Commit 6b043d25 by Lee
parents 60746946 502d6fe2
......@@ -141,15 +141,21 @@
%%% 句法树(层次短语)
\item 层次短语规则的使用本质上在对(源语)句子构建树结构,它反应了文法对于字符串分析得到的推导
\item 层次短语规则的使用本质上是对(源语)句子建立树状结构,这反应了文法对于字符串分析得到的推导\\
\visible<2->{d = r_3}\visible<3->{\circ r_1}\visible<4->{ \circ r_4}\visible<5->{ \circ r_2}\visible<6->{ \circ r_5}\visible<7->{ \circ r_2}\visible<8->{ \circ r_7}\visible<9->{ \circ r_6}\visible<10->{ \circ r_2}
\begin{scope}[xshift = -0.5in, yshift = -3.2in, sibling distance=2pt, level distance = 27pt]
\begin{scope}[sibling distance=0pt, level distance = 27pt]
......@@ -173,53 +179,54 @@
\node[circle, inner sep = 1pt, fill=blue!90!white, anchor = west] (l1) at ([xshift=-0.3em]n1.north east) {{\color{white} \tiny{$r_2$}}};
\node[circle, inner sep = 1pt, fill=blue!90!white, anchor = east] (l2) at ([xshift=0.3em]n2.north west) {{\color{white} \tiny{$r_2$}}};
\node[circle, inner sep = 1pt, fill=blue!90!white, anchor = east] (l2) at ([xshift=0.3em]n3.north west) {{\color{white} \tiny{$r_2$}}};
\node[circle, inner sep = 1pt, fill=blue!90!white, anchor = east] (l2) at ([xshift=0.3em]n4.north west) {{\color{white} \tiny{$r_1$}}};
\node[circle, inner sep = 1pt, fill=blue!90!white, anchor = east] (l2) at ([xshift=0.3em]n5.north west) {{\color{white} \tiny{$r_3$}}};
\node[circle, inner sep = 1pt, fill=blue!90!white, anchor = west] (l1) at ([xshift=-0.3em]n6.south east) {{\color{white} \tiny{$r_4$}}};
\node[circle, inner sep = 1pt, fill=blue!90!white, anchor = west] (l1) at ([xshift=-0.3em]n7.north east) {{\color{white} \tiny{$r_5$}}};
\node[circle, inner sep = 1pt, fill=blue!90!white, anchor = west] (l1) at ([xshift=-0.3em]n8.north east) {{\color{white} \tiny{$r_6$}}};
\node[circle, inner sep = 1pt, fill=blue!90!white, anchor = west] (l1) at ([xshift=-0.3em]n9.north east) {{\color{white} \tiny{$r_7$}}};
\node<10->[circle, inner sep = 0.5pt, fill=blue!90!white, anchor = west] (l1) at ([xshift=-0.3em]n1.north east) {{\color{white} \tiny{$r_2$}}};
\node<7->[circle, inner sep = 0.5pt, fill=blue!90!white, anchor = east] (l2) at ([xshift=0.3em]n2.north west) {{\color{white} \tiny{$r_2$}}};
\node<5->[circle, inner sep = 0.5pt, fill=blue!90!white, anchor = east] (l2) at ([xshift=0.3em]n3.north west) {{\color{white} \tiny{$r_2$}}};
\node<3->[circle, inner sep = 0.5pt, fill=blue!90!white, anchor = east] (l2) at ([xshift=0.3em]n4.north west) {{\color{white} \tiny{$r_1$}}};
\visible<2->{\node[circle, inner sep = 0.5pt, fill=blue!90!white, anchor = east] (l2) at ([xshift=0.3em]n5.north west) {{\color{white} \tiny{$r_3$}}};}
\node<4->[circle, inner sep = 0.5pt, fill=blue!90!white, anchor = west] (l1) at ([xshift=-0.3em]n6.south east) {{\color{white} \tiny{$r_4$}}};
\node<6->[circle, inner sep = 0.5pt, fill=blue!90!white, anchor = west] (l1) at ([xshift=-0.3em]n7.north east) {{\color{white} \tiny{$r_5$}}};
\node<9->[circle, inner sep = 0.5pt, fill=blue!90!white, anchor = west] (l1) at ([xshift=-0.3em]n8.north east) {{\color{white} \tiny{$r_6$}}};
\node<8->[circle, inner sep = 0.5pt, fill=blue!90!white, anchor = west] (l1) at ([xshift=-0.3em]n9.north east) {{\color{white} \tiny{$r_7$}}};
\begin{scope}[xshift = 1.8in, yshift = -3.0in]
\node (rules) {\textbf{Rules used:}};
\draw[-] (rules.south west)--([xshift=2.7in]rules.south west);
\begin{scope}[xshift = 1.8in, yshift = 0.1in]
\node (rules) {\textbf{层次短语翻译规则:}};
\draw[-] (rules.south west)--([xshift=1.8in]rules.south west);
\node[anchor=north west] (r1) at ([yshift=-0.2em]rules.south west) {$r_1$};
\node[anchor=west] (rc1) at ([xshift=1em]r1.east) {$S \; \to \; X, \; \; X$};
\node[anchor=west] (rc1) at ([xshift=0.0em]r1.east) {$\textrm{S} \; \to \; \langle\ \textrm{X}_1, \; \; \textrm{X}_1\ \rangle$};
\node[anchor=north west] (r2) at ([yshift=-0.2em]r1.south west) {$r_2$};
\node[anchor=west] (rc2) at ([xshift=1em]r2.east) {$S \; \to \; S \; X, \; \; S \; X$};
\node[anchor=north west] (r2) at ([yshift=-0.4em]r1.south west) {$r_2$};
\node[anchor=west] (rc2) at ([xshift=0em]r2.east) {$\textrm{S} \; \to \; \langle\ \textrm{S}_1 \; \textrm{X}_2, \; \; \textrm{S}_1 \; \textrm{X}_2\ \rangle$};
\node[anchor=north west] (r3) at ([yshift=-0.2em]r2.south west) {$r_3$};
\node[anchor=west] (rc3) at ([xshift=1em]r3.east) {$X \; \to \; \text{}, \; \; \text{but}$};
\node[anchor=north west] (r3) at ([yshift=-0.4em]r2.south west) {$r_3$};
\node[anchor=west] (rc3) at ([xshift=0em]r3.east) {$\textrm{X} \; \to \; \langle\ \text{}, \; \; \text{but}\ \rangle$};
\node[anchor=north west] (r4) at ([yshift=-0.2em]r3.south west) {$r_4$};
\node[anchor=west] (rc4) at ([xshift=1em]r4.east) {$X \; \to \; \text{美国}, \; \; \text{the U.S.}$};
\node[anchor=north west] (r4) at ([yshift=-0.4em]r3.south west) {$r_4$};
\node[anchor=west] (rc4) at ([xshift=0em]r4.east) {$\textrm{X} \; \to \; \langle\ \text{美国}, \; \; \text{the U.S.}\ \rangle$};
\node[anchor=north west] (r5) at ([yshift=-0.2em]r4.south west) {$r_5$};
\node[anchor=west] (rc5) at ([xshift=1em]r5.east) {$X \; \to \; \text{并没有} \; \text{执行}, \; \; \text{}$};
\node[anchor=north west] (r5) at ([yshift=-0.4em]r4.south west) {$r_5$};
\node[anchor=west] (rc5) at ([xshift=0em]r5.east) {$\textrm{X} \; \to \; \langle\ \text{并没有} \; \text{执行}, \; \; \text{}$};
\node[anchor=north west] (r52) at ([yshift=-0.2em]r5.south west) {{\color{white} $r_5$}};
\node[anchor=west] (rc52) at ([xshift=3.9em]r52.east) {$\text{has not implemented}$};
\node[anchor=north west] (r52) at ([yshift=-0.4em]r5.south west) {{\color{white} $r_5$}};
\node[anchor=west] (rc52) at ([xshift=2.9em]r52.east) {$\text{has not implemented}\ \rangle$};
\node[anchor=north west] (r6) at ([yshift=-0.2em]r52.south west) {$r_6$};
\node[anchor=west] (rc6) at ([xshift=1em]r6.east) {$X \; \to \; \text{世贸} \; X \; \text{裁决}, $};
\node[anchor=north west] (r6) at ([yshift=-0.4em]r52.south west) {$r_6$};
\node[anchor=west] (rc6) at ([xshift=0em]r6.east) {$\textrm{X} \; \to \; \langle\ \text{世贸} \; \textrm{X}_1 \; \text{裁决}, $};
\node[anchor=north west] (r61) at ([yshift=-0.2em]r6.south west) {{\color{white} $r_6$}};
\node[anchor=west] (rc61) at ([xshift=3.9em]r61.east) {$\text{the decision} \; X \; \text{the WTO}$};
\node[anchor=north west] (r61) at ([yshift=-0.4em]r6.south west) {{\color{white} $r_6$}};
\node[anchor=west] (rc61) at ([xshift=2.9em]r61.east) {$\text{the decision} \; \textrm{X}_1 \; \text{the WTO}\ \rangle$};
\node[anchor=north west] (r7) at ([yshift=-0.2em]r61.south west) {$r_7$};
\node[anchor=west] (rc7) at ([xshift=1em]r7.east) {$X \; \to \; \text{组织 的}, \; \; \text{of}$};
\node[anchor=north west] (r7) at ([yshift=-0.4em]r61.south west) {$r_7$};
\node[anchor=west] (rc7) at ([xshift=0em]r7.east) {$\textrm{X} \; \to \; \langle\ \text{组织 的}, \; \; \text{of}\ \rangle$};
\node (labela) at (-1in,-2.4in) {(b) Source-language projection of the derivation and the rules used};
......@@ -302,13 +309,13 @@
%%% 句法树中的一些基本概念
\item 基于句法系统的一些基本概念
\item 一些基本概念
%%% 句法模型分类
%%% 句法模型分类
\item 句法模型分类
\item 各种变形
......@@ -316,6 +323,33 @@
%%% 对比
\begin{tabular}{l | l | l | l | l}
& 形式句法 & \multicolumn{3}{c}{语言学句法} \\ \cline{3-5}
& & 树到串 & 串到树 & 树到树 \\ \hline
源语句法 & No & Yes & No & Yes \\
目标语句法 & No & No & Yes & Yes \\
基于串的解码 & Yes & No & Yes & Yes \\
基于树的解码 & No & Yes & No & Yes \\
健壮性 & High & Mid & Mid & Low
\item 下面,以树到串/串到树为例进行介绍,一些代表性论文\\
\item \textbf{What's in a translation rule?}\\
\textbf{Galley et al., 2004, In Proc. of HLT-NAACL}
\item \textbf{Scalable Inference and Training of Context-Rich Syntactic Translation Models}\\
\textbf{Galley et al., 2006, In Proc. of ACL}
\item \textbf{Tree-to-String Alignment Template for Statistical Machine Translation}\\
\textbf{Liu et al., 2006, In Proc. of ACL}
......@@ -1892,6 +1892,100 @@ d = r_1 \circ r_2 \circ r_3 \circ r_4
%%% 句法树(层次短语)
\item 层次短语规则的使用本质上是对(源语)句子建立树状结构,这反应了文法对于字符串分析得到的推导\\
\visible<2->{d = r_3}\visible<3->{\circ r_1}\visible<4->{ \circ r_4}\visible<5->{ \circ r_2}\visible<6->{ \circ r_5}\visible<7->{ \circ r_2}\visible<8->{ \circ r_7}\visible<9->{ \circ r_6}\visible<10->{ \circ r_2}
\begin{scope}[sibling distance=0pt, level distance = 27pt]
[.\node(n5){\textbf{X}}; \node(cw1){}; ]
[.\node(n6){\textbf{X}}; \node(cw2){美国}; ]
[. \node(cw3){并没有}; ]
[. \node(cw4){执行}; ]
[. \node(cw5){世贸}; ]
[. \node(cw6){组织}; ]
[. \node(cw7){}; ]
[. \node(cw8){裁决}; ]
\node<10->[circle, inner sep = 0.5pt, fill=blue!90!white, anchor = west] (l1) at ([xshift=-0.3em]n1.north east) {{\color{white} \tiny{$r_2$}}};
\node<7->[circle, inner sep = 0.5pt, fill=blue!90!white, anchor = east] (l2) at ([xshift=0.3em]n2.north west) {{\color{white} \tiny{$r_2$}}};
\node<5->[circle, inner sep = 0.5pt, fill=blue!90!white, anchor = east] (l2) at ([xshift=0.3em]n3.north west) {{\color{white} \tiny{$r_2$}}};
\node<3->[circle, inner sep = 0.5pt, fill=blue!90!white, anchor = east] (l2) at ([xshift=0.3em]n4.north west) {{\color{white} \tiny{$r_1$}}};
\visible<2->{\node[circle, inner sep = 0.5pt, fill=blue!90!white, anchor = east] (l2) at ([xshift=0.3em]n5.north west) {{\color{white} \tiny{$r_3$}}};}
\node<4->[circle, inner sep = 0.5pt, fill=blue!90!white, anchor = west] (l1) at ([xshift=-0.3em]n6.south east) {{\color{white} \tiny{$r_4$}}};
\node<6->[circle, inner sep = 0.5pt, fill=blue!90!white, anchor = west] (l1) at ([xshift=-0.3em]n7.north east) {{\color{white} \tiny{$r_5$}}};
\node<9->[circle, inner sep = 0.5pt, fill=blue!90!white, anchor = west] (l1) at ([xshift=-0.3em]n8.north east) {{\color{white} \tiny{$r_6$}}};
\node<8->[circle, inner sep = 0.5pt, fill=blue!90!white, anchor = west] (l1) at ([xshift=-0.3em]n9.north east) {{\color{white} \tiny{$r_7$}}};
\begin{scope}[xshift = 1.8in, yshift = 0.1in]
\node (rules) {\textbf{层次短语翻译规则:}};
\draw[-] (rules.south west)--([xshift=1.8in]rules.south west);
\node[anchor=north west] (r1) at ([yshift=-0.2em]rules.south west) {$r_1$};
\node[anchor=west] (rc1) at ([xshift=0.0em]r1.east) {$\textrm{S} \; \to \; \langle\ \textrm{X}_1, \; \; \textrm{X}_1\ \rangle$};
\node[anchor=north west] (r2) at ([yshift=-0.4em]r1.south west) {$r_2$};
\node[anchor=west] (rc2) at ([xshift=0em]r2.east) {$\textrm{S} \; \to \; \langle\ \textrm{S}_1 \; \textrm{X}_2, \; \; \textrm{S}_1 \; \textrm{X}_2\ \rangle$};
\node[anchor=north west] (r3) at ([yshift=-0.4em]r2.south west) {$r_3$};
\node[anchor=west] (rc3) at ([xshift=0em]r3.east) {$\textrm{X} \; \to \; \langle\ \text{}, \; \; \text{but}\ \rangle$};
\node[anchor=north west] (r4) at ([yshift=-0.4em]r3.south west) {$r_4$};
\node[anchor=west] (rc4) at ([xshift=0em]r4.east) {$\textrm{X} \; \to \; \langle\ \text{美国}, \; \; \text{the U.S.}\ \rangle$};
\node[anchor=north west] (r5) at ([yshift=-0.4em]r4.south west) {$r_5$};
\node[anchor=west] (rc5) at ([xshift=0em]r5.east) {$\textrm{X} \; \to \; \langle\ \text{并没有} \; \text{执行}, \; \; \text{}$};
\node[anchor=north west] (r52) at ([yshift=-0.4em]r5.south west) {{\color{white} $r_5$}};
\node[anchor=west] (rc52) at ([xshift=2.9em]r52.east) {$\text{has not implemented}\ \rangle$};
\node[anchor=north west] (r6) at ([yshift=-0.4em]r52.south west) {$r_6$};
\node[anchor=west] (rc6) at ([xshift=0em]r6.east) {$\textrm{X} \; \to \; \langle\ \text{世贸} \; \textrm{X}_1 \; \text{裁决}, $};
\node[anchor=north west] (r61) at ([yshift=-0.4em]r6.south west) {{\color{white} $r_6$}};
\node[anchor=west] (rc61) at ([xshift=2.9em]r61.east) {$\text{the decision} \; \textrm{X}_1 \; \text{the WTO}\ \rangle$};
\node[anchor=north west] (r7) at ([yshift=-0.4em]r61.south west) {$r_7$};
\node[anchor=west] (rc7) at ([xshift=0em]r7.east) {$\textrm{X} \; \to \; \langle\ \text{组织 的}, \; \; \text{of}\ \rangle$};
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