\node[anchor=west] (ref) at (0,0) {\textbf{参考答案:} The Chinese star performance troupe presented a wonderful Peking opera as well as singing and dancing };
\node[anchor=north west] (ref2) at (ref.south west) {{\color{white}\textbf{Reference:}} performance to Hong Kong audience .};
\node[anchor=north west] (hifst) at (ref2.south west) {\textbf{层次短语系统:} Star troupe of China, highlights of Peking opera and dance show to the audience of Hong Kong .};
\node[anchor=north west] (synhifst) at (hifst.south west) {\textbf{句法系统:} Chinese star troupe};
\node[anchor=west, fill=green!20!white, inner sep=0.25em] (synhifstpart2) at (synhifst.east) {presented};
\node[anchor=west, fill=blue!20!white, inner sep=0.25em] (synhifstpart3) at ([xshift=0.2em]synhifstpart2.east) {a wonderful Peking opera singing and dancing};
\node[anchor=west, fill=red!20!white, inner sep=0.40em] (synhifstpart4) at ([xshift=0.2em]synhifstpart3.east) {to};
\node[anchor=west, fill=purple!20!white, inner sep=0.25em] (synhifstpart5) at ([xshift=0.2em]synhifstpart4.east) {Hong Kong audience};
\node[anchor=west] (synhifstpart6) at (synhifstpart5.east) {.};
\node[anchor=north west] (input) at ([yshift=-10em]synhifst.south west) {\textbf{源语句法树:}};
\node<2->[anchor=north west] (rule) at ([yshift=-2em]synhifst.south west) {句法翻译规则:};