Commit 6765409c by 单韦乔


parent ed8e172a
%%% 短语系统的架构
\tikzstyle{datanode} = [minimum width=5em,minimum height=1.7em,fill=red!20,rounded corners=0.3em];
\tikzstyle{modelnode} = [minimum width=5em,minimum height=1.7em,fill=blue!20,rounded corners=0.3em];
\tikzstyle{decodingnode} = [minimum width=5em,minimum height=1.7em,fill=green!20,rounded corners=0.3em];
\node [datanode,anchor=north west] (s1) at (0,0) {{ \small{语言1}}};
\node [datanode,anchor=north] (s2) at ([yshift=-4.5em]s1.south) {{ \small{语言3}}};
\node [datanode,anchor=west] (s3) at ([xshift=4.5em]s1.east) {{ \small{语言2}}};
\node [datanode,anchor=north] (s4) at ([yshift=-4.5em]s3.south) {{ \small{语言4}}};
\node [circle,anchor=north west,inner sep=2pt,fill=blue!20] (m1) at ([xshift=0.8em,yshift=-0.5em]s1.south east) {{ \small{中间语言}}};
\draw [<->,very thick] (s1.south) -- (m1.west);
\draw [<->,very thick] (s2.north) -- (m1.west);
\draw [<->,very thick] (s3.south) -- (m1.east);
\draw [<->,very thick] (s4.north) -- (m1.east);
\tikzstyle{datanode} = [minimum width=5em,minimum height=1.7em,fill=red!20,rounded corners=0.3em];
\tikzstyle{modelnode} = [minimum width=5em,minimum height=1.7em,fill=blue!20,rounded corners=0.3em];
\tikzstyle{decodingnode} = [minimum width=5em,minimum height=1.7em,fill=green!20,rounded corners=0.3em];
\node [datanode,anchor=north west] (s1) at (0,0) {{ \small{语言1}}};
\node [datanode,anchor=north] (s2) at ([yshift=-4.5em]s1.south) {{ \small{语言3}}};
\node [datanode,anchor=west] (s3) at ([xshift=4.5em]s1.east) {{ \small{语言2}}};
\node [datanode,anchor=north] (s4) at ([yshift=-4.5em]s3.south) {{ \small{语言4}}};
\draw [<->,very thick] (s1.south) -- (s2.north);
\draw [<->,very thick] (s1.east) -- (s3.west);
\draw [<->,very thick] (s3.south) -- (s4.north);
\draw [<->,very thick] (s2.east) -- (s4.west);
\draw [<->,very thick] (s1.south east) -- (s4.north west);
\draw [<->,very thick] (s2.north east) -- (s3.south west);
\ No newline at end of file
%%% 句法树(层次短语)
\begin{scope}[sibling distance=10pt, level distance = 20pt]
[.\node(n3){\textbf{np}}; \node(cw1){}; ]
[. \node(cw1){pp};
[. \node(cw2){}; ]
[. \node(cw3){np};
[. \node(cw4){mp};
[. \node(p1){}; ]
[. \node(p2){}; ]
[. \node(cw5){np}; \node(p3){}; ]
[. \node(cw6){vp};
[. \node(cw7){}; ]
[. \node(cw8){pp};
[. \node(cw9){}; ]
[. \node(cw10){sp};
[. \node(cw11){}; ]
[. \node(cw12){}; ]
[.\node(n5){\textbf{}}; ]
...@@ -35,9 +35,25 @@ ...@@ -35,9 +35,25 @@
\node[anchor=north west] (original4-3) at ([yshift=0.3em]original4-2.south west) {\scriptsize{悲哀,让我跟你去吧!''``哦,……爱,我实在太悲哀了,想自己一个人呆一会儿!''悲哀答}}; \node[anchor=north west] (original4-3) at ([yshift=0.3em]original4-2.south west) {\scriptsize{悲哀,让我跟你去吧!''``哦,……爱,我实在太悲哀了,想自己一个人呆一会儿!''悲哀答}};
\node[anchor=north west] (original4-4) at ([yshift=0.3em]original4-3.south west) {\scriptsize{道。快乐走近爱的身边,但是她太快乐了,竟然没有听见爱在叫她!}}; \node[anchor=north west] (original4-4) at ([yshift=0.3em]original4-3.south west) {\scriptsize{道。快乐走近爱的身边,但是她太快乐了,竟然没有听见爱在叫她!}};
\node [anchor=north west] (mt4) at ([xshift=-3.5em,yshift=-0.3em]original4-4.south west) {\scriptsize{机器翻译:At this time, Richness {\color{red}\underline{passed by}} in a big ship. Love said, ``Rich, can you take me away?'' Richness}};
\node [anchor=north west] (mt4-1) at ([xshift=3.5em,yshift=0.4em]mt4.south west) {\scriptsize{replied, ``No, {\color{red}\underline{there are many treasures}} of gold and silver in my ship,and there is no place for you.''}};
\node [anchor=north west] (mt4-2) at ([xshift=0em,yshift=0.3em]mt4-1.south west) {\scriptsize{ Love saw vanity in a magnificent boat and said, ``Vanity, help me!'' ``I can't help you. You are {\color{red}\underline{soak}}}};
\node [anchor=north west] (mt4-3) at ([yshift=0.4em]mt4-2.south west) {\scriptsize{{\color{red}\underline{-ed to the skin}} and will damage my beautiful boat.'' When sorrow came, love asked him for help: ``}};
\node [anchor=north west] (mt4-4) at ([yshift=0.4em]mt4-3.south west) {\scriptsize{sorrow, let me go with you!'' ``Oh,, I am so sad that I want to be alone for a while!'' Sadly rep}};
\node [anchor=north west] (mt4-5) at ([yshift=0.4em]mt4-4.south west) {\scriptsize{-lied. Happiness {\color{red}\underline{approached}} love, but she was too happy to hear love calling her!}};
\node [anchor=north west] (ht4) at ([xshift=-3.5em,yshift=0.3em]mt4-5.south west) {\scriptsize{人工翻译:At that moment, WEALTH {\color{red}\underline{was passing by}} in a big boat. Love said,``WEALTH, can you take me}};
\node [anchor=north west] (ht4-1) at ([xshift=3.5em,yshift=0.4em]ht4.south west) {\scriptsize{with you?'' WEALTH answered, ``no, {\color{red}\underline{there is a lot}} of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place}};
\node [anchor=north west] (ht4-2) at ([yshift=0.4em]ht4-1.south west) {\scriptsize{for you.'' Love saw VANITY in a beautiful boat and said, ``VANITY, help me!'' ``I can't help you.}};
\begin{pgfonlayer}{background} \begin{pgfonlayer}{background}
{ {
\node[rectangle,draw=ublue, inner sep=0mm] [fit =(original1)(ht1)(mt1)(original4-4)] {}; \node[rectangle,draw=ublue, inner sep=0mm] [fit =(original1)(ht1)(mt1)(original4-4)(ht4-2)] {};
} }
\end{pgfonlayer} \end{pgfonlayer}
...@@ -4,23 +4,9 @@ ...@@ -4,23 +4,9 @@
%%% outline %%% outline
%------------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------------
\begin{tikzpicture} \begin{tikzpicture}
%机器翻译-------------- \node [pos=0.4,left,xshift=-0.4em,yshift=2.0em,opacity=0] (mt4) {\scriptsize{机器翻译:At this time, Richness {\color{red}\underline{passed by}} in a big ship. Love said, ``Rich, can you take me away?'' Richness}};
\node [pos=0.4,left,xshift=-0.4em,yshift=2.0em] (mt4) {\scriptsize{机器翻译:At this time, Richness {\color{red}\underline{passed by}} in a big ship. Love said, ``Rich, can you take me away?'' Richness}};
\node [anchor=north west] (mt4-1) at ([xshift=3.5em,yshift=0.4em]mt4.south west) {\scriptsize{replied, ``No, {\color{red}\underline{there are many treasures}} of gold and silver in my ship,and there is no place for you.''}};
\node [anchor=north west] (mt4-2) at ([xshift=0em,yshift=0.3em]mt4-1.south west) {\scriptsize{ Love saw vanity in a magnificent boat and said, ``Vanity, help me!'' ``I can't help you. You are {\color{red}\underline{soak}}}};
\node [anchor=north west] (mt4-3) at ([yshift=0.4em]mt4-2.south west) {\scriptsize{{\color{red}\underline{-ed to the skin}} and will damage my beautiful boat.'' When sorrow came, love asked him for help: ``}};
\node [anchor=north west] (mt4-4) at ([yshift=0.4em]mt4-3.south west) {\scriptsize{sorrow, let me go with you!'' ``Oh,, I am so sad that I want to be alone for a while!'' Sadly rep}};
\node [anchor=north west] (mt4-5) at ([yshift=0.4em]mt4-4.south west) {\scriptsize{-lied. Happiness {\color{red}\underline{approached}} love, but she was too happy to hear love calling her!}};
\node [anchor=north west] (ht4) at ([xshift=-3.5em,yshift=0.3em]mt4-5.south west) {\scriptsize{人工翻译:At that moment, WEALTH {\color{red}\underline{was passing by}} in a big boat. Love said,``WEALTH, can you take me}};
\node [anchor=north west] (ht4-1) at ([xshift=3.5em,yshift=0.4em]ht4.south west) {\scriptsize{with you?'' WEALTH answered, ``no, {\color{red}\underline{there is a lot}} of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place}};
\node [anchor=north west] (ht4-2) at ([yshift=0.4em]ht4-1.south west) {\scriptsize{for you.'' Love saw VANITY in a beautiful boat and said, ``VANITY, help me!'' ``I can't help you.}};
\node [anchor=north west] (ht4-3) at ([yshift=0.4em]ht4-2.south west) {\scriptsize{You are {\color{red}\underline{all wet,}} and will break my pretty boat.'' Then SADNESS came. Love asked for help,``SAD}};
\node [anchor=north west] (ht4-3) at ([xshift=3.5em,yshift=1.3em]mt4.south west) {\scriptsize{You are {\color{red}\underline{all wet,}} and will break my pretty boat.'' Then SADNESS came. Love asked for help,``SAD}};
\node [anchor=north west] (ht4-4) at ([yshift=0.4em]ht4-3.south west) {\scriptsize{-NESS, let me go with you!'' ``Oh,...LOVE, I am so sad that I want to be alone for a while!'' ``Repli}}; \node [anchor=north west] (ht4-4) at ([yshift=0.4em]ht4-3.south west) {\scriptsize{-NESS, let me go with you!'' ``Oh,...LOVE, I am so sad that I want to be alone for a while!'' ``Repli}};
\node [anchor=north west] (ht4-5) at ([yshift=0.4em]ht4-4.south west) {\scriptsize{-ed SADNESS. JOY {\color{red}\underline{came close to }} love, but she was so happy that she did not hear him call her!}}; \node [anchor=north west] (ht4-5) at ([yshift=0.4em]ht4-4.south west) {\scriptsize{-ed SADNESS. JOY {\color{red}\underline{came close to }} love, but she was so happy that she did not hear him call her!}};
...@@ -50,7 +36,7 @@ ...@@ -50,7 +36,7 @@
\begin{pgfonlayer}{background} \begin{pgfonlayer}{background}
{ {
\node[rectangle,draw=ublue, inner sep=0mm] [fit = (mt4)(ht4)(ht8-4)] {}; \node[rectangle,draw=ublue, inner sep=0mm] [fit = (ht4-3)(original8)(ht8-4)] {};
} }
\end{pgfonlayer} \end{pgfonlayer}
%%% 短语系统的架构
\tikzstyle{node1} = [minimum width=7em,minimum height=1.7em,fill=red!20,rounded corners=0.3em];
\tikzstyle{node2} = [minimum width=7em,minimum height=2.5em,fill=blue!20,rounded corners=0.3em];
\tikzstyle{node3} = [minimum width=7em,minimum height=2.5em,fill=green!20,rounded corners=0.3em];
\tikzstyle{node4} = [minimum width=7em,minimum height=1.7em,fill=orange!20,rounded corners=0.3em];
\tikzstyle{node5} = [minimum width=4.5em,minimum height=1.7em,dashed];
\node [node1,anchor=south west] (s1) at (0,0) {{ \small{源语言词串}}};
\node [node2,anchor=south] (s2) at ([xshift=2.5em,yshift=2em]s1.north) {};
\node [anchor=north,minimum height=1.2em] (s21) at (s2.north) {{ \small{源语言}}};
\node [anchor=south,minimum height=1.2em] (s22) at (s2.south) {{ \small{句法结构}}};
\node [node3,anchor=south] (s3) at ([xshift=2.5em,yshift=2em]s2.north) {};
\node [anchor=north,minimum height=1.2em] (s31) at (s3.north) {{ \small{源语言}}};
\node [anchor=south,minimum height=1.2em] (s32) at (s3.south) {{ \small{语义结构}}};
\node [node4,anchor=south] (s4) at ([xshift=6em,yshift=2em]s3.north) {{ \small{中间语言(知识表示)}}};
\node [node3,anchor=north] (t1) at ([xshift=6em,yshift=-2em]s4.south) {};
\node [anchor=north,minimum height=1.2em] (t11) at (t1.north) {{ \small{目标语言}}};
\node [anchor=south,minimum height=1.2em] (t12) at (t1.south) {{ \small{语义结构}}};
\node [node2,anchor=north] (t2) at ([xshift=2.5em,yshift=-2em]t1.south) {};
\node [anchor=north,minimum height=1.2em] (t21) at (t2.north) {{ \small{目标语言}}};
\node [anchor=south,minimum height=1.2em] (t22) at (t2.south) {{ \small{句法结构}}};
\node [node1,anchor=north] (t3) at ([xshift=2.5em,yshift=-2em]t2.south) {{ \small{目标语言词串}}};
\node [anchor=north] (l1) at ([yshift=-2em]s4.south) {{ \small{语义\ 转换}}};
\node [anchor=north] (l2) at ([yshift=-3em]l1.south) {{ \small{句法\ 转换}}};
\node [anchor=north] (l3) at ([yshift=-2.5em]l2.south) {{ \small{词汇\ 转换}}};
\node [node5,anchor=north,draw] (st1) at ([xshift=-3em,yshift=-0.5em]l3.south) {{ \small{分析部分}}};
\node [node5,anchor=north,draw] (st2) at ([xshift=3em,yshift=-0.5em]l3.south) {{ \small{生成部分}}};
\draw [->,thick] (s1.north) -- ([xshift=-0.6em]s2.south);
\draw [->,thick] ([xshift=0.6em]s2.north) -- (s3.south);
\draw [->,thick] ([xshift=1.2em]s3.north) -- ([xshift=-2.7em]s4.south);
\draw [->,thick] ([xshift=2.7em]s4.south) -- ([xshift=-1.2em]t1.north);
\draw [->,thick] (t1.south) -- ([xshift=-0.6em]t2.north);
\draw [->,thick] ([xshift=0.6em]t2.south) -- (t3.north);
\draw [->,thick] (s3.east) -- (t1.west);
\draw [->,thick] (s2.east) -- (t2.west);
\draw [->,thick] (s1.east) -- (t3.west);
\draw [-] ([xshift=0.1em]s4.south) -- ([xshift=0.1em,yshift=-14em]s4.south);
\ No newline at end of file
%%% 短语系统的架构
\tikzstyle{datanode} = [minimum width=7em,minimum height=1.7em,fill=red!20,rounded corners=0.3em];
\tikzstyle{modelnode} = [minimum width=7em,minimum height=1.7em,fill=blue!20,rounded corners=0.3em];
\tikzstyle{decodingnode} = [minimum width=7em,minimum height=1.7em,fill=green!20,rounded corners=0.3em];
\node [datanode,anchor=north west,minimum height=1.7em,minimum width=8em] (s1) at (0,0) {{ \small{源文句子}}};
\node [modelnode,anchor=north,minimum height=1.7em,minimum width=8em] (s2) at ([yshift=-1.5em]s1.south) {{ \small{源语词法分析}}};
\node [datanode,anchor=north,minimum height=1.7em,minimum width=8em] (s3) at ([yshift=-1.5em]s2.south) {{ \small{源文词串}}};
\node [modelnode,anchor=north,minimum height=1.7em,minimum width=8em] (s4) at ([yshift=-1.5em]s3.south) {{ \small{源语句法分析}}};
\node [datanode,anchor=north,minimum height=1.7em,minimum width=8em] (s5) at ([yshift=-1.5em]s4.south) {{ \small{源文结构}}};
\node [datanode,anchor=west,minimum height=1.7em,minimum width=8em] (t1) at ([xshift=14em]s1.east) {{ \small{译文句子}}};
\node [modelnode,anchor=north,minimum height=1.7em,minimum width=8em] (t2) at ([yshift=-1.5em]t1.south) {{ \small{目标语词法生成}}};
\node [datanode,anchor=north,minimum height=1.7em,minimum width=8em] (t3) at ([yshift=-1.5em]t2.south) {{ \small{译文词串}}};
\node [modelnode,anchor=north,minimum height=1.7em,minimum width=8em] (t4) at ([yshift=-1.5em]t3.south) {{ \small{目标语句法生成}}};
\node [datanode,anchor=north,minimum height=1.7em,minimum width=8em] (t5) at ([yshift=-1.5em]t4.south) {{ \small{译文结构}}};
\node [decodingnode,anchor=west,minimum height=1.7em,minimum width=8em] (st1) at ([xshift=2.5em,yshift=0.85em]s5.east) {{ \small{源语-目标语词汇转换}}};
\node [decodingnode,anchor=north,minimum height=1.7em,minimum width=8em] (st2) at ([yshift=0.05em]st1.south) {{ \small{源语-目标语结构转换}}};
\draw [->,very thick] (s1.south) -- (s2.north);
\draw [->,very thick] (s2.south) -- (s3.north);
\draw [->,very thick] (s3.south) -- (s4.north);
\draw [->,very thick] (s4.south) -- (s5.north);
\draw [->,very thick] (s5.east) -- (st1.south west);
\draw [->,very thick] (st1.south east) -- (t5.west);
\draw [->,very thick] (t5.north) -- (t4.south);
\draw [->,very thick] (t4.north) -- (t3.south);
\draw [->,very thick] (t3.north) -- (t2.south);
\draw [->,very thick] (t2.north) -- (t1.south);
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -709,6 +709,32 @@ ...@@ -709,6 +709,32 @@
year ={2020}, year ={2020},
note ={\url{}} note ={\url{}}
} }
title="Approaches to machine translation",
author="Sneha {Tripathi} and Juran Krishna {Sarkhel}",
journal="Annals of Library and Information Studies",
notes="Sourced from Microsoft Academic -",
title="Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition",
author="Daniel {Jurafsky} and James H. {Martin}",
notes="Sourced from Microsoft Academic -",
%%%%% chapter 1------------------------------------------------------ %%%%% chapter 1------------------------------------------------------
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