Commit 7d4753c5 by 单韦乔

删除 figure-probability-values-corresponding-to-different-derivations.tex

parent 6f43d044
%%% outline
\node [] (sent) at (0,0) {\textbf{猫 喜欢 吃 鱼}};
\begin{scope}[xshift=-8em,yshift=-9em,sibling distance=-5pt,level distance=17pt,grow'=up]
[.NN 猫 ]
[.VV 喜欢 ]
[.VV 吃 ]
[.NN 鱼 ]
\begin{scope}[xshift=-1em,yshift=-9em,sibling distance=-5pt,level distance=17pt,grow'=up]
[.NN 猫 ]
[.VV 喜欢 ]
[.VV 吃 ]
[.NN 鱼 ]
\begin{scope}[xshift=8em,yshift=-9em,sibling distance=-5pt, level distance=17pt,grow'=up]
[.NN 猫 ]
[.VV 喜欢 ]
[.VV 吃 ]
[.NN 鱼 ]
\draw [->,thick,ublue] ([xshift=-2em]sent.south) ..controls + (south:2em) and +(north:2em).. ([xshift=-8em,yshift=-2em]sent.south);
\draw [->,thick,ublue] ([xshift=-1em]sent.south) ..controls + (south:2em) and +(north:2em).. ([xshift=-2em,yshift=-2em]sent.south);
\draw [->,thick,ublue] ([xshift=0em]sent.south) ..controls + (south:2em) and +(north:2em).. ([xshift=6.5em,yshift=-2em]sent.south);
\draw [->,thick,ublue,dotted] ([xshift=1em]sent.south) ..controls + (south:1.5em) and +(north:2.5em).. ([xshift=12.5em,yshift=-2em]sent.south);
\node [anchor=north west] (others) at (11.8em,-3em) {...};
\node [] (d1) at (-9em,-10em) {$d_1$};
\node [] (d2) at (0em,-10em) {$d_2$};
\node [] (d3) at (8.5em,-10em) {$d_2$};
\node [anchor=east] (d1p) at ([xshift=0.4em]d1.west) {$\textrm{P}($};
\node [anchor=west] (d1p2) at ([xshift=-0.4em]d1.east) {$)=0.0123$};
\node [anchor=east] (d2p) at ([xshift=0.4em]d2.west) {$\textrm{P}($};
\node [anchor=west] (d2p2) at ([xshift=-0.4em]d2.east) {$)=0.4031$};
\node [anchor=east] (d3p) at ([xshift=0.4em]d3.west) {$\textrm{P}($};
\node [anchor=west] (d3p2) at ([xshift=-0.4em]d3.east) {$)=0.0056$};
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