Commit bcb189ce by xiaotong

update to the core file

parent 01bd6b80
......@@ -123,45 +123,67 @@
\tikzstyle{neuronnode} = [minimum size=1.5em,circle,draw,ublue,very thick,fill=white,drop shadow={shadow xshift=0.1em,shadow yshift=-0.1em}]
\node [anchor=center,neuronnode] (neuron00) at (0,0) {};
\node [anchor=center,neuronnode] (neuron01) at ([yshift=-3em]neuron00) {};
\node [anchor=center,neuronnode] (neuron02) at ([yshift=-3em]neuron01) {};
\node [anchor=east] (x0) at ([xshift=-6em]neuron00.west) {$x_0$};
\node [anchor=east] (x1) at ([xshift=-6em]neuron01.west) {$x_1$};
\node [anchor=east] (x2) at ([xshift=-6em]neuron02.west) {$b$};
\node [anchor=west] (y0) at ([xshift=4em]neuron00.east) {$y_0$};
\node [anchor=west] (y1) at ([xshift=4em]neuron01.east) {$y_1$};
\node [anchor=west] (y2) at ([xshift=4em]neuron02.east) {$y_2$};
\draw [->] (x0.east) -- (neuron00.180) node [pos=0.3,above] {\tiny{$w_{00}$}};
\draw [->] (x0.east) -- (neuron00.180) node [pos=0.1,above] {\tiny{$w_{00}$}};
\draw [->] (x1.east) -- (neuron00.200) node [pos=0.1,above] {\tiny{$w_{10}$}};
\draw [->] (x2.east) -- (neuron00.220) node [pos=0.05,above,yshift=0.3em] {\tiny{$b_{0}$}};
\draw [->] (neuron00.east) -- (y0.west);
\node [anchor=west] (y1) at ([xshift=4em]neuron01.east) {$y_1$};
\draw [->] (x0.east) -- (neuron01.160) node [pos=0.4,above] {\tiny{$w_{01}$}};
\draw [->] (x1.east) -- (neuron01.180) node [pos=0.35,above,yshift=-0.2em] {\tiny{$w_{11}$}};
\draw [->] (x2.east) -- (neuron01.200) node [pos=0.4,below] {\tiny{$b_{1}$}};
\draw [->] (neuron01.east) -- (y1.west);
\node [anchor=west] (y2) at ([xshift=4em]neuron02.east) {$y_2$};
\draw [->] (x0.east) -- (neuron02.140) node [pos=0.1,below,yshift=-0.2em] {\tiny{$w_{02}$}};
\draw [->] (x1.east) -- (neuron02.160) node [pos=0.1,below] {\tiny{$w_{12}$}};
\draw [->] (x2.east) -- (neuron02.180) node [pos=0.3,below] {\tiny{$b_{2}$}};
\draw [->] (neuron02.east) -- (y2.west);
\node [anchor=east,align=left] (inputlabel) at ([xshift=-0.1em]x1.west) {输入向量:\\\small{$\textbf{x}=(x_0,x_1)$}};
\node [anchor=west,align=left] (outputlabel) at ([xshift=0.1em]y1.east) {输出向量:\\\small{$\textbf{y}=(y_0,y_1,y_2)$}};
\node [rectangle,inner sep=0.4em,fill=red!20] [fit = (neuron00) (neuron01) (neuron02)] (layer) {};
\node [anchor=south] (layerlabel) at ([yshift=0.2em]layer.north) {一层神经元};
\node [rectangle,inner sep=0.1em,fill=ugreen!20] [fit = (x0) (x1)] (inputshadow) {};
\node [rectangle,inner sep=0.1em,fill=blue!20] [fit = (y0) (y1) (y2)] (outputshadow) {};
\node [anchor=north west] (wlabel) at ([yshift=-1em,xshift=-7em]x2.south) {参数(矩阵):$\textbf{w} = \Big( \begin{array}{lll} w_{01} & w_{01} & w_{02} \\ w_{11} & w_{11} & w_{12} \end{array} \Big)$};
\node [anchor=west] (blabel) at (wlabel.east) {参数(向量):$\textbf{b} = (b_0, b_1, b_2)$};
......@@ -272,17 +272,17 @@ GPT-2 (Transformer) & Radford et al. & 2019 & \alert{35.7}
%%% 神经元
\begin{frame}{神经网络的基本单元 - 神经元}
\item 生物学上,神经元是神经系统的基本组成单元,因此大家想象的神经网络应该是这样的\\
\item 生物学上,神经元是神经系统的基本组成单元。很多人想象的神经网络应该是这样的\\
\item<2-> 但我们这里说的是\textbf{人工神经元},实际上是这样的 :)
\item 输入$x$经过$w$进行线性变化,之后加上偏移$b$,在经过激活函数$f$,最后得到$y$ - 啥东东???
\item 输入$\textbf{x}$经过$\textbf{w}$进行线性变化,之后加上偏移$\textbf{b}$,在经过激活函数$f$,最后得到$\textbf{y}$ - 啥东东???
y = f(w \cdot x + b)
\textbf{y} = f(\textbf{w} \cdot \textbf{x} + \textbf{b})
......@@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ y = f(w \cdot x + b)
\node [anchor=north west,draw,ublue,very thick,rounded corners=4pt,text width=18em,align=left,fill=white,drop shadow={shadow xshift=0.2em,shadow yshift=-0.2em}] (p21) at ([yshift=-1em]p1.south west) {\black{\textbf{2. 如何将简单的网络单元组合成更}}\\\black{\textbf{\hspace{0.9em} 强大的模型?}}};
\node [anchor=north west,draw,ublue,very thick,rounded corners=4pt,text width=18em,align=left,fill=white,drop shadow={shadow xshift=0.2em,shadow yshift=-0.2em}] (p22) at ([yshift=-1em]p21.south west) {\black{\textbf{3. 如何对模型中的参数进行学习,}}\\\black{\textbf{\hspace{0.9em} 如何使用学习到的模型进行推断?}}};
\node [anchor=north west,draw,ublue,very thick,rounded corners=4pt,text width=18em,align=left,fill=white,drop shadow={shadow xshift=0.2em,shadow yshift=-0.2em}] (p22) at ([yshift=-1em]p21.south west) {\black{\textbf{3. 如何对模型中的参数进行学习,}}\\\black{\textbf{\hspace{0.9em} 之后使用学习到的模型进行推断?}}};
......@@ -772,6 +772,93 @@ y = f(w \cdot x + b)
%%% 层的概念
\item 对于一个问题(相同输入),可能会有多个输出,这时可以把\alert{多个相同的神经元并列起来},构成一\alert{``层"}
\item 比如,天气预报需要同时预测湿度和温度
\tikzstyle{neuronnode} = [minimum size=1.5em,circle,draw,ublue,very thick,fill=white,drop shadow={shadow xshift=0.1em,shadow yshift=-0.1em}]
\node [anchor=center,neuronnode] (neuron00) at (0,0) {};
\node [anchor=center,neuronnode] (neuron01) at ([yshift=-3em]neuron00) {};
\node [anchor=center,neuronnode] (neuron02) at ([yshift=-3em]neuron01) {};
\node [anchor=east] (x0) at ([xshift=-6em]neuron00.west) {$x_0$};
\node [anchor=east] (x1) at ([xshift=-6em]neuron01.west) {$x_1$};
\node [anchor=east] (x2) at ([xshift=-6em]neuron02.west) {$b$};
\node [anchor=west] (y0) at ([xshift=4em]neuron00.east) {$y_0$};
\draw [->] (x0.east) -- (neuron00.180) node [pos=0.1,above] {\tiny{$w_{00}$}};
\draw [->] (x1.east) -- (neuron00.200) node [pos=0.1,above] {\tiny{$w_{10}$}};
\draw [->] (x2.east) -- (neuron00.220) node [pos=0.05,above,yshift=0.3em] {\tiny{$b_{0}$}};
\draw [->] (neuron00.east) -- (y0.west);
\node [anchor=west] (y1) at ([xshift=4em]neuron01.east) {$y_1$};
\draw [->] (x0.east) -- (neuron01.160) node [pos=0.4,above] {\tiny{$w_{01}$}};
\draw [->] (x1.east) -- (neuron01.180) node [pos=0.35,above,yshift=-0.2em] {\tiny{$w_{11}$}};
\draw [->] (x2.east) -- (neuron01.200) node [pos=0.3,below,yshift=0.2em] {\tiny{$b_{1}$}};
\draw [->] (neuron01.east) -- (y1.west);
\node [anchor=west] (y2) at ([xshift=4em]neuron02.east) {$y_2$};
\draw [->] (x0.east) -- (neuron02.140) node [pos=0.1,below,yshift=-0.2em] {\tiny{$w_{02}$}};
\draw [->] (x1.east) -- (neuron02.160) node [pos=0.1,below] {\tiny{$w_{12}$}};
\draw [->] (x2.east) -- (neuron02.180) node [pos=0.3,below] {\tiny{$b_{2}$}};
\draw [->] (neuron02.east) -- (y2.west);
\node [anchor=east,align=left] (inputlabel) at ([xshift=-0.1em]x1.west) {输入向量:\\\small{$\textbf{x}=(x_0,x_1)$}};
\node [anchor=west,align=left] (outputlabel) at ([xshift=0.1em]y1.east) {输出向量:\\\small{$\textbf{y}=(y_0,y_1,y_2)$}};
\node [rectangle,inner sep=0.4em,fill=red!20] [fit = (neuron00) (neuron01) (neuron02)] (layer) {};
\node [anchor=south] (layerlabel) at ([yshift=0.2em]layer.north) {一层神经元};
\node [rectangle,inner sep=0.1em,fill=ugreen!20] [fit = (x0) (x1)] (inputshadow) {};
\node [rectangle,inner sep=0.1em,fill=blue!20] [fit = (y0) (y1) (y2)] (outputshadow) {};
\node [anchor=north west] (wlabel) at ([yshift=-1em,xshift=-7em]x2.south) {参数(矩阵):$\textbf{w} = \Big( \begin{array}{lll} w_{00} & w_{01} & w_{02} \\ w_{10} & w_{11} & w_{12} \end{array} \Big)$};
\node [anchor=west] (blabel) at (wlabel.east) {参数(向量):$\textbf{b} = (b_0, b_1, b_2)$};
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