Commit 6be80127 by 单韦乔

合并分支 'shanweiqiao' 到 'caorunzhe'


查看合并请求 !656
parents 977d1811 ceb9e624
\tikzstyle{node} = [minimum height=1.0*1.2em,draw,fill=green!20]
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...@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ ...@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
\node[node,anchor = west] (node8) at ([xshift = 2em,yshift = 2em]node7.east) {对于词表外的词lowest}; \node[node,anchor = west] (node8) at ([xshift = 2em,yshift = 2em]node7.east) {对于词表外的词lowest};
\node[node,anchor = north west] (node9) at ([yshift = 0.3em]node8.south west) {可以被分割为low est}; \node[node,anchor = north west] (node9) at ([yshift = 0.3em]node8.south west) {可以被分割为low est};
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\multirow{3}{*}{子词词表:} & `es' & `est' & `est$<$e$>$' & `lo' & `low' \\ \multirow{3}{*}{符号合并表:} & ('e','s') & ('es','t') & ('est','$<$e$>$') & ('l','o') & ('lo','w') \\
& `ne' & `new'&`newest$<$e$>$' & `low$<$e$>$'& `wi'\\ & ('n','e') & ('ne','w') & ('new','est$<$e$>$') & ('low','$<$e$>$') & 'w','i') \\
& `wid' & `widest$<$e$>$' & `lowe' & `lower'& `lower$<$e$>$' & ('wi','d') & ('wid','est$<$e$>$') & ('low','e') & ('lowe','r') & ('lower','$<$e$>$')
\end{tabular}}; \end{tabular}};
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\node[font=\scriptsize,anchor=west] (line1) at (dec_legend.east) {:解码层};
%\node[node] (dec1) at ([xshift=4em]enc1.east) {Decoder};
%\node[node2] (enc2) at ([xshift=4em]dec1.east) {Encoder};
%\node[node] (dec2) at ([xshift=4em]enc2.east) {Decoder};
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\node[font=\footnotesize] (node2) at ([yshift=-1em]sent8.south) {排序生成};
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