Commit 384cc0d5 by zengxin


parent e85626db
......@@ -2,48 +2,30 @@
%%% outline
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\node[] (n1) at (0,0){小牛翻译的总部在哪里?};
\node[node,fill=blue!20] (c1) at (0, 5em){\scriptsize\bfnew{机器翻译}};
\node[align=left] (n2) at (0,10em){Where is the headquarters \\ of {\color{red} Mavericks Translation}?};
\node [draw,single arrow,inner ysep=0.3em, minimum height=2.4em, rotate=90,fill=cyan!40,very thin] (arrow1) at (0, 2.4em) {};
\node [draw,single arrow,inner ysep=0.3em, minimum height=2em, rotate=90,fill=cyan!40,very thin] (arrow1) at (0, 7.2em) {};
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\node[] (n3) at (0,0){小牛翻译的总部在哪里?};
\node[node,fill=blue!20] (c2) at (-3em, 5em){\scriptsize\bfnew{机器翻译}};
\node[node,fill=red!20] (c3) at (3em, 5em){\scriptsize\bfnew{术语词典}};
\node[font=\scriptsize,draw,inner sep=3pt,fill=red!20,minimum height=1em] (w1) at (9em, 6.5em){小牛翻译};
\node[word] (origin) at (0,0) {源文};
\node[word] (n1) at ([xshift=1em]origin.east){{\color{red} 小牛翻译}的总部在哪里?};
\node[font=\scriptsize,draw,inner sep=3pt,fill=red!20,minimum height=1em] (w2) at (9em, 3.5em){NiuTrans};
\node[font=\Large] (add) at (0em, 5em){+};
\node[align=left] (n4) at (0,10em){Where is the headquarters \\ of {\color{red} NiuTrans}?};
\node[word] (right) at ([yshift=-6em]origin.south west){译文};
\node[word] (n3) at ([xshift=1em]right.east){Where is the headquarters \\ of {\color{red} NiuTrans}?};
\node [draw,single arrow,inner ysep=0.3em, minimum height=2.4em, rotate=90,fill=cyan!40,very thin] (arrow1) at (0, 2.4em) {};
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%\node[diction] (dic) at ([xshift=2em,yshift=-1.8em]n1.south east) {
%术语词典 \\
%小牛翻译 = NiuTrans \\
%\draw[->,red] ([yshift=-0.2em]dic.west) .. controls +(west:2em) and +(south:2em) .. ( [xshift=-4em]n1.south) node[above,midway,font=\scriptsize]{};
\node[font=\scriptsize] at ([yshift=-2.3em,xshift=-6em]n1.south) {“小牛翻译”=“NiuTrans”};
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\node[font=\Large,text=ugreen] at (0, -2em){\ding{52}};
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