Commit a55bf20d by xiaotong

wording (sec8, syntax-based models)

parent 6f93aec5
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
\begin{scope}[sibling distance=17pt, level distance = 35pt]
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
\begin{scope}[xshift=2.3in, yshift=-0.3in]
\begin{scope}[xshift=1.8in, yshift=-0.3in]
\node[anchor=west, rotate=60] at (0.8,-0.6) {VP$^{[1]}$};
\node[anchor=west, rotate=60] at (1.8,-0.6) {VBZ$^{[2]}$};
\node[anchor=west, rotate=60] at (2.8,-0.6) {ADVP$^{[3]}$};
......@@ -54,12 +54,12 @@
\node[fill=blue!40, scale=1.1, inner sep=1pt, minimum size=12pt] at (4,-2) {{\color{white} 1}};
\node[fill=blue!40, scale=1.1, inner sep=1pt, minimum size=12pt] at (5,-4) {{\color{white} 1}};
\node[] at (4,-6.3) {{\color{blue!40} $\blacksquare$} = fixed alignment};
\node[] at (4,-7.2) {Matrix 1: 1-best alignment};
\node[] at (4,-6.3) {{\color{blue!40} $\blacksquare$} = 确定的对齐};
\node[] at (4,-7.2) {Matrix 1: 1-best对齐};
\begin{scope}[xshift=6.1in, yshift=-0.3in]
\begin{scope}[xshift=4.8in, yshift=-0.3in]
\node[anchor=west, rotate=60] at (0.8,-0.6) {VP$^{[1]}$};
\node[anchor=west, rotate=60] at (1.8,-0.6) {VBZ$^{[2]}$};
\node[anchor=west, rotate=60] at (2.8,-0.6) {ADVP$^{[3]}$};
......@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@
\node[fill=blue!40, scale=0.65, inner sep=1pt, minimum size=12pt] at (3,-4) {{\color{white} \small{.3}}};
\node[fill=blue!40, scale=0.9, inner sep=1pt, minimum size=12pt] at (5,-4) {{\color{white} \small{.7}}};
\node[] at (4,-6.3) {{\color{blue!40} $\blacksquare$} = possible alignment};
\node[] at (4,-7.2) {Matrix 2: posterior};
\node[] at (4,-6.3) {{\color{blue!40} $\blacksquare$} = 概率化对齐};
\node[] at (4,-7.2) {Matrix 2: 对齐概率};
\node[] at (9,-7.2) {};%占位符
......@@ -112,8 +112,8 @@
\begin{tabular}[t]{C{0.48\linewidth} C{0.48\linewidth} }
\begin{tabular}{l L{150pt}}
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\textbf{\footnotesize{Minimal Rules}}} \\
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\textbf{\footnotesize{Extracted from Matrix 1 (1-best)}}} \\
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\textbf{\small{最小规则}}} \\
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\textbf{\small{Matrix 1 (基于1-best对齐)}}} \\
\footnotesize{$r_3$} & \footnotesize{AD(大幅度) $\rightarrow$ RB(drastically)} \\
\footnotesize{$r_4$} & \footnotesize{VV(减少) $\rightarrow$ VBN(fallen)} \\
......@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
\begin{tabular}{l L{150pt}}
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\textbf{\small{Minimal Rules}}} \\
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\textbf{\small{Extracted from Matrix 2 (posterior)}}} \\
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\textbf{\small{最小规则}}} \\
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\textbf{\small{Matrix 2 (基于对齐概率)}}} \\
\footnotesize{$r_3$} & \footnotesize{AD(大幅度) $\rightarrow$ RB(drastically)} \\
\footnotesize{$r_4$} & \footnotesize{VV(减少) $\rightarrow$ VBN(fallen)} \\
......@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@
[.NNP \node(sw1){美国}; ]
[.NN \node(sw2){总统}; ]
[.NN \node(sw3){唐纳德}; ]
[.NN \node(sw4){特朗普}; ]
[.NN \node(sw3){乔治}; ]
[.NN \node(sw4){华盛顿}; ]
\node [anchor=north] (tw1) at ([yshift=-2em]sw1.south) {U.S.};
\node [anchor=north] (tw2) at ([yshift=-2em]sw2.south) {President};
\node [anchor=north] (tw3) at ([yshift=-2em]sw3.south) {Trump};
\node [anchor=north] (tw3) at ([yshift=-2em,xshift=2em]sw3.south) {Washington};
\draw [-,dashed] (sw1.south) -- (tw1.north);
\draw [-,dashed] (sw2.south) -- (tw2.north);
......@@ -33,15 +33,15 @@
[.NN \node(sw2){总统}; ]
[.NN \node(sw3){唐纳德}; ]
[.NN \node(sw4){特朗普}; ]
[.NN \node(sw3){乔治}; ]
[.NN \node(sw4){华盛顿}; ]
\node [anchor=north] (tw1) at ([yshift=-4.5em]sw1.south) {U.S.};
\node [anchor=north] (tw2) at ([yshift=-2.75em]sw2.south) {President};
\node [anchor=north] (tw3) at ([yshift=-1em]sw3.south) {Trump};
\node [anchor=north] (tw3) at ([yshift=-1em,xshift=2em]sw3.south) {Washington};
\draw [-,dashed] (sw1.south) -- (tw1.north);
\draw [-,dashed] (sw2.south) -- (tw2.north);
......@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
\draw[dashed] (cw4.south) .. controls +(south:2.0) and +(north:0.6) .. ([yshift=-0.4em]tw3.north);
\draw[dashed] (cw5.south) .. controls +(south:2.0) and +(north:0.6) .. ([yshift=-0.4em]tw3.north);
\node [anchor=south west,align=left,fill=red!20,drop shadow] (label1) at ([xshift=0.5em]n11.north east) {\footnotesize{span=\{3\}}\\\footnotesize{c-span=\{1,3-6\}}};
\node [anchor=south west,align=left,fill=blue!20,drop shadow] (label2) at ([xshift=0.5em,yshift=-0.5em]n4.north east) {\footnotesize{span=\{3-6\}}\\\footnotesize{c-span=\{1\}}};
\node [anchor=south west,align=left,fill=red!20,drop shadow] (label1) at ([xshift=0.5em,yshift=-1.3em]n11.north east) {\footnotesize{可达范围=\{3\}}\\\footnotesize{补充范围=\{1,3-6\}}};
\node [anchor=south west,align=left,fill=blue!20,drop shadow] (label2) at ([xshift=0.5em,yshift=-0.5em]n4.north east) {\footnotesize{可达范围=\{3-6\}}\\\footnotesize{补充范围=\{1\}}};
\node [rectangle,fill=red!20,inner sep=0] [fit = (n11)] (n11box) {};
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
\node [anchor=north] (n11boxlabel) at (label1.south) {\footnotesize{{\red{不可信}}}};
\node [anchor=north] (n4boxlabel) at (label2.south) {\footnotesize{{\red{可信}}}};
\node [anchor=north] (n4boxlabel) at (label2.south) {\footnotesize{{{\color{ublue} 可信}}}};
......@@ -11,14 +11,14 @@
[.NNP \node(sw1){美国}; ]
[.NN \node(sw2){总统}; ]
[.NN \node(sw3){唐纳德}; ]
[.NN \node(sw4){特朗普}; ]
[.NN \node(sw3){乔治}; ]
[.NN \node(sw4){华盛顿}; ]
\node [anchor=north] (tw1) at ([yshift=-2em]sw1.south) {U.S.};
\node [anchor=north] (tw2) at ([yshift=-2em]sw2.south) {President};
\node [anchor=north] (tw3) at ([yshift=-2em]sw3.south) {Trump};
\node [anchor=north] (tw3) at ([yshift=-2em,xshift=1.5em]sw3.south) {Washington};
\draw [-,dashed] (sw1.south) -- (tw1.north);
\draw [-,dashed] (sw2.south) -- (tw2.north);
......@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@
\draw [-,dashed] (sw4.south) -- (tw3.north);
\node [anchor=west] (rulelabel1) at ([xshift=1in,yshift=0.3em]n1.east) {{抽取到的规则:}};
\node [anchor=north west] (rule1) at (rulelabel1.south west) {NP(NNP$_1$ NN$_2$ NN(唐纳德) NN(特朗普))};
\node [anchor=north west] (rule1) at (rulelabel1.south west) {NP(NNP$_1$ NN$_2$ NN(乔治) NN(华盛顿))};
\node [anchor=north west] (rule1t) at ([yshift=0.2em]rule1.south west) {$\to$ NNP$_1$ NN$_2$ Trump};
\node [anchor=north west] (rule2) at (rule1t.south west) {NP(NNP$_1$ NN(总统) NN(唐纳德) NN(特朗普))};
\node [anchor=north west] (rule2) at (rule1t.south west) {NP(NNP$_1$ NN(总统) NN(乔治) NN(华盛顿))};
\node [anchor=north west] (rule2t) at ([yshift=0.2em]rule2.south west) {$\to$ NNP$_1$ President Trump};
\node [anchor=north west] (rulelabel2) at ([yshift=-0.3em]rule2t.south west) {{{\red{不能}}抽取到的规则:}};
\node [anchor=north west] (rule3) at (rulelabel2.south west) {NP(NN(唐纳德) NN(特朗普)) $\to$ Trump};
\node [anchor=north west] (rule3) at (rulelabel2.south west) {NP(NN(乔治) NN(华盛顿)) $\to$ Trump};
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