Commit 2e1453f4 by liyinqiao Committed by 李垠桥

Support scalar tensor.

1. Initialize and new scalar tensor.
2. Get and set scalar tensor.
3. Add ReduceSum test on scalar tensor.
4. Little bugs fixed.
parent aff3d264
......@@ -130,6 +130,39 @@ void InitTensor(XTensor * tensor,
initialize a scalar V2
>> tensor - the tensor we intend to initialize
>> myDataType - unit size (e.g., int, float, and double)
>> myDevID - when myMem is NULL, myDevID specifies the device
on which we allocate the data on site
>> myMem - memory pool used to allocating the data array
myMem = NULL means that the tensor is allocated on
the device dynamically, rather than on the memory pool
void InitTensor0DV2(XTensor * tensor, const TENSOR_DATA_TYPE myDataType, const int myDevID, XMem * myMem)
InitTensorV2(tensor, 0, dims, myDataType, 1.0F, myDevID, myMem);
initialize a scalar
>> tensor - the tensor we intend to initialize
>> myDataType - unit size (e.g., int, float, and double)
>> myDevID - when myMem is NULL, myDevID specifies the device
on which we allocate the data on site
void InitTensor0D(XTensor * tensor, const TENSOR_DATA_TYPE myDataType, const int myDevID, const bool isEnableGrad)
InitTensor(tensor, 0, dims, myDataType, myDevID, isEnableGrad);
initialize a dense tensor V2
>> tensor - the tensor we intend to initialize
>> num - number of elements
......@@ -551,6 +584,37 @@ XTensor * NewTensorBuf(const XTensor * reference, int devID, const bool isEnable
generate a scalar V2
>> myDataType - unit size (e.g., int, float, and double)
>> myDevID - when myMem is NULL, myDevID specifies the device
on which we allocate the data on site
>> myMem - memory pool used to allocating the data array
myMem = NULL means that the tensor is allocated on
the device dynamically, rather than on the memory pool.
XTensor * NewTensor0DV2(const TENSOR_DATA_TYPE myDataType, const int myDevID, XMem * myMem)
return NewTensorV2(0, dims, myDataType, 1.0F, myDevID, myMem);
generate a scalar
>> myDataType - unit size (e.g., int, float, and double)
>> myDevID - when myMem is NULL, myDevID specifies the device
on which we allocate the data on site.
XTensor * NewTensor0D(const TENSOR_DATA_TYPE myDataType, const int myDevID, const bool isEnableGrad)
return NewTensor(0, dims, myDataType, myDevID, isEnableGrad);
generate a dense vector V2
>> num - number of entries
>> myDataType - unit size (e.g., int, float, and double)
......@@ -40,6 +40,12 @@ void InitTensor(XTensor * tensor,
const int myOrder, const int * myDimSize, const TENSOR_DATA_TYPE myDataType = X_FLOAT,
const int myDevID = -1, const bool isEnableGrad = true);
/* initialize a scalar V2 */
void InitTensor0DV2(XTensor * tensor, const TENSOR_DATA_TYPE myDataType = X_FLOAT, const int myDevID = -1, XMem * myMem = NULL);
/* initialize a scalar */
void InitTensor0D(XTensor * tensor, const TENSOR_DATA_TYPE myDataType = X_FLOAT, const int myDevID = -1, const bool isEnableGrad = true);
/* initialize a dense vector V2 */
void InitTensor1DV2(XTensor * tensor, const int num,
const TENSOR_DATA_TYPE myDataType = X_FLOAT, const int myDevID = -1, XMem * myMem = NULL);
......@@ -115,6 +121,12 @@ XTensor * NewTensorBufV2(const XTensor * reference, int devID, XMem * myMem);
/* generate a XTensor which allocates data on the buffer */
XTensor * NewTensorBuf(const XTensor * reference, int devID, const bool isEnableGrad = true);
/* generate a scalar V2 */
XTensor * NewTensor0DV2(const TENSOR_DATA_TYPE myDataType = X_FLOAT, const int myDevID = -1, XMem * myMem = NULL);
/* generate a scalar */
XTensor * NewTensor0D(const TENSOR_DATA_TYPE myDataType = X_FLOAT, const int myDevID = -1, const bool isEnableGrad = true);
/* generate a dense vector V2 */
XTensor * NewTensor1DV2(const int num, const TENSOR_DATA_TYPE myDataType = X_FLOAT, const int myDevID = -1,
XMem * myMem = NULL);
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ constructor
XTensor::XTensor(const int myOrder, int myDevID, XMem * myMem)
CheckNTErrors((myOrder > 0), "Illegal tensor order1");
CheckNTErrors((myOrder >= 0), "Illegal tensor order1");
......@@ -1009,18 +1009,33 @@ void * XTensor::GetCell(int index[], int size) const
get the value of a cell in a 0d tensor in default type
<< return - value of cell(i) in float
DTYPE XTensor::Get0D() const
CheckNTErrors((order == 0), "Cannot get a 0d cell for a tensor whose order is not 0!");
CheckNTErrors((dataType == DEFAULT_DTYPE), "The tensor is not in default type.");
int dims[1] = {0};
void * value = GetCell(dims, 0);
return ToCPU(devID, value);
get the value of a cell in a 1d tensor in default type
>> i - idex
<< return - value of cell(i) in float
DTYPE XTensor::Get1D(int i) const
CheckNTErrors((order == 1), "Cannot get a 2d cell for a tensor whose order is not 2!");
CheckNTErrors((order == 1), "Cannot get a 1d cell for a tensor whose order is not 1!");
CheckNTErrors((i >= 0 && i < dimSize[0]), "dimension 0 is out of range!");
CheckNTErrors((dataType == DEFAULT_DTYPE), "The tensor is not in default type.");
int dimSize[1] = {i};
void * value = GetCell(dimSize, 1);
int dims[1] = {i};
void * value = GetCell(dims, 1);
return ToCPU(devID, value);
......@@ -1081,18 +1096,33 @@ int XTensor::GetInt(int offset) const
get the value of a cell in a 0d tensor in int type
<< return - value of cell(i) in int
int XTensor::Get0DInt() const
CheckNTErrors(order == 0, "Cannot get a 0d cell for a tensor whose order is not 0!");
CheckNTErrors(dataType == X_INT, "The tensor is not in int type.");
int dims[1] = {0};
void * value = GetCell(dims, 0);
return ToCPUInt(devID, value);
get the value of a cell in a 1d tensor in int type
>> i - index
<< return - value of cell(i) in int
int XTensor::Get1DInt(int i) const
CheckNTErrors(order == 1, "Cannot get a 2d cell for a tensor whose order is not 2!");
CheckNTErrors(order == 1, "Cannot get a 1d cell for a tensor whose order is not 1!");
CheckNTErrors(i >= 0 && i < dimSize[0], "dimension 0 is out of range!");
CheckNTErrors(dataType == X_INT, "The tensor is not in int type.");
int dimSize[1] = {i};
void * value = GetCell(dimSize, 1);
int dims[1] = {i};
void * value = GetCell(dims, 1);
return ToCPUInt(devID, value);
......@@ -1198,6 +1228,21 @@ bool XTensor::Set(DTYPE value, int offset)
set the value of a cell in a 0d tensor
>> value - value we tend to set
<< return - succeeded or not
bool XTensor::Set0D(DTYPE value)
CheckNTErrors(order == 0, "Cannot get a 0d cell for a tensor whose order is not 0!");
CheckNTErrors(dataType == DEFAULT_DTYPE, "The tensor is not in default type.");
int dims[1] = {0};
return SetToDevice(devID, GetCell(dims, 0), value);
set the value of a cell in a 1d tensor
>> value - value we tend to set
>> i - item offset
......@@ -1205,7 +1250,7 @@ set the value of a cell in a 1d tensor
bool XTensor::Set1D(DTYPE value, int i)
CheckNTErrors(order == 1, "Cannot get a 2d cell for a tensor whose order is not 2!");
CheckNTErrors(order == 1, "Cannot get a 1d cell for a tensor whose order is not 1!");
CheckNTErrors(i >= 0 && i < dimSize[0], "dimension 0 is out of range!");
CheckNTErrors(dataType == DEFAULT_DTYPE, "The tensor is not in default type.");
......@@ -1287,12 +1332,27 @@ bool XTensor::SetInt(int value, int index[], int size)
set the integer value of a cell in a 1d tensor
>> value - value we tend to set
<< return - succeeded or not
bool XTensor::Set0DInt(int value)
CheckNTErrors(order == 0, "Cannot get a 0d cell for a tensor whose order is not 0!");
CheckNTErrors(dataType == X_INT, "The tensor is not in integer type.");
int dims[1] = {0};
return SetToDeviceInt(devID, GetCell(dims, 0), value);
set the integer value of a cell in a 1d tensor
>> value - value we tend to set
>> i - item offset
<< return - succeeded or not
bool XTensor::Set1DInt(int value, int i)
CheckNTErrors(order == 1, "Cannot get a 2d cell for a tensor whose order is not 2!");
CheckNTErrors(order == 1, "Cannot get a 1d cell for a tensor whose order is not 1!");
CheckNTErrors(i >= 0 && i < dimSize[0], "dimension 0 is out of range!");
CheckNTErrors(dataType == X_INT, "The tensor is not in integer type.");
......@@ -328,6 +328,9 @@ public:
/* get the pointer to a cell */
void * GetCell(int index[], int size = -1) const;
/* get the default type value of a cell in a 0d tensor */
DTYPE Get0D() const;
/* get the default type value of a cell in a 1d tensor */
DTYPE Get1D(int i) const;
......@@ -340,6 +343,9 @@ public:
/* get the int value of a cell by its offset */
int GetInt(int offset) const;
/* get the int value of a cell in a 0d tensor */
int Get0DInt() const;
/* get the int value of a cell in a 1d tensor */
int Get1DInt(int i) const;
......@@ -361,6 +367,9 @@ public:
/* set the value of a cell with its offset in the array */
bool Set(DTYPE value, int offset);
/* set the value of a cell in a 0d tensor */
bool Set0D(DTYPE value);
/* set the value of a cell in a 1d tensor */
bool Set1D(DTYPE value, int i);
......@@ -376,6 +385,9 @@ public:
/* set the integer value of a cell */
bool SetInt(int value, int index[], int size = -1);
/* set the integer value of a cell in a 0d tensor */
bool Set0DInt(int value);
/* set the integer value of a cell in a 1d tensor */
bool Set1DInt(int value, int i);
......@@ -607,6 +607,89 @@ bool TestReduceSum6()
#endif // USE_CUDA
case 7: test ReduceSum function.
Sum the items along a dimension of the tensor.
In this case,
(4) -> scalar, dim = 0
bool TestReduceSum7()
/* a tensor of size (2, 4) */
int sOrder = 1;
int * sDimSize = new int[sOrder];
sDimSize[0] = 4;
int sUnitNum = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < sOrder; i++)
sUnitNum *= sDimSize[i];
/* a scalar */
int tOrder = 0;
int * tDimSize = new int[MAX_TENSOR_DIM_NUM];
int tUnitNum = 1;
DTYPE sData[4] = {0.0F, 1.0F, 2.0F, 3.0F};
DTYPE answer[1] = {6.0F};
/* CPU test */
bool cpuTest = true;
/* create tensors */
XTensor * s = NewTensorV2(sOrder, sDimSize);
XTensor * t = NewTensorV2(tOrder, tDimSize);
XTensor tUser;
/* initialize variables */
s->SetData(sData, sUnitNum);
/* call ReduceSum function */
_ReduceSum(s, t, 0);
tUser = ReduceSum(*s, 0);
/* check results */
cpuTest = _CheckData(t, answer, tUnitNum) && _CheckData(&tUser, answer, tUnitNum);
#ifdef USE_CUDA
/* GPU test */
bool gpuTest = true;
/* create tensors */
XTensor * sGPU = NewTensorV2(sOrder, sDimSize, X_FLOAT, 1.0F, 0);
XTensor * tGPU = NewTensorV2(tOrder, tDimSize, X_FLOAT, 1.0F, 0);
XTensor tUserGPU;
/* initialize variables */
sGPU->SetData(sData, sUnitNum);
/* call ReduceSum function */
_ReduceSum(sGPU, tGPU, 0);
tUserGPU = ReduceSum(*sGPU, 0);
/* check results */
gpuTest = _CheckData(tGPU, answer, tUnitNum) && _CheckData(&tUserGPU, answer, tUnitNum);
/* destroy variables */
delete s;
delete t;
delete sGPU;
delete tGPU;
delete[] sDimSize;
delete[] tDimSize;
return cpuTest && gpuTest;
/* destroy variables */
delete s;
delete t;
delete[] sDimSize;
delete[] tDimSize;
return cpuTest;
#endif // USE_CUDA
/* other cases */
......@@ -673,6 +756,15 @@ bool TestReduceSum()
XPRINT(0, stdout, ">> case 6 passed!\n");
/* case 7 test */
caseFlag = TestReduceSum7();
if (!caseFlag) {
returnFlag = false;
XPRINT(0, stdout, ">> case 7 failed!\n");
XPRINT(0, stdout, ">> case 7 passed!\n");
/* other cases test */
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