Commit d2844189 by 单韦乔


parent 1c1bd285
......@@ -6601,11 +6601,11 @@ author = {Yoshua Bengio and
year = {2012}
author = {Jia-Jie Zhu and
Jos{\'{e}} Bento},
title = {Generative Adversarial Active Learning},
journal = {CoRR},
publisher = {CoRR},
volume = {abs/1702.07956},
year = {2017}
......@@ -7047,6 +7047,209 @@ author = {Yoshua Bengio and
year = {2018}
title={Scheduled Sampling for Sequence Prediction with Recurrent Neural Networks},
author={Samy Bengio and
Oriol Vinyals and
Navdeep Jaitly and
Noam Shazeer},
publisher = {Conference and Workshop on Neural Information Processing Systems},
pages = {1171--1179},
year = {2015}
title={Scheduled Sampling for Sequence Prediction with Recurrent Neural Networks},
author={Samy Bengio and
Oriol Vinyals and
Navdeep Jaitly and
Noam Shazeer},
publisher = {Conference and Workshop on Neural Information Processing Systems},
pages = {1171--1179},
year = {2015}
title={Sequence Level Training with Recurrent Neural Networks},
author={Marc'Aurelio Ranzato and
Sumit Chopra and
Michael Auli and
Wojciech Zaremba},
publisher={International Conference on Learning Representations},
author = {Ian J. Goodfellow and
Jean Pouget-Abadie and
Mehdi Mirza and
Bing Xu and
David Warde-Farley and
Sherjil Ozair and
Aaron C. Courville and
Yoshua Bengio},
title = {Generative Adversarial Nets},
publisher = {Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},
pages = {2672--2680},
year = {2014}
author = {Shiqi Shen and
Yong Cheng and
Zhongjun He and
Wei He and
Hua Wu and
Maosong Sun and
Yang Liu},
title = {Minimum Risk Training for Neural Machine Translation},
publisher = {Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
year = {2016},
author = {Kishore Papineni and
Salim Roukos and
Todd Ward and
Wei-jing Zhu},
title = {Bleu: a Method for Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation},
pages = {311--318},
publisher = {Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
year = {2002}
title={Automatic evaluation of machine translation quality using n-gram co-occurrence statistics},
publisher={Proceedings of the second international conference on Human Language Technology Research},
author={Doddington, George},
title={A study of translation edit rate with targeted human annotation},
author={Snover, Matthew and Dorr, Bonnie and Schwartz, Richard and Micciulla, Linnea and Makhoul, John},
publisher={Proceedings of association for machine translation in the Americas},
title={The METEOR metric for automatic evaluation of machine translation},
author={Lavie, Alon and Denkowski, Michael J},
publisher={Machine translation},
author = {Dzmitry Bahdanau and
Kyunghyun Cho and
Yoshua Bengio},
title = {Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate},
publisher = {International Conference on Learning Representations},
year = {2015}
author = {Philipp Koehn and
Franz Josef Och and
Daniel Marcu},
title = {Statistical Phrase-Based Translation},
publisher = {Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
year = {2003}
author = {David A. Smith and
Jason Eisner},
title = {Minimum Risk Annealing for Training Log-Linear Models},
publisher = {Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
year = {2006}
title={Maximum expected bleu training of phrase and lexicon translation models},
author={He, Xiaodong and Deng, Li},
publisher={Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
author = {Jianfeng Gao and
Xiaodong He and
Wen{-}tau Yih and
Li Deng},
title = {Learning Continuous Phrase Representations for Translation Modeling},
pages = {699--709},
publisher = {Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
year = {2014}
title={Reinforcement learning: An introduction},
author={Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto},
publisher={MIT press}
author = {David Silver and
Aja Huang and
Chris J. Maddison and
Arthur Guez and
Laurent Sifre and
George van den Driessche and
Julian Schrittwieser and
Ioannis Antonoglou and
Vedavyas Panneershelvam and
Marc Lanctot and
Sander Dieleman and
Dominik Grewe and
John Nham and
Nal Kalchbrenner and
Ilya Sutskever and
Timothy P. Lillicrap and
Madeleine Leach and
Koray Kavukcuoglu and
Thore Graepel and
Demis Hassabis},
title = {Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search},
publisher = {Nature},
volume = {529},
number = {7587},
pages = {484--489},
year = {2016}
author = {Wojciech Zaremba and
Tomas Mikolov and
Armand Joulin and
Rob Fergus},
title = {Learning Simple Algorithms from Examples},
series = {{JMLR} Workshop and Conference Proceedings},
volume = {48},
pages = {421--429},
publisher = {International Conference on Machine Learning},
year = {2016}
author = {Andrew Y. Ng and
Daishi Harada and
Stuart J. Russell},
title = {Policy Invariance Under Reward Transformations: Theory and Application
to Reward Shaping},
pages = {278--287},
publisher = {International Conference on Machine Learning},
year = {1999}
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