Commit b16b52f0 by xiaotong

new methods of TrainDataSet

parent a40cd0f8
......@@ -98,6 +98,21 @@ public:
XTensor* batchDec, XTensor* paddingDec, XTensor* label,
size_t minSentBatch, size_t batchSize, int devID);
/* load the samples into the buffer (a list) */
bool LoadBatchToBuf(XList * buf);
/* load the samples into tensors from the buffer */
bool LoadBatch(XList * buf,
XTensor* batchEnc, XTensor* paddingEnc,
XTensor* batchDec, XTensor* paddingDec, XTensor* label,
size_t minSentBatch, size_t batchSize, int devID,
int &wc, int &sc);
/* release the samples in a buffer */
void ClearSamples(XList * buf);
/* initialization function */
void Init(const char* dataFile, int bucketSize, bool training);
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