\node[anchor=west] (ref) at (0,0) {\textbf{人工翻译:}\alert{After} North Korea demanded concessions from U.S. again before the start of a new round of six-nation talks ...};
\node[anchor=north west] (hifst) at ([yshift=-0.3em]ref.south west) {\textbf{机器翻译:}\blue{In}\black{} the new round of six-nation talks on North Korea again demanded that U.S. in the former promise ...};
\node[anchor=north west] (synhifst) at ([yshift=-0.3em]hifst.south west) {\textbf{better?:}};
\node[anchor=west, fill=red!20!white, inner sep=0.3em] (synhifstpart1) at ([xshift=-0.5em]synhifst.east) {After};
\node[anchor=west, fill=blue!20!white, inner sep=0.25em] (synhifstpart2) at ([xshift=0.1em,yshift=-0.05em]synhifstpart1.east) {North Korea again demanded that U.S. promised concessions before the new round of six-nation talks};
\node[anchor=west] (synhifstpart3) at ([xshift=-0.2em]synhifstpart2.east) {...};
\node [anchor=west] (inputlabel) at ([yshift=-0.4in]synhifst.west) {\textbf{Input:}};
\node [anchor=west,minimum height=12pt] (inputseg1) at (inputlabel.east) {在$_1$};
\node[anchor=west] (ref) at (0,0) {\textbf{人工翻译:}\alert{After} North Korea demanded concessions from U.S. again before the start of a new round of six-nation talks ...};
\node[anchor=north west] (hifst) at ([yshift=-0.3em]ref.south west) {\textbf{机器翻译:}\blue{In}\black{} the new round of six-nation talks on North Korea again demanded that U.S. in the former promise ...};
\node[anchor=north west] (synhifst) at ([yshift=-0.3em]hifst.south west) {\textbf{better?:}};
\node[anchor=west, fill=red!20!white, inner sep=0.3em] (synhifstpart1) at ([xshift=-0.5em]synhifst.east) {After};
\node[anchor=west, fill=blue!20!white, inner sep=0.25em] (synhifstpart2) at ([xshift=0.1em,yshift=-0.05em]synhifstpart1.east) {North Korea again demanded that U.S. promised concessions before the new round of six-nation talks};
\node[anchor=west] (synhifstpart3) at ([xshift=-0.2em]synhifstpart2.east) {...};
\node [anchor=west] (inputlabel) at ([yshift=-0.4in]synhifst.west) {\textbf{Input:}};
\node [anchor=west,minimum height=12pt] (inputseg1) at (inputlabel.east) {在$_1$};