Commit cccce9da by xiaotong

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parent bea44fa2
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\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{\begin{CJK}{UTF8}{\mycfont} 第六章 神经机器翻译 \hspace*{2em} 肖桐\&朱靖波 \end{CJK} \hspace*{2em} \today \hspace*{2em} \insertframenumber{}/\inserttotalframenumber}
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\author{\large{\textbf{肖桐\ \ 朱靖波}}}
\blue{\url{}} \black{} \\
\blue{\url{}} \black{} \\
东北大学 自然语言处理实验室 \\
\blue{\underline{\url{}}} \black{} \\
\hspace{0.1cm} \includegraphics[scale=0.1]{../Figures/logo.pdf}
%%% 译文对比
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\scriptsize{\textbf{原文(英语)}: During Soviet times, if a city's population topped one million, it would become eligible for its own metro. Planners wanted to brighten the lives of everyday Soviet citizens, and saw the metros, with their tens of thousands of daily passengers, as a singular opportunity to do so. In 1977, Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, became the seventh Soviet city to have a metro built. Grand themes celebrating the history of Uzbekistan and the Soviet Union were brought to life, as art was commissioned and designers set to work. The stations reflected different themes, some with domed ceilings and painted tiles reminiscent of Uzbekistan's Silk Road mosques, while others ... }
\begin{beamerboxesrounded}[upper=uppercolblue,lower=lowercolblue,shadow=true]{\scriptsize{\textbf{译文\visible<2->{(神经机器翻译 - 很流畅!)}}}}
在苏联时期,如果一个城市的人口超过一百万,它就有资格拥有自己的地铁。 规划者想要照亮日常苏联公民的生活,并把拥有数万名每日乘客的地铁看作是这样做的一个绝佳机会。 1977年,乌兹别克斯坦首都塔什干成为苏联第七个修建地铁的城市。 随着艺术的委托和设计师们的工作,乌兹别克斯坦和苏联历史的宏伟主题被赋予了生命力。 这些电台反映了不同的主题,有的有穹顶和彩砖,让人想起乌兹别克斯坦的丝绸之路清真寺,有的则用...
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