding = NewTensor(2, dimSize4, X_FLOAT, 1.0F, 0);
// //weight = NewTensor(2, dimSize);
// //dedw = NewTensor(2, dimSize);
// //input = NewTensor(3, dimSize2);
// //gold = NewTensor(3, dimSize3);
// //output = NewTensor(3, dimSize3);
// //dedy = NewTensor(3, dimSize3);
// //dedx = NewTensor(3, dimSize3);
// //dedxTmp = NewTensor(3, dimSize3);
// //padding = NewTensor(2, dimSize4);
// myRead(input, "x.txt", "x");
// myRead(weight, "w.txt", "w");
// myRead(gold, "gold.txt", "gold");
// myRead(padding, "padding.txt", "padding");
// XTensor inter;
// inter = MMul(*input, *weight);
// _Softmax(&inter, output, 2);
// //_LogMe(output);
// loss = _CrossEntropyFast(output, gold, REDUCE_MEAN, NULL, padding);
// printf("loss: %f\n", loss);
// _CrossEntropyBackward(dedy, output, gold, NULL);
// //_CrossEntropyBackward(dedy, output, gold, NULL, padding);
// myDump(dedy, "dedy.txt", "dedy");
// _SoftmaxBackward(NULL, output, input, dedy, dedx, NULL, -1, NOLOSS);
// _Sub(output, gold, dedxTmp);
// myDump(dedx, "dedx.txt", "dedx");
// dedx->Dump(stderr, "dedx", 200);
// dedxTmp->Dump(stderr, "dedxTmp", 200);
// input->Reshape(input->unitNum/input->GetDim(-1), input->GetDim(-1));
// dedx->Reshape(dedx->unitNum/dedx->GetDim(-1), dedx->GetDim(-1));
// _MatrixMulBatched(input, X_TRANS, dedx, X_NOTRANS, dedw);
// myDump(dedw, "dedw.txt", "dedw");
//void T2TTest2()
// int dimSize[3];
// dimSize[0] = 161;
// dimSize[1] = 47;
// dimSize[2] = 10001;
// XTensor * probs = NewTensor(3, dimSize, X_FLOAT, 1.0F, 0);
// //XTensor * probs = NewTensor(3, dimSize, X_FLOAT, 1.0F, -1);
// //myRead(probs, "probs.txt", " ");
// _SetDataFixedFloat(probs, 1.0F);
// probs->Reshape(1, probs->unitNum);
// DTYPE sum = _ReduceSumAll(probs);
// printf("%e\n", sum);
// //XTensor tmp;
// //tmp = IsNonZero(*probs);
// //DTYPE nonZeroNum = ReduceSumAll(tmp);
// //printf("%f\n", nonZeroNum);
// //
// //DTYPE gpu = ReduceSum(*probs, 1).Get2D(0, 0);
// //printf("%e\n", gpu);
......@@ -196,17 +196,17 @@ void _CudaCrossEntropyBackward(XTensor * dedy, const XTensor * output,
delete[] dims;
if(padding != NULL) {
XTensor * tmp = NewTensor(padding);
_IsNonZero(padding, tmp);
int nonZeroNum = (int)_ReduceSumAll(tmp);
_ScaleAndShiftMe(dedy, (DTYPE)1.0/(DTYPE)nonZeroNum);
delete tmp;
else {
int num = dedy->unitNum / dedy->GetDim(n);
_ScaleAndShiftMe(dedy, (DTYPE)1.0/(DTYPE)num);
//if(padding != NULL) {
// XTensor * tmp = NewTensor(padding);
// _IsNonZero(padding, tmp);
// int nonZeroNum = (int)_ReduceSumAll(tmp);
// _ScaleAndShiftMe(dedy, (DTYPE)1.0/(DTYPE)nonZeroNum);
// delete tmp;
//else {
// int num = dedy->unitNum / dedy->GetDim(n);
// _ScaleAndShiftMe(dedy, (DTYPE)1.0/(DTYPE)num);
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