Commit c44d1a79 by xuchen

gather implementation in mt

parent a400b619
......@@ -193,13 +193,21 @@ void T2TModel::MakeMT(XTensor &inputEnc, XTensor &inputDec, XTensor &output, XTe
XTensor maskDec;
/* generate mask to see "previous" words on the decoder side */
int len = inputDec.GetDim(inputDec.order - 2);
int * dims = new int[inputDec.order + 1];
//int len = inputDec.GetDim(inputDec.order - 2);
//int * dims = new int[inputDec.order + 1];
//for(int i = 0; i < inputDec.order; i++)
// dims[i + 1] = inputDec.GetDim(i);
//dims[0] = nhead;
//dims[inputDec.order] = len;
//InitTensor(&maskDec, inputDec.order + 1, dims, X_FLOAT, 1.0F, inputDec.devID, inputDec.mem);
int len = inputDec.GetDim(inputDec.order - 1);
int * dims = new int[inputDec.order + 2];
for(int i = 0; i < inputDec.order; i++)
dims[i + 1] = inputDec.GetDim(i);
dims[0] = nhead;
dims[inputDec.order] = len;
InitTensor(&maskDec, inputDec.order + 1, dims, X_FLOAT, 1.0F, inputDec.devID, inputDec.mem);
dims[inputDec.order + 1] = len;
InitTensor(&maskDec, inputDec.order + 2, dims, X_FLOAT, 1.0F, paddingEnc.devID, paddingEnc.mem);
/* a upper triangular matrix where the cells of the upper triangular are set to -1e-9.
this matrix can be used to prevent the attention to current or following words in
......@@ -199,24 +199,6 @@ public:
int devID, XMem * mem,
bool isTraining);
/* load a batch of sequences (for language modeling) */
int LoadBatchLM(FILE * file,
XTensor * batchEnc, XTensor * paddingEnc,
XTensor * batchDec, XTensor * paddingDec,
XTensor * gold,
int * seqs, int vs, int sBatch, int wBatch,
bool isSorted, int &wCount,
int devID, XMem * mem);
/* load a batch of sequences (for machine translation) */
int LoadBatchMT(FILE * file,
XTensor * batchEnc, XTensor * paddingEnc,
XTensor * batchDec, XTensor * paddingDec,
XTensor * gold,
int * seqs, int vsEnc, int vsDec, int sBatch, int wBatch,
bool isSorted, int &wCount,
int devID, XMem * mem);
/* shuffle the data file */
void Shuffle(const char * srcFile, const char * tgtFile);
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