Commit 623389ab by xiaotong

updates of the paper size and figures

parent 4aeb846b
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
\begin{scope}[scale=1.0,xshift=0.9in,yshift=-0.87in,level distance=20pt,sibling distance=-1pt,grow'=up]
\begin{scope}[scale=1.0,level distance=30pt,sibling distance=15pt,grow'=up]
......@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@
\node [anchor=west,fill=orange!20,draw=red,rounded corners=3pt,minimum height=1.4em,minimum width=1.4em,dashed] (s44) at ([xshift=1.5em]s43.east) {$\times h$};
\node [anchor=west,fill=blue!20,draw=blue,rounded corners=3pt,minimum height=1.4em,minimum width=1.5em] (s45) at ([xshift=1.5em]s44.east) {};
\node [anchor=east] (p1) at ([xshift=-2em]s11.west) {step1};
\node [anchor=east] (p2) at ([xshift=-2em]s21.west) {step2};
\node [anchor=east] (p3) at ([xshift=-2em]s31.west) {step3};
\node [anchor=east] (p4) at ([xshift=-2em]s41.west) {step4};
\node [anchor=east] (p1) at ([xshift=-2em]s11.west) {step 1};
\node [anchor=east] (p2) at ([xshift=-2em]s21.west) {step 2};
\node [anchor=east] (p3) at ([xshift=-2em]s31.west) {step 3};
\node [anchor=east] (p4) at ([xshift=-2em]s41.west) {step 4};
\node [anchor=south,fill=orange!20,draw=orange,rounded corners=3pt,minimum height=1.4em,minimum width=1.4em] (b1) at ([xshift=-0.2em,yshift=2em]p1.north) {};
\node [anchor=west] (b2) at (b1.east) {:编码器};
......@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
paper=b5paper, % Paper size, change to letterpaper for US letter size
%papersize={185mm,260mm}, % specify paper size by (width,height)
top=2cm, % Top margin
bottom=1.5cm, % Bottom margin
left=1.8cm, % Left margin
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