Commit 50862afd by Lee

Merge RNN-MT figure

parent baf58219
......@@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ NLP问题的隐含结构假设 & 无隐含结构假设,端到端学习 \\
\tikzstyle{rnnnode} = [rounded corners=1pt,minimum size=0.5\base,draw,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt]
\tikzstyle{wordnode} = [font=\tiny]
......@@ -750,22 +750,22 @@ NLP问题的隐含结构假设 & 无隐含结构假设,端到端学习 \\
\node[wordnode,below=0pt of demb1] (decwordin) {$\langle$sos$\rangle$};
\node[wordnode,anchor=base] () at (\XCoord,\YCoord) {We};
\node[wordnode,anchor=base] () at (\XCoord,\YCoord) {Do};
\node[wordnode,anchor=base] () at (\XCoord,\YCoord) {`re};
\node[wordnode,anchor=base] () at (\XCoord,\YCoord) {you};
\node[wordnode,anchor=base] () at (\XCoord,\YCoord) {interested};
\node[wordnode,anchor=base] () at (\XCoord,\YCoord) {know};
\node[wordnode,anchor=base] () at (\XCoord,\YCoord) {in};
\node[wordnode,anchor=base] () at (\XCoord,\YCoord) {the};
\node[wordnode,anchor=base] () at (\XCoord,\YCoord) {the};
\node[wordnode,anchor=base] () at (\XCoord,\YCoord) {way};
\node[wordnode,anchor=base] () at (\XCoord,\YCoord) {climate};
\node[wordnode,anchor=base] () at (\XCoord,\YCoord) {to};
\node[wordnode,anchor=base] () at (\XCoord,\YCoord) {Beijing};
......@@ -777,44 +777,50 @@ NLP问题的隐含结构假设 & 无隐含结构假设,端到端学习 \\
\node[wordnode,anchor=base] () at (\XCoord,\YCoord) {Station};
% Decoder output words
\node[wordnode,above=0pt of softmax1] (decwordout) {We};
\node[wordnode,above=0pt of softmax1] (decwordout) {Do};
\node[wordnode,anchor=base] () at (\XCoord,\YCoord) {`re};
\node[wordnode,anchor=base] () at (\XCoord,\YCoord) {you};
\node[wordnode,anchor=base] () at (\XCoord,\YCoord) {interested};
\node[wordnode,anchor=base] () at (\XCoord,\YCoord) {know};
\node[wordnode,anchor=base] () at (\XCoord,\YCoord) {in};
\node[wordnode,anchor=base] () at (\XCoord,\YCoord) {the};
\node[wordnode,anchor=base] () at (\XCoord,\YCoord) {the};
\node[wordnode,anchor=base] () at (\XCoord,\YCoord) {way};
\node[wordnode,anchor=base] () at (\XCoord,\YCoord) {climate};
\node[wordnode,anchor=base] () at (\XCoord,\YCoord) {to};
\node[wordnode,anchor=base] () at (\XCoord,\YCoord) {.};
\node[wordnode,anchor=base] () at (\XCoord,\YCoord) {Beijing};
\node[wordnode,anchor=base] () at (\XCoord,\YCoord) {Railway};
\node[wordnode,anchor=base] () at (\XCoord,\YCoord) {Station};
\node[wordnode,anchor=base] () at (\XCoord,\YCoord) {$\langle$eos$\rangle$};
% Connections
\draw[-latex'] (init.east) to (enc1.west);
\foreach \x in {1,2,...,8}
\foreach \x in {1,2,...,10}
\draw[-latex'] (eemb\x) to (enc\x);
\foreach \x in {1,2,...,8}
\foreach \x in {1,2,...,10}
\draw[-latex'] (demb\x) to (dec\x);
\foreach \x in {1,2,...,8}
\foreach \x in {1,2,...,10}
\draw[-latex'] (dec\x.north) to ([yshift=0.5\base]dec\x.north);
\foreach \x [count=\y from 2] in {1,2,...,7}
\foreach \x [count=\y from 2] in {1,2,...,9}
\draw[-latex'] (enc\x.east) to (enc\y.west);
\draw[-latex'] (dec\x.east) to (dec\y.west);
\coordinate (bridge) at ([yshift=-1.2\base]demb2);
\draw[-latex'] (enc8.north) .. controls +(north:\base) and +(east:1.5\base) .. (bridge) .. controls +(west:2.5\base) and +(west:0.6\base) .. (dec1.west);
\draw[-latex'] (enc10.north) .. controls +(north:\base) and +(east:1.5\base) .. (bridge) .. controls +(west:2.5\base) and +(west:0.6\base) .. (dec1.west);
% legend
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