Commit d9d8616e by xiaotong

new pages

parent 207b21ac
...@@ -206,8 +206,199 @@ $x$表示叶子非终结符(可替换的变量),显然这是调序规则 ...@@ -206,8 +206,199 @@ $x$表示叶子非终结符(可替换的变量),显然这是调序规则
%%% 规则实例(树到树) %%% 规则实例(树到树)
\begin{frame}{基于树的翻译规则(续)} \begin{frame}{基于树的翻译规则(续)}
\begin{itemize} \begin{itemize}
\item \item 可以省略``$\sim$'',把规则重新写为易于计算机处理的格式 \\
\langle\ \textrm{VP}, \textrm{VP}\ \rangle & \to & \langle\ \textrm{VP(PP}_{\alert{1}}\ \textrm{VP(VV(表示) NN}_{\alert{2}})), \nonumber \\
& & \ \ \textrm{VP(VBZ(was) VP(VBZ}_{\alert{2}}\ \textrm{PP}_{\alert{1}}))\ \rangle \nonumber
其中变量的对应关系用下标数字表示,比如:$\textrm{PP}_1 \leftrightarrow \textrm{PP}_1$$\textrm{NN}_2 \leftrightarrow \textrm{VBZ}_2$
\item<2-> 在这个规则的树结构中,每个叶子非终结符本质上定义了一个变量,这个节点也被称作边缘节点(frontier node)。边缘节点可以被其它树结构替换,组合为更大的树结构,这个操作被称作组合(composition) 或树替换
\end{itemize} \end{itemize}
\begin{scope}[sibling distance=5pt, level distance = 22pt]
\Tree[.\node(s1){VP}; [.\node(s2){PP}; ] [.\node(s3){VP}; [.\node(s4){VV}; \node[fill=white](w1){表示}; ] [.\node(s5){NN}; ] ] ]
\begin{scope}[xshift=1.2in, yshift=-0.2in, sibling distance=5pt, level distance = 22pt]
\Tree[.\node(ws1){NN}; \node(ws2){满意}; ]
\node (anchor=west] (arrow) at ([xshift=0.4in]ws2.east) {\large{$\Rightarrow$}};
\node [inner sep=0,fill=green!20] [fit = (ws1)] (snode1) {};
\node [inner sep=0,fill=green!20] [fit = (s5)] (snode2) {};
\draw [<-,thick,dotted] ([xshift=0.1em]s5.east) ..controls +(east:3em) and +(west:3em).. ([xshift=-0.1em]ws1.west);
\begin{scope}[xshift=2.5in, sibling distance=5pt, level distance = 22pt]
\Tree[.\node(s1){VP}; [.\node(s2){PP}; ] [.\node(s3){VP}; [.\node(s4){VV}; \node[fill=white](w1){表示}; ] [.\node(s5){NN}; \node(w2){满意}; ] ] ]
%%% 规则的组装对应翻译过程
% target side
\begin{scope}[xshift=-1em, level distance=25pt]
\node[scale=0.8] at (1.5, 2.2) {目标语言};
\node[scale=0.6, inner sep=0.1cm, draw] (tfrag1) at
(0,0.05) {\Tree[.NP [.DT the ] [.NNS imports ]]};
\node[scale=0.6, inner sep=0.1cm, draw, sibling distance=115pt] (tfrag2) at
(1.4,1.4) {\Tree[.S [.NP ] [.VP ]]};
\node[scale=0.6, inner sep=0.1cm, draw, sibling distance=30pt] (tfrag3) at
(3,-0.2) {\Tree[.VP [.VBZ have ] [.ADVP [.RB ] [.VBN fallen ]]]};
\node[scale=0.6, inner sep=0.1cm, draw,xshift=-1.5em] (tfrag4) at
(2.8,-1.8) {\Tree[.RB drastically ]};
\visible<4->{\draw[<->] (0.00,0.7) -- (0.00,1.0);}
\visible<4->{\draw[<->] (2.9,0.7) -- (2.9,1.0);}
\visible<3->{\draw[<->] (2.4,-1.4) .. controls +(north:0.6) and +(south:0.6) .. (3.0,-0.6);}
% source side
\begin{scope}[scale=0.8, level distance=25pt, xshift=-20em, yshift=1em]
\node[scale=0.8] at (2.1, 2.45) {源语言};
\node[scale=0.6, inner sep=0.1cm, draw] (sfrag1) at
(0,0) {\Tree[.NN 进口 ]};
\node[scale=0.6, inner sep=0.1cm, draw, sibling distance=135pt] (sfrag2) at
(2.0,1.4) {\Tree[.IP [.NN ] [.VP ]]};
\node[scale=0.6, inner sep=0.1cm, xshift=1em, draw] (sfrag3) at
(4,-0.7) {\Tree[.VP [.AD ] [.ADVP [.VV 下降 ] [.AS 了 ]]]};
\node[scale=0.6, inner sep=0.1cm, draw] (sfrag4) at
(1.3,-1.3) {\Tree[.AD 大幅度 ]};
\visible<4->{\draw[<->] (0.05,0.5) -- (0.05,0.95);}
\visible<4->{\draw[<->] (4.15,0.5) -- (4.15,0.95);}
\visible<3->{\draw[<->] (1.55,-0.95) .. controls +(east:1.0) and +(south:0.4) .. (3.5,-0.6);}
% rule 1
\begin{scope}[scale=0.6, xshift=-22em, yshift=-13em, level distance=20pt]
\begin{scope}[anchor=north east, xshift=-6em] \Tree[.NN 进口 ] \end{scope}
\draw[->] (-1.7,0.1) -- (-0.9,0.1);
\begin{scope}[anchor=north west] \Tree[.NP [.DT the ] [.NNS imports ]] \end{scope}
% rule 2
\begin{scope}[scale=0.6, xshift=-10em, yshift=-13em, level distance=20pt]
\begin{scope}[anchor=north east, xshift=-6em] \Tree[.AD 大幅度 ] \end{scope}
\draw[->] (-1.7,0.1) -- (-0.9,0.1);
\begin{scope}[anchor=north west] \Tree[.RB drastically ] \end{scope}
% rule 3
\begin{scope}[scale=0.6, xshift=3em, yshift=-13em, level distance=20pt]
\begin{scope}[anchor=north east, xshift=-7em] \Tree[.VP [.AD ] [.ADVP [.VV 下降 ] [.AS 了 ]]] \end{scope}
\draw[->] (-1.7,0.1) -- (-0.9,0.1);
\begin{scope}[anchor=north west, xshift=1em] \Tree[.VP [.VBZ have ] [.ADVP [.RB ] [.VBN fallen ]]] \end{scope}
% rule 4
\begin{scope}[scale=0.6, xshift=17em, yshift=-13em, level distance=20pt]
\begin{scope}[anchor=north east, xshift=-6em] \Tree[.IP [.NN ] [.VP ]] \end{scope}
\draw[->] (-1.7,0.1) -- (-0.9,0.1);
\begin{scope}[anchor=north west,xshift=-1em] \Tree[.S [.NP ] [.VP ]] \end{scope}
% red rule 1
\begin{scope}[red, scale=0.6, xshift=-22em, yshift=-13em, level distance=20pt]
\begin{scope}[anchor=north east, xshift=-6em] \Tree[.NN 进口 ] \end{scope}
\draw[->] (-1.7,0.1) -- (-0.9,0.1);
\begin{scope}[anchor=north west] \Tree[.NP [.DT the ] [.NNS imports ]] \end{scope}
% red rule 2
\begin{scope}[red, scale=0.6, xshift=-10em, yshift=-13em, level distance=20pt]
\begin{scope}[anchor=north east, xshift=-6em] \Tree[.AD 大幅度 ] \end{scope}
\draw[->] (-1.7,0.1) -- (-0.9,0.1);
\begin{scope}[anchor=north west] \Tree[.RB drastically ] \end{scope}
% red rule 3
\begin{scope}[red, scale=0.6, xshift=3em, yshift=-13em, level distance=20pt]
\begin{scope}[anchor=north east, xshift=-7em] \Tree[.VP [.AD ] [.ADVP [.VV 下降 ] [.AS 了 ]]] \end{scope}
\draw[->] (-1.7,0.1) -- (-0.9,0.1);
\begin{scope}[anchor=north west, xshift=1em] \Tree[.VP [.VBZ have ] [.ADVP [.RB ] [.VBN fallen ]]] \end{scope}
% rule 4
\begin{scope}[red, scale=0.6, xshift=17em, yshift=-13em, level distance=20pt]
\begin{scope}[anchor=north east, xshift=-6em] \Tree[.IP [.NN ] [.VP ]] \end{scope}
\draw[->] (-1.7,0.1) -- (-0.9,0.1);
\begin{scope}[anchor=north west,xshift=-1em] \Tree[.S [.NP ] [.VP ]] \end{scope}
\end{frame} \end{frame}
%%%------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %%%------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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