Commit cf9b4cdb by zengxin


parent ebf4eee3
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
\node[anchor=north,word] (tgt_1) at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_0.south){$<$p$>$};
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_1.south){$<$p$>$};
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_2.south){$<$s$>$};
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_2.south){$<$sos$>$};
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_3.south){go};
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_4.south){to};
\node[anchor=north,word] (tgt_2) at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_5.south){school};
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_0.south){go};
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_1.south){to};
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_2.south){school};
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_3.south){$<$/s$>$};
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_3.south){$<$eos$>$};
\foreach \point in {0,1,2,3}{
\node[cir,font=\fontsize{6}{6}\selectfont,inner sep=0.8pt](c_\point) at (8.2cm+\point*2em,7.5cm-1em*\point){\bm{$\sum$}};
......@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
\node[anchor=south,word] (src_1) at ([xshift=-2em,yshift=0.4em]r_0.north){$<$p$>$};
\node[anchor=south,word] at ([yshift=0.4em]r_0.north){};
\node[anchor=south,word] at ([yshift=0.4em]r_1.north){上学};
\node[anchor=south,word] at ([yshift=0.4em]r_2.north){$<$s$>$};
\node[anchor=south,word] at ([yshift=0.4em]r_2.north){$<$sos$>$};
\node[anchor=south,word] (src_2) at ([xshift=2em,yshift=0.4em]r_2.north){$<$p$>$};
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_0.south){$<$p$>$};
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_1.south){$<$p$>$};
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_2.south){$<$s$>$};
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_2.south){$<$sos$>$};
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_3.south){go};
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_4.south){to};
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_5.south){school};
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_0.south){go};
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_1.south){to};
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_2.south){school};
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_3.south){$<$/s$>$};
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_3.south){$<$eos$>$};
\foreach \point in {0,1,2,3}{
\node[cir,font=\fontsize{6}{6}\selectfont,inner sep=0.8pt](c_\point) at (8.2cm+\point*2em,7.5cm-1em*\point){\bm{$\sum$}};
......@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
\node[anchor=south,word] (src_1) at ([xshift=-2em,yshift=0.4em]r_0.north){$<$p$>$};
\node[anchor=south,word] at ([yshift=0.4em]r_0.north){};
\node[anchor=south,word] at ([yshift=0.4em]r_1.north){上学};
\node[anchor=south,word] at ([yshift=0.4em]r_2.north){$<$s$>$};
\node[anchor=south,word] at ([yshift=0.4em]r_2.north){$<$sos$>$};
\node[anchor=south,word] (src_2) at ([xshift=2em,yshift=0.4em]r_2.north){$<$p$>$};
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_0.south){$<$p$>$};
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_1.south){$<$p$>$};
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_2.south){$<$s$>$};
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_2.south){$<$sos$>$};
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_3.south){go};
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_4.south){to};
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_5.south){school};
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_0.south){go};
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_1.south){to};
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_2.south){school};
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_3.south){$<$/s$>$};
\node[anchor=north,word] at ([yshift=-0.4em]i_3.south){$<$eos$>$};
\foreach \point in {0,1,2,3}{
\node[cir,font=\fontsize{6}{6}\selectfont,inner sep=0.8pt](c_\point) at (8.2cm+\point*2em,7.5cm-1em*\point){\bm{$\sum$}};
......@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
\node[anchor=south,word] (src_1) at ([xshift=-2em,yshift=0.4em]r_0.north){$<$p$>$};
\node[anchor=south,word] at ([yshift=0.4em]r_0.north){};
\node[anchor=south,word] at ([yshift=0.4em]r_1.north){上学};
\node[anchor=south,word] at ([yshift=0.4em]r_2.north){$<$s$>$};
\node[anchor=south,word] at ([yshift=0.4em]r_2.north){$<$sos$>$};
\node[anchor=south,word] (src_2) at ([xshift=2em,yshift=0.4em]r_2.north){$<$p$>$};
......@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
\node(num17)[num,right of = num8,xshift= 2.5cm,fill=red!10]{6};
\node(num18)[num,right of = num17,xshift= 0.6cm,fill=green!10]{3};
\node(num19)[num,below of = num17,yshift=-0.6cm,fill=yellow!10]{8};
\node(num18)[num,right of = num17,xshift= 0.6cm,fill=green!10]{8};
\node(num19)[num,below of = num17,yshift=-0.6cm,fill=yellow!10]{3};
\node(num20)[num,below of = num18,yshift= -0.6cm,fill=blue!10]{4};
\node [right of = num20,xshift= 0.7cm]{};
......@@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ $\otimes$: & 按位乘运算 \\
\draw[-latex,thick] (b.east) -- (c2.west);
\draw[-latex,thick] (c2.east) -- ([xshift=0.4cm]c2.east);
\node[inner sep=0pt, font=\tiny] at (0.75cm, -0.4cm) {$\mathbi{X}$};
\node[inner sep=0pt, font=\tiny] at ([yshift=-0.8cm]a.south) {$\mathbi{B}=\mathbi{X} * \mathbi{V} + \mathbi{b}_{\mathbi{W}}$};
\node[inner sep=0pt, font=\tiny] at ([yshift=-0.8cm]b.south) {$\mathbi{A}=\mathbi{X} * \mathbi{W} + \mathbi{b}_{\mathbi{V}}$};
\node[inner sep=0pt, font=\tiny] at (8.2cm, -0.4cm) {$\mathbi{Y}=\mathbi{A} \otimes \sigma(\mathbi{B})$};
\node[inner sep=0pt, font=\tiny] at (0.75cm, -0.4cm) {$\mathbi{x}$};
\node[inner sep=0pt, font=\tiny] at ([yshift=-0.8cm]a.south) {$\mathbi{B}=\mathbi{x} * \mathbi{V} + \mathbi{b}_{\mathbi{W}}$};
\node[inner sep=0pt, font=\tiny] at ([yshift=-0.8cm]b.south) {$\mathbi{A}=\mathbi{x} * \mathbi{W} + \mathbi{b}_{\mathbi{V}}$};
\node[inner sep=0pt, font=\tiny] at (8.2cm, -0.4cm) {$\mathbi{y}=\mathbi{A} \otimes \sigma(\mathbi{B})$};
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
\node[vuale] at ([xshift=0.9em]r3_1.east) {$\mathbi{z}_1$};
\node (t1) at (2.5em, -1em) {\large{$\cdots$}};
\node [anchor=north,font=\tiny] at ([yshift=-0.2em]t1.south) {(a) 传统卷积};
\node [anchor=north,font=\tiny] at ([yshift=-0.2em]t1.south) {(a) 标准卷积};
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
%\draw [thick] (3.6cm, -0.3cm) -- (3.6cm, -0.5cm) -- node[font=\tiny, align=center,yshift=-0.5cm]{Convolutional layer with \\ multiple filter widths and \\ feature maps} (6cm,-0.5cm) -- (6cm, -0.3cm);
%\draw [thick] (7.2cm, -0.3cm) -- (7.2cm, -0.5cm) -- node[font=\tiny, align=center,yshift=-0.5cm]{Max-over-time\\ pooling} (9cm,-0.5cm) -- (9cm, -0.3cm);
%\draw [thick] (10cm, -0.3cm) -- (10cm, -0.5cm) -- node[font=\tiny, align=center,yshift=-0.5cm]{Fully connected layer \\ with dropout and \\ softmax output} (11.7cm,-0.5cm) -- (11.7cm, -0.3cm);
\draw [thick] (0cm, -0.3cm) -- (0cm, -0.5cm) -- node[font=\tiny, align=center,yshift=-0.5cm]{维度大小为 $m \times k$ \\ 的静态与非静态通道\\的句子表示} (2.4cm,-0.5cm) -- (2.4cm, -0.3cm);
\draw [thick] (0cm, -0.3cm) -- (0cm, -0.5cm) -- node[font=\tiny, align=center,yshift=-0.5cm]{维度大小为 $m \times K$ \\ 的静态与非静态通道\\的句子表示} (2.4cm,-0.5cm) -- (2.4cm, -0.3cm);
\draw [thick] (3.6cm, -0.3cm) -- (3.6cm, -0.5cm) -- node[font=\tiny, align=center,yshift=-0.5cm]{具有多个不同大小\\的卷积核和特征图\\的卷积层} (6cm,-0.5cm) -- (6cm, -0.3cm);
\draw [thick] (7.2cm, -0.3cm) -- (7.2cm, -0.5cm) -- node[font=\tiny, align=center,yshift=-0.5cm]{最大池化} (9cm,-0.5cm) -- (9cm, -0.3cm);
\draw [thick] (10cm, -0.3cm) -- (10cm, -0.5cm) -- node[font=\tiny, align=center,yshift=-0.5cm]{带有Dropout\\和Softmax输出\\的全连接层} (11.7cm,-0.5cm) -- (11.7cm, -0.3cm);
......@@ -4975,6 +4975,94 @@ author = {Yoshua Bengio and
%%%%% chapter 11------------------------------------------------------
author = {Shaoqing Ren and
Kaiming He and
Ross Girshick and
Jian Sun},
title = {Faster {R-CNN:} Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal
journal = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers},
volume = {39},
number = {6},
pages = {1137--1149},
year = {2017}
author = {Wei Liu and
Dragomir Anguelov and
Dumitru Erhan and
Christian Szegedy and
Scott Reed and
Cheng-Yang Fu and
Alexander C. Berg},
title = {{SSD:} Single Shot MultiBox Detector},
publisher = {European Conference on Computer Vision},
volume = {9905},
pages = {21--37},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2016}
author = {Jacob Devlin and
Rabih Zbib and
Zhongqiang Huang and
Thomas Lamar and
Richard M. Schwartz and
John Makhoul},
title = {Fast and Robust Neural Network Joint Models for Statistical Machine
pages = {1370--1380},
publisher = {Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
year = {2014}
author = {Mingxuan Wang and
Zhengdong Lu and
Hang Li and
Wenbin Jiang and
Qun Liu},
title = {genCNN: {A} Convolutional Architecture for Word Sequence Prediction},
pages = {1567--1576},
publisher = {The Association for Computer Linguistics},
year = {2015}
author = {Yu Zhang and
William Chan and
Navdeep Jaitly},
title = {Very deep convolutional networks for end-to-end speech recognition},
pages = {4845--4849},
publisher = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers},
year = {2017}
author = {Li Deng and
Ossama Abdel-Hamid and
Dong Yu},
title = {A deep convolutional neural network using heterogeneous pooling for
trading acoustic invariance with phonetic confusion},
pages = {6669--6673},
publisher = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers},
year = {2013}
author = {Thang Luong and
Hieu Pham and
Christopher D. Manning},
title = {Effective Approaches to Attention-based Neural Machine Translation},
publisher = {Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural
Language Processing},
pages = {1412--1421},
year = {2015}
author = {Changhan Wang and
Kyunghyun Cho and
......@@ -5112,11 +5200,12 @@ author = {Yoshua Bengio and
title={Improving Neural Machine Translation Models with Monolingual Data},
author={Rico Sennrich and B. Haddow and Alexandra Birch},
author = {Rico Sennrich and
Barry Haddow and
Alexandra Birch},
title = {Improving Neural Machine Translation Models with Monolingual Data},
publisher = {The Association for Computer Linguistics},
year = {2016}
......@@ -5130,7 +5219,7 @@ author = {Yoshua Bengio and
title={Phoneme recognition using time-delay neural networks},
author={Alexander H. Waibel and Toshiyuki Hanazawa and Geoffrey E. Hinton and K. Shikano and K. Lang},
author={Alexander Waibel and Toshiyuki Hanazawa and Geoffrey Hinton and Kiyohiro Shikano and K.J. Lang},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing},
......@@ -5139,7 +5228,7 @@ author = {Yoshua Bengio and
title={Backpropagation Applied to Handwritten Zip Code Recognition},
author={Y. LeCun and B. Boser and J. Denker and D. Henderson and R. Howard and W. Hubbard and L. Jackel},
author={Yann LeCun and Bernhard Boser and John Denker and Don Henderson and R. Howard and W.E. Hubbard and Larry Jackel},
journal={Neural Computation},
......@@ -5147,7 +5236,7 @@ author = {Yoshua Bengio and
author={Y. {Lecun} and L. {Bottou} and Y. {Bengio} and P. {Haffner}},
author={Yann {Lecun} and Leon {Bottou} and Y. {Bengio} and Patrick {Haffner}},
journal={Proceedings of the IEEE},
title={Gradient-based learning applied to document recognition},
......@@ -5180,7 +5269,7 @@ author = {Yoshua Bengio and
title={Fast R-CNN},
author={Ross B. Girshick},
author={Ross Girshick},
journal={International Conference on Computer Vision},
......@@ -5197,7 +5286,7 @@ author = {Yoshua Bengio and
title={A Convolutional Neural Network for Modelling Sentences},
author={Nal Kalchbrenner and Edward Grefenstette and P. Blunsom},
author={Nal Kalchbrenner and Edward Grefenstette and Phil Blunsom},
publisher={Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
......@@ -5414,26 +5503,11 @@ author = {Yoshua Bengio and
title={Deep Learning Based Text Classification: A Comprehensive Review},
author = {Shervin Minaee and
Nal Kalchbrenner and
Erik Cambria and
Narjes Nikzad and
Meysam Chenaghlu and
Jianfeng Gao},
title={Rotation, Scaling and Deformation Invariant Scattering for Texture Discrimination},
author = {Laurent Sifre and
St{\'{e}}phane Mallat},
journal={IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
title={Rigid-motion scattering for image classification},
author={Sifre, Laurent and Mallat, St{\'e}phane},
......@@ -5475,6 +5549,27 @@ author = {Yoshua Bengio and
%%%%% chapter 12------------------------------------------------------
author = {Daojian Zeng and
Kang Liu and
Siwei Lai and
Guangyou Zhou and
Jun Zhao},
title = {Relation Classification via Convolutional Deep Neural Network},
pages = {2335--2344},
publisher = {International Conference on Computational Linguistics},
year = {2014}
author = {Rie Johnson and
Tong Zhang},
title = {Deep Pyramid Convolutional Neural Networks for Text Categorization},
pages = {562--570},
publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
year = {2017}
author = {Anmol Gulati and
James Qin and
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