Commit 2acc5932 by 单韦乔

删除 figure-cross-type-word-segmentation-ambiguity.tex

parent 29224ddb
%%% outline
\node [anchor=north west] (entry1) at (0,0) {\textbf{1:}};
\node [anchor=north west] (entry2) at ([yshift=0.1em]entry1.south west) {\textbf{2:}};
\node [anchor=north west] (entry3) at ([yshift=0.1em]entry2.south west) {\textbf{3:} 现在};
\node [anchor=north west] (entry4) at ([yshift=0.1em]entry3.south west) {\textbf{4:} 物价};
\node [anchor=north west] (entry5) at ([yshift=0.1em]entry4.south west) {\textbf{5:} 确实};
\node [anchor=north west] (entry6) at ([yshift=0.1em]entry5.south west) {\textbf{6:} 实现};
\node [anchor=south west] (dictionarylabel) at (entry1.north west) {{\color{ublue} 分词词典}};
\node[rectangle,draw=ublue, inner sep=0.2em] [fit = (entry1) (entry2) (entry3) (entry4) (entry5) (entry6) (dictionarylabel)] {};
\node [anchor=west] (c1) at (0,0) {};
\node [anchor=west] (c2) at ([xshift=0em]c1.east) {};
\node [anchor=west] (c3) at ([xshift=0em]c2.east) {};
\node [anchor=west] (c4) at ([xshift=0em]c3.east) {};
\node [anchor=west] (c5) at ([xshift=0em]c4.east) {};
\node [anchor=west] (c6) at ([xshift=0em]c5.east) {};
\node [anchor=west] (c7) at ([xshift=0em]c6.east) {};
\node [anchor=west] (c8) at ([xshift=0em]c7.east) {};
\node [anchor=west,thick,draw,minimum width=3.4em,minimum height=1.5em] (w1) at (c3.west){};
\draw [->,thick] (entry3.30) ..controls +(70:1) and +(south:1.5).. ([xshift=0.3em]w1.south) node [pos=0.5, above] {\footnotesize{命中}};
\node [anchor=west,very thick,draw,dotted,minimum width=3.4em,minimum height=1.9em,red] (w3) at (c2.west){};
\draw [->,very thick,dotted,red] ([yshift=-0.2em]entry6.30) ..controls +(60:2) and +(south:3).. ([xshift=-0.6em]w3.south) node [pos=0.5, below] {\color{red}{\footnotesize{命中}}};
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