Commit 7180a4a3 by xiaotong

bug fixes

parent 2e7d5663
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ namespace transformer
states = NULL;
isStart = false;
/* de-constructor */
......@@ -56,7 +57,8 @@ void T2TStateBundle::MakeStates(int num)
for(int i = 0; i < num; i++){
states[i].prediction = -1;
states[i].pid = T2T_PID_EMPTY;
states[i].isEnd = 0;
states[i].isEnd = false;
states[i].isStart = false;
states[i].prob = 0;
states[i].probPath = 0;
states[i].modelScore = 0;
......@@ -103,7 +105,7 @@ void T2TPredictor::Create(T2TModel * model, XTensor * top, const XTensor * input
InitTensor(&state->probPath, input->order, dims, X_FLOAT, 1.0F, input->devID, input->mem);
InitTensor(&state->nstep, input->order, dims, X_FLOAT, 1.0F, input->devID, input->mem);
InitTensor(&state->endMark, input->order, dims, X_FLOAT, 1.0F, input->devID, input->mem);
InitTensor(&state->endMark, input->order, dims, X_INT, 1.0F, input->devID, input->mem);
......@@ -160,8 +162,14 @@ void T2TPredictor::Predict(T2TStateBundle * next, XTensor * encoding, XTensor *
if(inputLast == NULL)
inputDec = Identity(dummy);
XTensor inputDecSlide = SelectRange(*inputLast, inputLast->order - 1, 0, inputLast->GetDim(-1) - 2);
inputDec = Concatenate(inputDecSlide, dummy, inputDecSlide.order - 1);
inputDec = GeneratePaths(s);
for(int i = 0; i < inputEnc->order - 1; i++)
dims[i] = inputEnc->GetDim(i);
dims[inputEnc->order - 1] = inputDec.GetDim(-1);
inputDec.Resize(inputEnc->order, dims, X_INT);
inputDec.SetDevice(inputEnc->devID, inputEnc->mem);
inputDec = Concatenate(inputDec, dummy, inputDec.order - 1);
/* prediction probabilities */
......@@ -213,5 +221,46 @@ void T2TPredictor::Predict(T2TStateBundle * next, XTensor * encoding, XTensor *
generate paths up to the states of the current step
>> state - state bundle of the current step
XTensor T2TPredictor::GeneratePaths(T2TStateBundle * state)
CheckNTErrors(state->stateNum >= 0, "Illegal state!");
int distance = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < state->stateNum; i++){
T2TState * cur = state->states + i;
int nsteps = 0;
while(cur != NULL){
cur = cur->last;
if(nsteps > distance)
distance = nsteps;
XTensor path;
InitTensor2D(&path, state->stateNum, distance, X_INT);
for(int i = 0; i < state->stateNum; i++){
T2TState * cur = state->states + i;
int nsteps = 0;
while(cur != NULL){
path.Set2DInt(cur->prediction, i, distance - nsteps);
cur = cur->last;
return path;
......@@ -39,13 +39,16 @@ public:
/* we assume that the prediction is an integer */
int prediction;
/* id of the problem. One can regard as the sentence id when we
translated a number of sentences in the batched manner. It is
an empty hypothesis if id = -1 */
/* id of the problem. One can regard it as the sentence id when we
translate a number of sentences in the batched manner. The hypothesis
is empty if id = -1 */
int pid;
/* indicates whether the state is an end */
int isEnd;
bool isEnd;
/* indicates whether the state is the start */
bool isStart;
/* probability of every prediction (last state of the path) */
float prob;
......@@ -53,7 +56,7 @@ public:
/* probability of every path */
float probPath;
/* model score of every path */
/* model score of every path. A model score = path probability + some other stuff */
float modelScore;
/* nubmer of steps we go over so far */
......@@ -101,6 +104,9 @@ public:
/* number of states */
int stateNum;
/* indicates whether it is the first state */
bool isStart;
/* constructor */
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ namespace transformer
fullHypos = NULL;
endSymbols = NULL;
endSymbols = new int[32];
/* de-constructor */
......@@ -53,6 +53,10 @@ void T2TSearch::Init(int argc, char ** argv)
LoadParamInt(argc, argv, "beamsize", &beamSize, 1);
LoadParamFloat(argc, argv, "lenalpha", &alpha, 0.2F);
LoadParamInt(argc, argv, "endid", endSymbols, -1);
if(endSymbols[0] >= 0)
endSymbolNum = 1;
......@@ -85,6 +89,8 @@ void T2TSearch::Search(T2TModel * model, XTensor * input, XTensor * padding, XTe
/* create the first state */
predictor.Create(model, &encoding, input, beamSize, first);
first->isStart = true;
/* generate the sequence from left to right */
for(int i = 0 ; i < maxLength; i++){
T2TStateBundle * cur = states + i;
......@@ -101,6 +107,9 @@ void T2TSearch::Search(T2TModel * model, XTensor * input, XTensor * padding, XTe
/* beam pruning */
/* expand the search graph */
Expand(cur, next);
delete[] states;
......@@ -170,9 +179,10 @@ void T2TSearch::Score(T2TStateBundle * prev, T2TStateBundle * beam)
/* score = log-prob/lp */
_DivDim(&score, &lp, &score, 0);
InitTensor(&mask, &prev->endMark);
CopyValues(prev->endMark, mask);
_ScaleAndShiftMe(&mask, -1e9F);
prev->endMark.order, prev->endMark.dimSize, X_FLOAT, 1.0F,
prev->endMark.devID, prev->endMark.mem);
_SetDataFixedCond(&mask, &prev->endMark, -1e9F);
......@@ -228,10 +238,12 @@ void T2TSearch::Generate(T2TStateBundle * beam)
score.Reshape(order, dimsBeam);
/* keep the most promissing candidates in the beam */
//TopK(score, scoreTopK, index, -1, beamSize);
TopK(score, scoreTopK, index, -1, beamSize);
CopyValues(index, preID);
preID.Dump(stderr, "preid:");
int sizeVocab = score.GetDim(-1);
/* "preID" represents the id (or the offset) of previous state used to make the current
......@@ -246,6 +258,8 @@ void T2TSearch::Generate(T2TStateBundle * beam)
in the vocabulary by dividing it with vocab-size and computing the remainder. */
Mod(index, sizeVocab);
preID.Dump(stderr, "preid:");
score.Reshape(order, dims);
/* we keep the top-k scores */
......@@ -292,25 +306,35 @@ void T2TSearch::Expand(T2TStateBundle * prev, T2TStateBundle * beam)
InitTensorOnCPU(&probPath, &probPathRef);
InitTensorOnCPU(&prediction, &predictionRef);
InitTensorOnCPU(&endMarkCPU, &predictionRef);
InitTensor(&endMark, &predictionRef);
/* we copy the data to CPU because the frequent access to GPU is slow
and we can speed-up the process by doing the job on CPU. */
CopyValues(idRef, id);
CopyValues(modelScoreRef, modelScore);
CopyValues(prob, probRef);
CopyValues(probRef, prob);
CopyValues(probPathRef, probPath);
CopyValues(predictionRef, prediction);
idRef.Dump(stderr, "idref:");
CheckNTErrors(beam->stateNum == id.unitNum, "Errors occur in counting!");
/* we keep information on the states of the graph. All these are maintained
on CPUs to ease the implementation of requent access and modification of
the states. An alternative is to do this on GPUs but it needs much more
coding work and the speed-up is not obvious. */
/* Related variables are kept on the states of the graph. All these are
maintained on CPUs to ease the implementation of requent access and
modification of the states. An alternative is to do this on GPUs but
it needs much more coding work and the speed-up is not obvious. */
for(int i = 0; i < beam->stateNum; i++){
T2TState & state = states[i];
/* pointer to the previous state */
state.last = prev->states + id.GetInt(i);
state.last = NULL;
int offset = id.GetInt(i);
state.last = prev->states + offset;
CheckNTErrors(offset >= 0 && offset < prev->stateNum, "Wrong state index!");
/* scores */
state.modelScore = modelScore.Get(i);
......@@ -320,8 +344,10 @@ void T2TSearch::Expand(T2TStateBundle * prev, T2TStateBundle * beam)
/* prediction */
state.prediction = prediction.GetInt(i);
CheckNTErrors(state.prediction >= 0, "Illegal prediction!");
/* check if it is the end of the sequence */
state.isEnd = IsEnd(state.prediction) ? 1 : 0;
state.isEnd = IsEnd(state.prediction);
/* set the ending mark */
endMarkCPU.SetInt(state.isEnd, i);
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